Vertiginous 2
Vertiginous 2
Vertiginous 2
vertiginous patient
and Role of Vestibular
Needed !
“I’m Dizzy”
Non-specific term
Vertigo and psychiatric causes make up the
majority of cases seen in clinic setting (55-
Multicausal, presyncope, unknown,
Prodromal symptom of fainting
Gaze testing
Look for gaze-evoked nystagmus
Normal to have non-sustained nystagmus with gaze
greater than 30 degrees
Vertical nystagmus that increases with lateral gaze
localizes to craniocervical junction and midline cerebellum
Nystagmus – Diagnostics
Feature Central Peripheral
Fatiguability +/- ++
Smooth pursuit
Voluntary mvt of of the eyes used to track
a target moving at a low velocity
Look for saccadic pursuit
May occur with early/mild cerebellar
degenerative disorders as the only finding
with minimal ataxia
Neuro-otological Exam
Fast eye mvts used to quickly bring the image of an object
on the fovea
Shift gaze from one object to another under voluntary
Interpretation :
Slowing of saccades = lesion in pons/midbrain,
oculomotor neuron or extra-ocular muscles
Overshooting saccades = ocular dysmetria, sign of
cerebellar lesion
Undershooting saccades less specific and occur in normal
Neuro-otological Exam
Optokinetic nystagmus
Epley maneuvre
More than 80% effective in treating patients with posterior
canal BPPV
Auditory examination
Hearing loss
BPPV Vestibular
Pneumatic Otoscopy
• Caloric Test
• Rotatory Chair Test
• Head Impulse Test (HIT)
• Vesitbular-Evoked Myogenic Potentials
(VEMP)Dynamic Visual Acuity Test (DVA)
Romberg Test
March – 30 secs
Easy way
Imagine a Drunken person
- cannot coordinate any volitional movement.
- Sways when standing, Reels when walking
- Slurs words when talking, Jerky eye movements when looking.
Cerebellar examination
Ataxia, Dysarthria, Nystagmus and Hypotonia -
Four major clinical signs of the cerebellar syndrome.
Usually unilateral
Suppressed by visual fixation
Associated otologic symptoms
Oculomotor tests
Saccadic tracking
Smooth pursuit tracking
Optokinetic testing
Saccadic tracking
Patients concentrates on a randomly moving
Pt.turned to Rt
Endolymph moves away from
Nystagmus to Lt.
Rotary Chair Test(RCT)
Stimulates LSCC
Horizontal eye movements recorded.
Tests Performed
Sinusoidal harmonic Acceleration
Visual-vestibular Interaction Test
Vestibular Ocular Reflex Suppression
Step Velocity Testing
Sinusoidal Harmonic Acceleration
Chair oscillated in sinusoidal way in vertical
axis at freq.of 0.01Hz-1.28Hz