C 1.1 SL Enzymes
C 1.1 SL Enzymes
C 1.1 SL Enzymes
Enzymes as globular proteins Include that the active site is composed of a few amino acids only, but interactions
C1.1.4 between amino acids within the overall three-dimensional structure of the enzyme
with an active site for catalysis ensure that the active site has the necessary properties for catalysis.
Interactions between
Students should recognize that both substrate and enzymes change shape when binding
C1.1.5 substrate and active site to occurs.
allow induced-fit binding
Role of molecular motion and Movement is needed for a substrate molecule and an active site to come together.
C1.1.6 substrate-active site collisions Sometimes large substrate molecules are immobilized while sometimes enzymes can be
in enzyme catalysis immobilized by being embedded in membranes.
Relationships between the
structure of the active site,
C1.1.7 Students should be able to explain these relationships.
enzyme–substrate specificity
and denaturation
Effects of temperature, pH and
C1.1.8 substrate concentration on The effects should be explained with reference to collision theory and denaturation.
the rate of enzyme activity
Measurements in enzyme- Students should determine reaction rates through experimentation and using secondary
catalysed reactions data.
Effect of enzymes on Students should appreciate that energy is required to break bonds within the substrate &
C1.1.10 that there is an energy yield when bonds are made to form the products of an enzyme
activation energy catalysed reaction. Students should be able to interpret graphs showing this effect.
Enzymes as catalysts
The enzyme helicase
Enzymes are catalysts which are effective
in small amounts. They speed up a
biological reaction but are itself unchanged
by the reaction. Without enzymes,
reactions would occur very slowly.
The enzyme amylase
Reaction with
without enzyme
The role of enzymes in metabolism
Metabolism is the
complex network of
interdependent and
reactions occurring
in living organisms.
The role of enzymes in metabolism
The use of enzymes in organism makes biochemical reactions happen
faster, making a lot of processes more efficient. Enzymes are also
important because….
….Enzymes are
specific to their
substrate (the
reactant), so a
large number of
enzymes are
required in
Photosynthesis Decompositio
Building muscles Protein synthesis
Anabolic and catabolic reactions
Anabolism Catabolism
The substrate is a reactant in a The enzyme-substrate complex is
biochemical reaction. Together a temporary structure formed
with the enzyme it forms the when a substrate binds to the
enzyme-substrate complex. active site of an enzyme.
Interactions between the structure of the active site …
and enzyme-substrate specificty
The overal three-dimensional
structure and the enzyme’s active site
amino acid sequence of the
active site is specific to the
substrate. This ensures that
the active site binds to the
substrate molecule, holds on
to it and lowers the activation The enzyme changes its
energy for the reaction. shape slightly to adapt to the
substrate (induced fit)
Interactions between the structure of the active site …
and enzyme-substrate specificty
The enzyme is highly specific
and the induced shape change
of the enzyme and substrate
upon binding results in a
proper alignment of the
catalytic groups on its surface
which allows the enzymatic
reaction to take place.
1. The substrate(s) 2. While the substrates are bound 3. The products separate
binds to the active site to the active site, bonds in the from the active site,
of the enzyme because substrate are stressed or leaving it vacant for
of its structural and weakened causing it to change substrates to bind again.
chemical specificity. into different chemical substances
(products of the reaction).
Molecular motion & substrate-active site collisions
While some enzymes are embedded and immobilized within a
membrane, most enzymes and their substrates are found in solutions
Immobilized enzymes
1. water
The molecular motion of both, enzyme and molecules
The speed of movement which is affected by the molecule`s size –
substrates are usually smaller than enzymes, so their movement is faster.
Molecular motion & substrate-active site collisions
2. The simulations shows two substrates – starch and maltose. For simplicity we will only focus
on one type of substrate now (maltose). Move the slider for “starch” all the way to 0. Also, move
the slider for “amylase” all the way to 0. Change the slider for maltose and maltase to 3.5, and
adjust the temperature to 25°C. Leave everything as it is. Click “Run Simulation” and observe the
changes to the concentrations of substrates and products.
Active site, enzyme–substrate specificity & denaturation
Since enzymes are proteins, their structure can be altered by changes
in pH or temperature. If the shape of the active site is changed
considerably it is said to have become denatured. It will not function
anymore, and the enzyme-substrate specificity is compromised.
High temperature causes denaturation as the extra energy leads to increased
vibration with the molecule, breaking intra-molecular bonds within the protein.
The effect of temperature on enzyme activity
A thermophile, such as bacteria at deep-
sea vents, is an organism that is able to
withstand much higher temperatures
before its enzymes denature.
optimum (acidic or
alkaline), the
structure of the
enzyme (incl. active
site) is altered –
The effect of substrate concentration on enzyme activity
Increasing substrate
concentration increases
the rate of reaction,
because the chances of
molecular (successful)
collisions between active
site of the enzyme and
substrate have increased.
At the optimum
concentration of substrate
molecules, all active sites
are full and working at
maximum efficiency.
Any increase in concentration beyond the optimum will have no added effect
as there are no extra active sites to be used – a greater and greater
proportion of substrate-active site collisions are blocked.
Effect of enzymes on activation energy
Most chemical or biological reactions require energy in order to occur. This
energy is called activation energy. With the help of enzymes reactions can be
carried out with a lower investment into the activation energy. This will allow
more product to be produced – the rate of reaction is increased.
Activation energy
is the minimum
amount of energy
required for a
chemical reaction
to occur.
Enzymes lower the activation energy
Enzymes lower the activation energy An enzyme lowers the
activation energy by
Energy is required weakening bonds
to reach a already, and therefore
transition state less energy is needed
for an exothermic
before completing
reaction to occur. After
a reaction. the products have
been formed, energy
is released.
The transition state
is an intermediate
state before being
converted into
products, e.g. bonds
need to be broken
or weakened in a
substance. This is
what the activation
energy is used for.
Uses and applications of enzymes in industry
Nowadays, more
than 500
enzymes have
commercial uses.
Research on
Uses and applications of enzymes in industry
Enzymes are widely used in the food industry Paper production uses enzymes for the pulping of
• Fruit juice, pectinase to increase juice yield from fruit wood (amylase, cellulase, lignase). These enzymes
• Fructose is used as a sweeter, it is converted from degrade starch to lower viscosity and coating
glucose by isomerase paper; cellulase smoothens fibers, enhance water
• Rennin is used to help cheese production. drainage, and promote ink removal
Uses and applications of enzymes in industry
Measurements in enzyme-catalysed reactions
When measuring the rate of enzyme-catalysed reactions, we record
the amount of substrate that has disappeared from a reaction mixture
or the amount of product that has accumulated in a unit of time.
When the instantaneous rate of reaction is calculated at t=0 we call it the initial
rate of reaction. In enzyme reactions this is what most commonly is used.
Measurements in enzyme-catalysed reactions