Module 2 - DBMS - 1ST INTERNAL - Converting ER To Table

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Converting ER Diagram to relational schema

ER/CORP/CRS/DB92 Ver. No.: 0.1 Confidential Copyright © 2008, Infosys Technologies Ltd.
Converting Strong entity types

 Each entity type becomes a table

 Each single-valued attribute becomes a column

 Derived attributes are ignored

 Composite attributes are represented by its equivalent parts

 Multi-valued attributes are represented by a separate table

 The key attribute of the entity type becomes the primary key of the

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Entity example

 Here address is a composite


 Years of service is a derived

attribute (can be calculated
from date of joining and
current date)

 Skill set is a multi-valued

Employee (E#, Name, Door_No, Street, City, Pincode, Date_Of_Joining)

Emp_Skillset( E#, Skillset)

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Converting weak entity types
 Weak entity types are
converted into a table of their
own, with the primary key of the
strong entity acting as a foreign
key in the table.

 This foreign key along with the

key of the weak entity forms the
composite primary key of this
weak table

 The Relational Schema

Employee (E# ,EmpName,DateOfJoining,SkillSet)

Dependant (Employee, Dependant_ID, Name, Address)

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Converting relationships

 The way relationships are represented depends on the cardinality

and the degree of the relationship

 The possible cardinalities are:

1:1, 1:M, N:M

 The degrees are:

» Unary
» Binary
» Ternary

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Binary 1:1

Employee 1 head 1 Department

partia otal

 Case 1: Combination of participation types

 The primary key of the partial participant will become the foreign key
in the total participant.

Employee( E#, EName,DateOfJoining,SkillSet)

Department (Dept#, DName,Location,Head)

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Binary 1:1

Employe Sits_on CHAIR

 Case 2: Uniform participation types
 The primary key of either of the participants can become a foreign key in the

Employee (EmpCode,EmpName,DateOfJoining)

Chair( Item#, Model, Location, Used_by)

Employee (EmpCode,EmpName,DateOfJoining,Sits_on)

Chair (Item#, Model, Location)

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Binary 1:N

1 N
Teacher Teaches Subject

The primary key of the relation on the “1” side of the relationship
becomes a foreign key in the relation on the “N” side.

Teacher (TeacherID, Name, Telephone, Cabin)

Subject (SubCode, SubName, Duration, TeacherID)

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Binary M:N

Student Enrolls Course

 A new table is created to represent the relationship which contains two

foreign keys - one from each of the participants in the relationship.

 The primary key of the new table is the combination of the two foreign
 Student (StudentID,SName,DOB,Address) Course(CourseID,CName)

Enrolls (SID, CID)

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Unary 1:1
• Consider employees who are also
a couple
• The primary key field itself will
become foreign key in the same

Employee( E#, EName,…Spouse)

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Unary 1:N

• The primary key field itself

will become foreign key in
the same table.

• Same as unary 1:1

Employee( E#, EName, DateOfJoining, SkillSet, Manager)

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Unary M:N

M Guarantor_of


 There will be two resulting tables. One to represent the entity and
another to represent the M:N relationship as follows

Employee( E#, EName, DateOfJoining, SkillSet)

Guaranty( Guarantor, Beneficiary)

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Ternary relationship

 Represented by a new table.

 The new table contains three

foreign keys - one from each of
the participating Entities.

 The primary key of the new table

is the combination of all three
foreign keys.
 Prescription (DocID, PatCode,

Visit the following link for more

Why Build A Logical Data Model
Copyright © 2008, Infosys Technologies Ltd. 13 Confidential
Deriving Logical Schema for Online Retail Application

 There are four strong entities in the ER Diagram of Online Retail Application.
 Customer
 Item
 Bill
 Supplier

 One binary 1:N relationships

 Pays

 One binary M:N relationship

 OrderedTo

 One Ternary Relationship

 Purchase

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Deriving Logical Schema for Online Retail

So we can think of the following relations

Customer(CustomerId, CustomerName, DateOfRegistration, UserId,

Password) AccountNo
is multi
BankInfo(CustomerId, AccountNo)

 CustomerId is the Primary key of the Customer relation.

 (CustomerId,AccountNo) is the primary key of BankInfo relation
 CustomerId of BankInfo relation is foreign key and refers to CustomerId
attribute of Customer relation.

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Deriving Logical Schema for Online Retail

Billing(BillId, BillDate, CustomerId,AccountNo) Pay relationship is

1:N so no need to
create separate
 BillId is the Primary key of the Billing relation relation
 (CustomerId,AccountNo) are composite foreign key and refers
(CustomerId,AccountNo) column of BankInfo relation.


SupplierId is
ItemSupplier(ItemId, SupplierId) multi valued
in Item entity

 ItemId is the Primary key of the Item relation

 (ItemId,SupplierId) is primary key of ItemSupplier relation
 ItemId of ItemSupplier relation is foreign key to itemId of Item relation

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Deriving Logical Schema for Online Retail

Supplier(SupplierId, SupplierName,SupplierContactNo)

DeliveryDate) OrderedTo
is M:N so
new relation
is required
 SupplierId is Primary key of Supplier Relation
 (ItemId,SupplierId) is composite primary key of ItemOrdered relation
 ItemId of ItemOrdered relation is foreign key to Item relation
 SupplierId of ItemOrdered relation is foreign key to Supplier relation

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Deriving Logical Schema for Online Retail Application

CustomerPurchase(CustomerId, ItemId, BillId, QtyPurchased, NetPrice)

Purchase relationship is
ternary so new relation is

 (CustomerId,ItemId,BillId) are composite Primary key of

CustomerPurchase relation
 CustomerId of CustomerPurchase relation is foreign key to Customer
 ItemId of CustomerPurchase relation is foreign key to Item relation
 BillId of CustomerPurchase relation is foreign key of Billing relation

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Copyright © 2008, Infosys Technologies Ltd.

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