CHAPTER 5 - TheVowsWeTake
CHAPTER 5 - TheVowsWeTake
CHAPTER 5 - TheVowsWeTake
We Take
In the present module, we will be
focusing on the vows taken by a few
characters from Mahābhārata -
Gāndhārī, Arjuna, and Bhīma.
He asks for Gāndhārī's hand in marriage.
How does But there are two questions that we should contemplate.
this apply to
us? Whether we took the vow out of intellectual clarity or whether it was a spontaneous
outburst to a demanding situation.
If we took the Pratijñā as an emotional retort, then the second question is to see
whether there is any use in sticking to that Pratijñā. If we comprehend the bigger
picture and still feel that the Pratijñā is beneficial for us or our society, we can follow
it. If not, we should drop it.