ITEC3116 SNAL Lecture 10 File Permission

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System and Network

Administration Linux based

ITEC 3116
File Permissions in Linux
Recap of the previous Lecture
 Practically Execute Linux Commands by
using Ubuntu Terminal
 List of Files & Folders
 Hidden Files
 Detail of Current directory
 How you can create Files
Agenda for Today’s Class
 File Permission in Linux

 Basic Unix/Linux Commands

 Assign Permission to the users
i.e. U, GU, O
 Practically Demonstration of
Linux commands (LAB)
Moving and Re-naming files

 To move a file, use the command

 mv filename new_file_location
 Suppose we want to move the file
“SNAL-2020" to location
/home/drhafizad/Desktop. Executing
the command
How you can create

 Directories can be created on a Linux

operating system using the following
 This command will create a
subdirectory in your present working
directory, which is usually your
"Home Directory".
 For example,
 mkdir HelloWorld
The History Command

 History command shows all the

commands that you have used in the
past for the current terminal session.
 This also can help you refer to the old
commands you have entered and re-
used them in your operations again.
The clear Command

 This command clears all the mess on

the terminal and gives you a clean
window to work on, just like when
you launch the terminal.
How can we Change file/directory

'chmod' command
 We can use the 'chmod' command
which stands for 'change mode’.
 By Using this command, we can set
permissions (read, write, execute) on a
file/directory for the owner, group and
the world. Syntax:
 Chmod permission filename
How many ways to express
permissions in Linux?

 There are 2 ways to use the

command :

 Absolute mode
 Symbolic mode
Absolute Mode

 Absolute Mode/Numeric Mode

 In this mode, permissions are not

represented as characters but a three-
digit octal number.
 Octal Number?
Absolute Mode…

Number Permission Type Symbol

0 No Permission ---
1 Execute --x
2 Write -w-
3 Execute + Write -wx
4 Read r--
5 Read + Execute r-x
6 Read +Write rw-
7 Read + Write rwx
Absolute Mode…

 How you can change the Permission

of file/folders?
 For Example, we want to change the
permissions of the file RedHat to
Absolute code

'764' absolute code says the following:

 Owner can read, write and execute
 Usergroup can read and write
 World can only read

 This is shown as '-rwxrw-r-This is how you can

change the permissions on file by assigning an
absolute number.
 Lecture End

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