ITEC3116 SNAL Lecture 10 File Permission
ITEC3116 SNAL Lecture 10 File Permission
ITEC3116 SNAL Lecture 10 File Permission
ITEC 3116
File Permissions in Linux
Recap of the previous Lecture
Practically Execute Linux Commands by
using Ubuntu Terminal
List of Files & Folders
Hidden Files
Detail of Current directory
How you can create Files
Agenda for Today’s Class
File Permission in Linux
'chmod' command
We can use the 'chmod' command
which stands for 'change mode’.
By Using this command, we can set
permissions (read, write, execute) on a
file/directory for the owner, group and
the world. Syntax:
Chmod permission filename
How many ways to express
permissions in Linux?
Absolute mode
Symbolic mode
Absolute Mode