The Mark

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• Begins with an epigraph (short statement/quote at the beginning
of a chapter/book)
• Science fiction genre established by date 264 PC
• “The Machine” shows the reader that the book is set in a
technologically-advanced society where people’s lives are
tracked by a Machine that seems omniscient (all-knowing).
• Narrative voice = first person
• Mood is ominous ( plans to kill father, sister and herself &
mention of blood in final sentence)
• Handler Xavier causes panic on beach so that when everyone
flees, their belongings can be stolen by Kitty and Juliet (called
• Locust attempts to stop Kitty, but Ettie pretends to have a fit as a
• After curfew, Ettie returns to Section O in Slum City where she
shares a room with Kitty.
• Handler Xavier takes credits they stole and tells them to take the
items to Cowboy in the market.
• Ettie hides a book she has stolen under a paver.
• Ettie:
• Main character
• Quick and resourceful, loyal and caring to those she believes to
be worthy of her commitment
• Grateful to Kitty for saving her and is loyal to their friendship,
even though Kitty has changed.
• Ettie:
• No affection for Handler Xavier – He uses the girls and shows
no kindness to her.
• Loves books – Finds pleasure and excitement in them.
• Ettie is a survivor – Able to deceive others and help them
• Handler Xavier:
• Ruthless and self-centered.
• Only concerns himself with the girls because of their usefulness
to him.

• Katherine (Kitty):
• Shallow and self-centered.
• Greedy for attention, beautiful things, and food.
• The Locust:
• Compassionate to Ettie – Believes she is ill.
• Intelligent enough to see through her performance – Starts to
track her.
• Later we find out the Locust is Nicolas – The young man Ettie
has a romantic relationship with.
• Introduction to conflicts
• Ettie vs. Society
• Resents the Mark – Controlled by the numbers on her back.
• Desperately tries to remove the numbers right from the
• Selfishly concerned with her own freedom.
• Introduction to conflicts
• Ettie vs. Other Characters:
• Handler Xavier – She needs him so she can be slightly better off
than those who beg for food. She must convince him of her
innocence and honesty while deceiving him.
• Kitty – Kitty’s carelessness leads her into danger while Ettie
always wants to follow the rules which frustrates Kitty.
• Introduction to conflicts
• Ettie vs. Herself:
• She wants to not care about Kitty but she is constantly agonising
about Kitty’s safety.
• The Setting:
• References to heat: blistered skin, sunblock, cracked lips and
eyelids. In this chapter, the beach setting supports how cruel the
heat is which people try to escape.
• Those who are privileged can lessen the effects of the heat but
the majority suffer because of the heat
• Genre:
• Science fiction: an example of this is the role of the Necromunda.
They are sea scavengers who sail out to sea and dive to the
existing city that the rising water has now covered.
• It gives the idea that the rising temperatures caused the polar ice
to melt and that much of the world has been lost under the
resulting floods.
• Genre:
• The name Necromunda was created by combining necro (Greek,
related to death) and munda (Latin, world). Meaning these are
people who live off the dead world under the sea.
• The word, scavenge means to look through items that have been
thrown away to find something useful. In the novel, the word is
abbreviated to ‘scavvies’. The Necromunda search the city under
the waves for anything useful, which is taken to warehouses
controlled by the Mangerians and sold off.
• Themes:
• Appearance and reality: Not only are Ettie, Kitty, and Handler
Xavier deceiving the victims of their games, but they are also
deceiving each other.
• Summary:
• We meet Cowboy- he is the illicit trader who pawns stolen goods from
Juliet for money.
• She in turn she uses what little money she gets to buy a few things (fruit
and water) for herself and for Kitty.
• We also discover the supernatural world that exists within Slum City, in
the form of Witch (who has 14 fingers), Mistress Hadeda (the talking
bird that predicts the future) and Nelson (the psychic whose skin has
been dried by the sun).
• Witch concocts medicine that helps the Orphan Warden keep the
children sleeping and quiet throughout the night.
• Summary:
• Juliet’s tender side is also revealed as she puts each of the Smalls to
sleep at bedtime. Back in her room, she applies an acid-based cream to
remove the numbers on her spine.
• Juliet loves to read and reads Peter Pan.
• The chapter ends with a Hadeda screaming a warning that Juliet will
go to Savage City.
• Kitty returns after sunrise.
• The background:
• Savage City – the place where convicted prisoners are sent and no
prisoner escapes: they either serve their sentence or they die.
• The Laboratory – Where food is supplied and it indicates that food is
manufactured by a chemical process.
• Conflagration – A very powerful and extensive fire that almost
destroyed the world.
• The background:
• Pg. 60 – When Witch and Nelson are playing Extinct Species (a board
game), Ettie explains that the animals were not always extinct after the
fire. Some survived and were kept in zoos. Before she was born, there was
a problem at the Laboratory and food grew scarce. The flies got eaten and
people were still hungry. People got so hungry that they broke into the
zoos and ate all the animals. That’s when the animals became extinct.
• Pg. 55 – Ettie was 3 days old when she was sent from the birthing station
to live in Section O with the Orphan Warden. She was told that her parents
were sent to Savage City where they died.
• Genre: Science Fiction
• Evidence of a futuristic (very modern) world:
• Muti Nags who sell medicine.
• Bug juice – Made from the fruit that the Market Nags have not managed to
offload and sell. The rotting fruit attracts flies which sink to the bottom where
their juices add to the flavour of the rotten fruit juices.
• Older children are called Bigs and the younger ones are called Smalls.
• Market Nags who sell food.
• Market Wardens who patrol and try to prevent cheating.
• Genre: The Heat
• Muti Nags who sell medicine.
• Bug juice – Made from the fruit that the Market Nags have not managed to
offload and sell. The rotting fruit attracts flies which sink to the bottom where
their juices add to the flavour of the rotten fruit juices.
• Older children are called Bigs and the younger ones are called Smalls.
• Market Nags who sell food.
• Market Wardens who patrol and try to prevent cheating.
• Characters and Relationships
• Handler Xavier and the Orphan Warden – Handler Xavier is the Orphan
Warden’s deputy. They are also mother and son.

• The Orphan Warden: Gets credits from the government which she must
pay to the Bigs as part of their living allowance. She pays a small amount
to the children so that they are forced to play the game with Handler
Xavier which advantages her son. From the game, the children get a small
amount of credits which is just enough to keep them working.
• The Orphan Warden:
• She drinks too much bug juice which causes her to sleep through the noise made
by the little children.
• She does not care about the children; she only cares about the money that she
gets for looking after them.
• She buys medicine from Witch which she says is for her sore bones but she uses it
to drug the children at night so that they sleep.
• She relies on the older children to look after the younger ones so that she does as
little as possible.
• Her title as “warden” is ironic because the term means a person who looks after
and cares for orphans but she is selfish, abusive and treats them unfairly to
benefit herself.
• Juliet/Ettie:
• She makes herself appear as ordinary and hardened but in this chapter, we see a more
affectionate, caring and soft-hearted side to her:

• When the babies are screaming in their cots, Ettie goes to them. She walks in between cots,
comforting them and turning down the lamps to prevent a fire. She removes a toy that a
child might choke on.

• When Kitty is not safely at home, she panics about whether Kitty is safe. However, she
does not want anyone to see her affectionate, caring and soft-hearted side:

• When she is removing the toy from the child that might choke on it, Handler Xavier sees
her and assumes she is stealing the toy.

• She allows him to believe that she is stealing because she wants him to know as little about
her as possible.
• Juliet/Ettie:
• She makes herself appear as ordinary and hardened but in this chapter, we see a more
affectionate, caring and soft-hearted side to her:

• When the babies are screaming in their cots, Ettie goes to them. She walks in between cots,
comforting them and turning down the lamps to prevent a fire. She removes a toy that a
child might choke on.

• When Kitty is not safely at home, she panics about whether Kitty is safe. However, she
does not want anyone to see her affectionate, caring and soft-hearted side:

• When she is removing the toy from the child that might choke on it, Handler Xavier sees
her and assumes she is stealing the toy.

• She allows him to believe that she is stealing because she wants him to know as little about
her as possible.
• Juliet/Ettie:
• She makes herself appear as ordinary and hardened but in this chapter, we see a more
affectionate, caring and soft-hearted side to her:

• When the babies are screaming in their cots, Ettie goes to them. She walks in between cots,
comforting them and turning down the lamps to prevent a fire. She removes a toy that a
child might choke on.

• When Kitty is not safely at home, she panics about whether Kitty is safe. However, she
does not want anyone to see her affectionate, caring and soft-hearted side:

• When she is removing the toy from the child that might choke on it, Handler Xavier sees
her and assumes she is stealing the toy.

• She allows him to believe that she is stealing because she wants him to know as little about
her as possible.

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