Sap PMGM 1

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Performance Management

System (SAP-PMGM)
Introduction to Performance Management

PM is a Continuous Process of;

• Identifying the performance of individuals and teams

• Measuring the performance of individuals and teams

• Developing the performance of individuals and teams

• Aligning performance with the strategic objectives of the organization.

Aguinis H, 2013
Purposes of Performance Management

Strategic Purpose Execute strategy & communicate important strategic initiatives.

Informational Purpose Communicate to employees what is expected of them (expectations).

Identify challenges, strengths, gaps in knowledge & skills; improve employee

Developmental Purpose performance.

Decision making: identify top performers [reward; retain] & poor performers-
Administrative Purpose correction or exit

Organizational Maintainance Plan effective work force/recruitment, identify future training needs,
Purpose evaluate effectiveness of HC intervention.

Documentation Purpose Document performance & administrative decisions.

Coopbank’s Employee Performance Management Cycle

Performance Agreement
• Expectations: the results to be achieved(objectives)  Recording and tracking employees’
and competencies required to attain these results.) performance data (Monitoring & follow-up).
• Performance standards, measures and indicators Performance Review &  Progress reviews
• Development Plan Planning Monitoring
• Performance Improvement Plan


Performance Coaching &

Evaluation & Feedback  Ongoing and real-time feedback &
• Assessing Employee’s performance score Rewards
against the planned objective(s).  Holding regular meetings.
• Rewarding employees based on their
Coopbank’s Current EPMS Challenges

There is no clear understanding of

organizational goal, individual objectives
Lack of Awareness and expectations by employees.

There is absence of ownership, and

focus from both employees and Lack of Ownership and
management. Focus

There is lack of continuous monitoring &

Absence of Continuous
follow up, real time feedback.
Feedback and Monitoring

Inefficient, ineffective, prone to

errors and time consuming.
Lack of Automation
Overview of SAP PMGM
SAP SuccessFactors PMGM is a cloud solution that support organizations in
setting and tracking goals, managing employee performance, and aligning individual
objectives with organizational objectives.

Major functionalities of SAP PMGM

Goal Management Continuous Performance Continuous Feedback Performance Management Performance Improvement
A process of creating, aligning, A regular and productive ongoing and real-time The process of assessing an A course of action to
monitoring and measuring conversations to track and feedback between employees individual's performance against provide an employee with
corporate and individual goals. maximize employee performance. and their immediate a set of predetermined performance deficiencies
supervisors. objectives the chance to improve
and succeed.
URL Address:

As Manager (EM) As Employee (E)

User: 1. T1000771 User: 1.
2. G1004135 2.
3. S1000215 3.
Password: Coop202020 Password: Coop202020

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