Iframe Images Table
Iframe Images Table
Iframe Images Table
• An HTML iframe is used to display a web page within a web page.
• An inline frame is used to embed another document within the current HTML document
• Syntax
• The <td> tag is used to define the data for the cell in the HTML table.
• We will create each cell with the beginning cell tag <TD> and then
add the content or data to the cell and then close the cell with the
ending cell tag </TD>.
• Cell tag : <TD> </TD>
6. <th> Tag
• The <th> tag is used to define the header cell in an HTML table.
• The header cell in the table is used to provide information for the
remaining cells of the column.
• Header tag : <TH> </TH>
7. <bgcolor> Tag
• The <bgcolor> tag is used to specify the background color of the table.
• Syntax: <table bgcolor = "color_name">
• For the color name, we can directly provide the color name for the
For example <table bgcolor =”Red”>
8. <caption> Tag
• The <caption> tag is used to provide the caption to the table.
• It is placed or used immediately after the <table> tag.
• By default, the table caption will be center-aligned above the table.
• Caption tag : <caption> </caption>
9. Cell Spanning
• Spanning is nothing but combining two or more adjacent cells in the table.
• It consists of col span and row span.
• Col span: The col span attribute specifies the number of columns a table cell
should span.
• <td col span = “number”>
• It always takes an integer value.
• Row span: The row span attribute specifies the number of rows a table cell
should span.
• <td row span = “number”>
• It always takes an integer value.