Cost Accounting
Cost Accounting
Cost Accounting
BBA 102
Meaning of Cost Accounting
• Cost Accounting is a formal system of accounting for costs in the
books of account by means of which costs of products and services
are ascertained and controlled.
• Cost accounting is the process of accounting for costs from the point
at which expenditure is incurred or committed to the establishment
of its ultimate relationship with cost centres and cost units. In its
widest usage it embraces the preparation of statistical data, the
application of cost control methods and ascertainment of
profitability of activities carried out or planned.
• Cost accounting is not restricted to past, present and expected
future cost of products manufactured or services supplied
Objectives of Cost accounting
1. Ascertainment of cost- This is the primary objective of cost
accounting. The basic objective of cost accounting is to ascertain the
cost of products and services. For cost ascertainment different
techniques and systems of costing are used in different industries.
2. Control and reduction of cost- Cost accounting aims at improving
efficiency by controlling and reducing cost. This objective is becoming
increasingly important because of growing competition.
3. Guide to Business policy- Cost accounting aims at serving the needs
of management in conducting the business with utmost efficiency.
Cost data provide guidelines for various managerial decisions like
make or buy, selling below cost, utilisation of idle plant capacity,
introduction of a new product, etc.
4. Determination of selling price- Cost accounting provides cost
information on the basis of which selling prices of products or services
may be fixed.
5. Measuring and Improving performance- Cost accounting measures
efficiency by classifying and analysing cost data and then suggest
various steps in improving performance so that profitability is
Cost Accounting and Financial Accounting
The main points of difference between Cost Accounting and Financial
Accounting are explained below:
1.Purpose- The main purpose of Financial accounting is to prepare
Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet for reporting to owners or
shareholders and other outside agencies, i.e, external users whereas
The main purpose of cost accounting is to provide detailed, cost
information to management i.e, internal users.
2.Stautory Requirements- These accounts are obligatory to be prepared
according to the legal requirements of Companies Act and Income Tax
Act. Maintenance of these accounts is voluntary except in certain
industries where it has been made obligatory to keep cost records
under the Companies Act.
3.Analysis of cost and profit- Financial accounts reveal the profit or loss of the
business as a whole for a particular period It does not show the figures of cost
and profit for individual products, departments and processes whereas Cost
accounts show the detailed cost and profit data for each product line,
department, process, etc.
4.Periodicity of reporting- Financial reports (Profit and Loss Account and
Balance Sheet) are prepared periodically, usually on an annual basis whereas
Cost reporting is a continuous process and may be on daily weekly, monthly
basis, etc
5.Control Aspect- Financial Accounting lays emphasis on the recording
transactions and does not attach importance to control aspect whereas Cost
Accounting provides for a detailed system of controls with the help of certain
special techniques like standard costing and budgetary control.
• Types of Transaction Recorded- Financial accounting records only external
transactions like sales, purchases, receipts, etc., with outside parties. It does
not record internal transactions whereas Cost accounting not only records
external transactions but also internal or inter-departmental transactions
like issue of materials by store-keeper to production departments.
• Types of statements prepared- Financial accounting prepares general
purpose statements like Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet. That is
to say that financial accounting must produce information that is used by
many classes of people, none of whom have explicitly defined informational
needs whereas Cost accounting generates special purpose statements and
reports like Report on Loss of Materials, Idle Time Report, Variance Report,
etc. Cost accounting identifies the user, discusses his problems and needs
and provides tailored information.
• Format of Presenting Information-Financial accounting has a single
uniform format of presenting information, i.e., Profit and Loss
Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement whereas Cost
accounting has varied forms of presenting cost information which are
tailored to meet the needs of management and thus lacks a uniform
• Historical and Predetermined costs- Financial Accounting is concerned
with historical records whereas cost accounting is concerned not only
with historical costs but also with predetermined costs.
Cost Centre
• A cost centre is defined by CIMA of UK as "a Iocation, person, or item of equipment (or group of
these) for which costs may be ascertained and used for the purpose of control". Thus, la cost
centre refers to a section of the business to which costs can be charged. It may be a location (a
department, a sales area), an item of equipment (a machine, a delivery van), a person (a
salesman, a machine operator) or a group of these (two automatic machines operated by one
workman). The main purpose of ascertaining the cost of a cost centre is control of cost. Cost
centres are primarily of two types:
(a) Personal cost centre-which consists of a person or a group of persons,
(b) Impersonal cost centre-which consists of a location or an item of equipment of group ofthese.
From functional point of view, cost centres may be of following two types:
(c) Production cost centre-This is that cost centre where actual production work takes place.
Examples are melting shop, machine department, welding department, finishing shop, etc.
(d) Service cost centre-This is that cost centre which are ancillary to and render services to
production cost centres. Examples of service cost centres are power house, tool-room, stores
department, repair shop, canteen, etc. Costs incurred in service cost centres are of indirect
Continue.. Cost centre
• A cost accountant sets up cost centres to enable him to
ascertain the costs he needs to know. A cost centre is
charged with all the costs that relate to it; e.g., if a cost
centre is a machine, it will be charged with the costs of
power, light, depreciation and its share of rent, etc. The
purpose of ascertaining the cost of a cost centre is cost
control. The person in charge of a cost centre is held
responsible for the control of cost of that centre.
Cost Unit
Cost centres help in ascertaining the cost by location, equipment or person. Cost unit is
a step further which breaks up the cost of a cost centre into smaller sub-divisions and
helps in ascertaining the cost of saleable products or services.
A cost unit is defined by CIMA as a "unit of product, service or time in relation to which
cost may be ascertained or expressed" Cost units are the things, that the business is set
up to provide of whichcost is ascertained. For example, in a sugar mill, the cost per
tonne of sugar may be ascertained, in a textile mill the cost per metre of cloth may be
ascertained. Thus 'a tonne' of sugar and 'a metre' ofcloth are cost units. In short, cost
unit is unit of measurement of cost.
All sorts of cost units are adopted, the criterion for adoption being the applicability of a
particular cost unit to the circumstances under consideration.
Broadly, cost units may be:(1) Units of production, e.g., a kilogram of a chemical, a ream
of paper, a tonne of steel, metre of cable, etc. or
Cost Classifications
Sunk cost
A sunk cost is a cost that has already been incurred and that cannot be changed by any decision made now or
in the future. Such costs are not relevant for decision-making about the future. To illustrate the concept of such
cost, assume that a firm has just paid Rs. 1,00,000 for a special purpose machine. Since the cost outlay has
been made, Rs. 1,00,000 investment in the machine is a sunk cost. Even though afterwords the decision to buy
the machine is found unwise, no amount of regret can relieve the company of its decision, nor any future
decision can cause the costs to be avoided. Despite the fact that sunk costs, which are historical costs, are
irrelevant for making decisions, they are frequently analysed in detail before decisions about future courses of
action are made. For example, historical costs may affect future tax payments which will differ depending on
the course of action selected by management. Moreover, an analysis of historical costs may provide
information about how future costs will differ under alternative courses of action.
Marginal cost
Variable Cost
Variable costs are any expenses that change based on how much a
company produces and sells, such as labor, utility expenses,
commissions, and raw materials
Process Costing
Process costing refers to a cost accounting method that is
used for assigning production costs to mass-produced
goods.For instance, large manufacturing companies that
mass-produce inventory might use process costing to
calculate the total amount of direct and indirect costs
associated with products that are completed and left in-
process at the end of a given time period.
Some industries where process costing methods might be
applied are the food industry, fuel and oil industries and
chemical processing industries.