Unit 3 Cyber Security
Unit 3 Cyber Security
Unit 3 Cyber Security
Cyber Security
We can divide cybersecurity into two parts one is cyber, and the
other is security.
Cyber technology that includes systems, networks, programs,
and data.
Security concerned with the protection of systems, networks,
applications, and information.
It is also called Electronic Information
Security or Information Technology Security.
Applications of Cyber Security
A program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs
against your wishes.
Viruses can also replicate themselves.
All computer viruses are manmade.
Viruses copy themselves to other disks to spread to other computers.
They can be merely annoying or they can be vastly destructive to your files.
Macro virus
Boot virus
Logic Bomb virus
Directory virus
Resident virus
Trojan Horses
Zombie programs take control of your computer and use it and its
Internet connection to attack other computers or networks or to
perform other criminal activities.
Spam is email that you did not request and do not want.
One person's spam is another's useful newsletter or sale ad.
Spam is a common way to spread viruses, trojans, and the like
• Backdoor:
• Method of bypassing normal authentication and gaining
access in OS or application.
Types of Cyber Attacks Contin….
• Buffer Overflow:
• An exploit that takes advantage of the program that is
waiting for a user’s input.
• Man-in-the-middle Attack:
• This attack intercepts and relays messages between two
parties who are communicating directly with each other.
• Cross-Site Scripting (XSS):
• A code injection attack that allows an attacker to execute
malicious JavaScript in another user’s browser.
• Zero-day exploit:
• A vulnerability in a system or device that has been
disclosed but is not yet patched.
Impacts of Cyber Attacks
Burpsuite…… etc.
NMAP (Network Mapper) is an open-source tool used for scanning the
It is mainly useful to discover hosts, information gathering about the network
devices on which service or port is open publicly .
NMAP supports major OS platforms like Windows, Linux and even MAC
The main advantage of NMAP is flexible, easily portable, free, and well
In other words, we can use Nmap to scan IP addresses, search for security
loopholes, and scan for open ports on your computer network by sending
packets and analyzing the responses.
What Does Nmap Do?
Scan every active IP address
Perform entire network scanning
Identify server vulnerabilities
Develop visual mappings.
Automate system and vulnerability scans
Wireshark is used globally by many for analyzing network protocol.
This tool help to capture packets using pcap, store and analyze each packet in
a detailed fashion.
Wireshark has many uses, including troubleshooting networks that have
performance issues. Cybersecurity professionals often use Wireshark to trace
connections, view the contents of suspect network transactions and identify
bursts of network traffic.
Wireshark supports OS platforms like Windows, Linux, Solaris, macOS etc.
Wireshark is also an open-source tool similar to the tcpdump with a user
interface option.
Usage of Wireshark
Wireshark is a safe tool used by government agencies, educational institutions,
corporations, small businesses and nonprofits alike to troubleshoot network
issues. Additionally, Wireshark can be used as a learning tool.
• Verify links in unsolicited emails. They may be phishing attempts to get your personal info.
• Beware of links with strange character strings. They may contain malware or phishing.
• Check a link yourself by hovering your cursor over it without clicking. You can see the real address in
the lower left corner of your browser.
• Copy the address for testing. You can use online tools to scan the link for malware or phishing.
• Phishtank: PhishTank is a collaborative clearing house for data and information about phishing
on the Internet.
• PhishTank | Join the fight against phishing
Add-ons (Plugins and Extensions), like the Web Browser on which it is installed, also need to be
managed and kept up-to-date. Most Add-on Updates address Security Vulnerabilities and Critical
Issues that NEED to be resolved. It is VERY IMPORTANT that these are kept up-to-date.