Avoiding Procrastination1
Avoiding Procrastination1
Avoiding Procrastination1
Welcome & thank you for coming
We can all be guilty of procrastinating- we can all think of countless times we procrastinated!
Procrastination can have adverse affects on your schoolwork and overall happiness.
We know what we should be doing but we just don’t do it.
It’s easy to put off dreaded activities- Instant short-term relief.
The problem with giving in to this short-term thinking is that it is highly likely that you will be
faced with yet another all-nighter before a deadline, potentially in tears and very stressed trying
to submit an assignment that doesn’t showcase your best work!
Ten Tips to Avoid Procrastinating
Feeling overwhelmed about daunting tasks is typically one of the main factors
of procrastination- Don’t blow them out of proportion!
The best thing you can do to stay positive is to not think about the magnitude of
the assignment and break it down.
It’s always easier to get started on a project when you establish simple,
reachable goals rather than a big, vague plan.
"I'll study biology tonight,” is better planned as "I'll study chapter six
This makes your goals less intimidating and more attainable.
2. Set, simple, Achievable Goals
Lets take a few minutes to think of a SMART Goal for this week…
This can be based on anything that’s happening in your life at the minute e.g. work, studies,
self-care etc.
3. Stop Making Excuses
We are all guilty of waiting for that perfect time to start something.
We continuously make excuses as to why we haven’t got something done or even started.
The problem is that we will continue to make these excuses until we make a conscious effort not to!
“I would love to get that in ahead of schedule but it’s not possible because I’m so busy”
“If I didn’t have X going on, I would be fine”
“ I will wait to hear what others are doing before I start”
“I haven’t got all my research done yet so I will wait”
Life Happens and there will be many times we have to prioritize our health and well-being over studies but we
can prioritize both simultaneously
Stop waiting for the perfect moment- it doesn’t exist
4. Create a Timeline/Schedule
It is so important to take breaks from your studies otherwise you will burn out.
Take short regular breaks throughout the day;
54321 exercise is good to help you take a quick 5 minutes out and re-focus
Studying and/or working doesn’t mean you have to give up all the things you
love. You can still play sports and enjoy hobbies- we just need to manage our
time more effectively.
If you are stressed and over-whelmed the best thing you can do is to take a
break-go for walk, talk to someone, close your eyes for a few minutes, whatever
works for you.
8. Use Incentives
It is very tempting to start the easier jobs and get distracted by easier jobs that
are not as important.
Instead, identify the most challenging aspects of your assignments and start with
The longer you put it off, the more formidable it will seem.
This way everything after it seems easier and takes a shorter amount of time.
10. Tell Someone about your Goal
Start making changes today to avoid the inevitable stress that comes along with
Choose 2-3 things that you think will be most helpful and put them into action
You will thank yourself when it comes to your next deadline