Module 7 - Support Services
Module 7 - Support Services
Module 7 - Support Services
Part of Relevant
S. No. Operational Flow Heading
Schedule 4 Section
Management &
Supervision Part 2 Section 6 Management & Supervision
Food Testing
Facilities Part 2 Section 7 Food Testing Facilities
7 Sanitation and Maintenance of
7.3 Pest Control Establishment Premises - Pest
Part 2 Section 9.2 Control System
Sanitation and Maintenance of
Cleaning &
7.4 Establishment Premises -
Part 2 Section 9.1 Cleaning and Maintenance
Good Food Hygiene Practices -
Part 5 Section 2.1 Cleaning
Part of Relevant
S. No. Operational Flow Heading
Schedule 4 Section
7.5 Waste Handling Facilities - Drainage and waste
Part 2 Section 4.5 disposal
7 7.6 Training
Part 2 Section 12 Training
7.7 Record Keeping Audit, Documentation and
Part 2 Section 8 Records
7.8 Consumer Product Information & Consumer
Awareness Part 2 Section 11 Awareness
Support Services
Management and Supervision
1.A detailed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the processing of food as
well as its packing, despatch and storage will be developed.
Support Services
Support Services
SOP should be based on – 5W’s & 1H
Support Services
Food Testing Facilities
1.A well equipped laboratory for physical, microbiological and chemical analysis
shall be in place inside the premise.
Support Services
(As per the condition of license –
Support Services
Support Services
Pest Control Systems
2. Animals, birds and pets shall not be allowed to enter into the food
establishment areas/ premises.
Support Services
Pest Control Systems
5. Treatment with permissible chemical, physical or biological agents, within
the appropriate limits, shall be carried out without posing a threat to the safety
or suitability of food.
6. Records of pesticides / insecticides used along with dates and frequency
shall be maintained.
Major Pest includes –
1. Cockroaches
3. Flies
Support Services
1. Cockroaches
Cockroaches are the most common pests in food service facilities. They are active
mostly at night. They prefer places that are: Warm (80o F or higher) and Moist - 55%
humidity or higher (which is another reason to keep relative humidity at or below
50%). Cockroaches like to hide in cracks and crevices and they frequently take
advantage of “free rides” in delivery boxes, bags and personal items.
Cockroaches are attracted to spilled food and water or beverages. Equipment, such
as microwave ovens and electric grills need to be checked carefully.
Inspect and clean all food preparation equipment and surfaces (such as the area
above the refrigerator shown in the upper right picture).
Support Services
Chemical Control of Cockroaches
Support Services
2. Rodents
• Rats and mice (usually mice are the more common problem)
• Damage/contaminate food and property
• Can spread diseases through their feces
and urine or by contact with surfaces
Support Services
Rodents nest outdoors in areas hidden by tall grass, landscaping, “clutter” or
down in sewers.
Support Services
Rodents Traps
Mechanical traps are the best choice for indoor rodent control. Lethal traps include
sticky traps (right) and regular snap traps (upper left). Mechanical rodent traps
include “live traps” as shown here (lower left). Traps must be checked daily and
rodents or their carcasses removed as soon as possible.
Support Services
Rodent Baiting
Poison baits can be used outdoors and indoors. However, if baits are used indoors, rodents
may die in a wall void, under appliances or in some other inaccessible place.
Keep track of rodent feeding activity on these baits. Placement is critical. Rodents prefer to
travel along walls, so place the stations where rodents are likely to find them (as shown in
the two pictures above). One important point to remember: if you bait in public areas (i.e.,
accessible to people or animals), then you must place the baits in a secure bait station
Support Services
Proper Use Of Rodent Baits
If indoors bait used, NEVER use pellet baits (as shown on the left). Mice may
carry the bait away and drop it somewhere else (“bait translocation”) where
it could contaminate food or water.
Always use the paraffin (“wax”) “bait blocks” as shown on the right. They
The bait are more difficult for the mouse to remove from a bait station.
Support Services
Common Fly Pests
“Filth flies” are the most common fly problems associated with food-handling facilities.
They include house flies and the green, blue or coppery colored blow flies commonly
seen around garbage cans.
Fruit flies are found near damaged or discarded fruits and vegetables. Drain flies breed in
floor/sink drain, as well as the drip lines for air conditioners, freezers and ice-makers.
Fungus gnats can also be found where indoor plants are overwatered.
Support Services
Common Fly Pests
Sanitation is very important to fly control and prevention. Keep food prep areas clean
and dry.
Clean up spills around beverage dispensing stations. Routine drain cleaning prevents
debris from building up and reduces the likelihood of problems with drain flies or fruit
Check your refrigeration and icemaker drip lines several times each year and clean them
when necessary.
Support Services
Light Traps for fly pests
They should be mounted preferably 4-6 feet off the ground, but out of the way of
employee activities.
Indoors, place these traps where they will not be visible from outside. Otherwise, they
might attract flies to the building. Bulbs should be replaced yearly and the replacement
date noted on the trap.
Support Services
Stored product pest
Important pests in food service are those that attack store foods. The Indian meal moth
(a small moth with coppery-colored wings) is probably the most common stored
products pest found in North Carolina.
Flour and grain beetles are other important stored product pests. All of these insects
attack a wide variety of foods.
Items such as flour, spices, pasta and cereals are particular favorite foods of these
beetles and moths. However, you also need to think about “non-food” items that may
be in or near your building.
Birdseed is often infested with beetles and moths. Rodent baits use grain as an
Insects can feed readily on these baits without being harmed by the chemicals in the
bait. This is not usually a problem unless the bait is placed in storage areas and left
unchecked for months
Support Services
Stored product pest
Important pests in food service are those that attack store foods. The Indian meal moth
(a small moth with coppery-colored wings) is probably the most common stored
products pest found in North Carolina.
Flour and grain beetles are other important stored product pests. All of these insects
attack a wide variety of foods.
Items such as flour, spices, pasta and cereals are particular favorite foods of these
beetles and moths. However, you also need to think about “non-food” items that may
be in or near your building.
Birdseed is often infested with beetles and moths. Rodent baits use grain as an
Insects can feed readily on these baits without being harmed by the chemicals in the
bait. This is not usually a problem unless the bait is placed in storage areas and left
unchecked for months
Support Services
Some of the potential sources of pest entrance
Support Services
Some of the pest control methods
Support Services
Some of the pest control methods
Food materials shall be stored in pest-proof containers stacked above the ground and away
from walls
Support Services
Sanitation and Maintenance of Establishment Premises
Support Services
Sanitation and Maintenance of Establishment Premises
2. Good Food Hygiene Practices - Cleaning
(1)Food areas and equipment between different tasks, especially after handling
raw food shall be cleaned.
(2)The schedule should include:
what needs to be cleaned
how often it needs to be cleaned
how the cleaning should be done
(3) The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned in case if somebody spills food /
water / drink.
(4) Cleaning instructions should indicate:
what cleaning products should be used
how the products should be stored
how much they should be used or diluted
how long that should be left in contact with the surface
Support Services
Microorganisms can be passed from person to person by both dishes and
utensils, therefore proper cleaning and sanitation is important in preventing the
spread of pathogens.
Cleaning –
It is the process of removal of visible dirt, oil, grease and organic matter
from an object using detergent, warm water and scrubbing .
Effective cleaning must occur before sanitising, as sanitizers may not work
as well if the food contact surface or utensil has not had all visible
contamination removed.
Detergents are chemicals that remove dirt and grease, however detergents do
not kill bacteria and other microorganisms.
Microorganisms may be removed during the cleaning process. However,
cleaning is not intended to destroy microorganisms, sanitising is required for this
Support Services
Support Services
Types of sanitizers
There are two type of chemical sanitizer preferred by food industry as well as
international standard) for sanitizing the perishable and food contact surfaces.
i) Chlorine Based Sanitizer
ii) QMBA Sanitizer
Chlorine sanitizer is generally preferred for sanitizing the perishable and QMBA
sanitizer preferred for food contact surfaces because chlorine sanitizer
concentration require continuously monitored because of its evaporation.
QMBA Sanitizer used for food contact surfaces because its concentration not
vary with time.
Support Services
Points to remember about sanitising
1. Some sanitizers are toxic and residue must be rinsed off. Toxic sanitisers
I. QACs (quaternary ammonium compounds)
II. chlorine release agents (hypochlorites)
2. Some sanitizers, such as chlorine dioxide, are food-safe and do not require
3. Sanitizers all work best at the correct dilution. If they are too weak, they do
not work effectively, if they are too strong you are wasting your money.
4. Sanitizers need time to work. The contact time varies and may be seconds or
minutes depending on the job.
Support Services
Points to remember about sanitising
5. Sanitising solution can be made up as needed and put into labelled spray
bottles for use on bench tops, fridges, door handles and other surfaces.
6. Check the dilution, contact time, safety precautions, shelf life and storage of
all chemicals before use.
Support Services
Sanitation and Maintenance of Establishment Premises
Template for Cleaning/Sanitation Program
Support Services
Illustrative -
Support Services
Illustrative -
1. Never store chemicals near food, food storage areas or any tools or equipment
that will touch food. Keep them under lock in a designated area only for
cleaning tools and chemicals.
2. Never leave chemicals on or near a food preparation area. That includes on top of
counters, stoves, etc.
3. Do not store chemicals above food prep areas, kitchen sinks or drain boards.
4. Store chemicals in their originally labelled containers and make sure they are
closed properly.
5. Never use beverage cups, pitchers, drinking, beverage or food storage containers
to store, transport or mix chemicals.
6. Always read the instructions on the label before use, even if it’s a product you use
regularly. You don’t want to accidentally use the product in the wrong area or use
it incorrectly.
Support Services
Proper Cleaning Chemical Storage and Safety
Support Services
Drainage and waste disposal
i. Food waste and other waste materials shall be removed periodically
- a refuse bin of adequate size with a proper cover shall be provided
- it shall be emptied and washed daily with a disinfectant and dried before next
ii. The disposal of sewage and effluents (solid, liquid and gas) shall be in
conformity with requirements of Factory / Environment Pollution Control
- adequate drainage, waste disposal systems and facilities shall be provided to
eliminate risk of contaminating food or portable water.
iii. Waste storage –
- shall be kept in covered containers
- shall be removed at regular intervals as per local rules and regulations
- shall be located away to avoid contamination
Support Services
Drainage and waste disposal
Classification of
- can be
(paper, wood,
fruits and
biodegradable -
cannot be
bottles, old
machines, cans,
containers and
Support Services
Clean and sanitized, segregated waste bin system with lids and inner linings
Support Services
Clean and sanitized, segregated waste bin system with lids and inner linings
Support Services
Support Services
Support Services
Support Services
List of records as mandated under Part 2 & Part 5 of Schedule 4 of Food Safety &
Standards (Licensing & Registration of Food Businesses) Regulation, 2011
S. Section Section Clause Requirement
No Name
1 Part 2 Facilities 4.1.3 Water storage tanks shall be cleaned periodically and
records of the same shall be maintained in a
Section 4 register.
2 Part 2 Food 5.1.3 Records of raw materials, food additives and
operations ingredients as well as their source of procurement shall
Section 5 and controls be maintained in a register for inspection.
3 Part 2 Audit, 8.2 Appropriate records of food processing / preparation,
documentati production / cooking, storage, distribution, service,
Section 8 on and food quality, laboratory test results, cleaning and
records sanitation, pest control and product recall shall be kept
and retained for a period of one year or the shelf-life of
the product, whichever is more.
Support Services
List of records as mandated under Part 2 & Part 5 of Schedule 4 of Food Safety &
Standards (Licensing & Registration of Food Businesses) Regulation, 2011
S. Section Section Name Clause Requirement
4 Part 2 Sanitation and 9.1.1 A cleaning and sanitation programme shall be
maintenance of drawn up and observed and the record thereof shall
Section 9 establishment be properly maintained, which shall indicate specific
premises areas to be cleaned, cleaning frequency and
cleaning procedure to be followed, including
equipment and materials to be used for cleaning.
Equipment used in manufacturing will be cleaned
and sterilized at set frequencies.
5 Part 2 Sanitation and 9.2.3 Pest infestations shall be dealt with immediately
maintenance of and without adversely affecting the food safety or
Section 9 establishment suitability. Treatment with permissible chemical,
premises physical or biological agents, within the appropriate
limits, shall be carried out without posing a threat
to the safety or suitability of food. Records of
pesticides / insecticides used along with dates and
frequency shall be maintained.
Support Services
List of records as mandated under Part 2 & Part 5 of Schedule 4 of Food Safety &
Standards (Licensing & Registration of Food Businesses) Regulation, 2011
S. Section Section Clause Requirement
No. Name
6 Part 2 Personal 10.1.2 Arrangements shall be made to get the food
hygiene handlers / employees of the establishment
Section 10 medically examined once in a year to ensure that
they are free from any infectious, contagious and
other communicable
diseases. A record of these examinations signed
by a registered medical practitioner shall be
maintained for inspection purpose.
7 Part 2 Personal 10.1.3 The factory staff shall be compulsorily inoculated
hygiene against the enteric group of diseases as per
Section 10 recommended schedule of the vaccine and a
record shall be kept for inspection.
8 FSS Condition of Maintain daily records of production, raw
Regulation License materials utilization and sales separately
Support Services
Support Services
Product Information and Consumer Awareness
(1)All packaged food products shall carry a label and requisite information as per
provisions of FSS Act, 2006 and Regulations made there under. (Please refer http
(2)The label shall provide information to enable the food handler to store, process,
prepare and display the food products safely.
(3)The label shall enable easy traceability and recall if necessary.
Support Services
Product Information and Consumer Awareness
Labelling of pre-packaged food shall include –
Support Services
Labelling of food products as per FSS Act requirement for consumer awareness and product