Positioning The Battle of Your Mind: Al Ries, Jack Trout

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Positioning is not what you do the product, it is what you do to the mind of the prospect It is incorrect to call the concept product positioning

What positioning is all about ?

The over communicated society

The per capita consumption of advertising in America is about 200$ a year The oversimplified mind

Advertising only the tip of communication iceberg Medium may not be the message You have to sharpen your message

The assault on the mind

The transmission traffic jam America consumes 57% of the worlds advertising Each new medium did not replace an existing medium rather they changed and modified all the previous media

The media explosion There is television commercials There is radio, AM & FM There is outdoor, posters & billboards

The assault on the mind

The product explosion 10,000 individual products or brands on display in U.S Even cigarettes have more than 175 brands

The advertising explosion Doctors, lawyers, dentist, accountant also advertise themselves 1,32,000 lawyers in US, today there are 4,32,000

Getting into the mind

The easy way into the mind Its better to be first You get there first & then be careful not give them a reason to switch

The product era In the 50s advertising was in the product era In the late 50s it became more & more difficult to establish USP

Getting into the mind

The image era

Image is more important in selling a product Success of few companies due to high noise level

The positioning era Create a position in the prospects mind IBM - the first company to build a computer positioning the mind of the prospect

Those little ladders in your head


human mind
see what you expect to see products and brands in the mind

Ranking The

product ladder

Those little ladders in your head


against position


uncola position

Positioning of a leader

leadership Leaders should not try to drive their competitors out of the market. Leadership is your best differentiator.

for maintaining leadership Use their short term flexibility to assure a stable long term future

Positioning of a leader

all the bets

Its better to be first. You get there first & then be careful not give them a reason to switch.

The Positioning of a Follower

The The

le Creneau

dangers of Me-too response Everybody trap

Repositioning the competition

Use of advertising to blast its way in the mind First move an old one out Undercutting an existing concept, product or person

Repositioning Pringles

$15 million fanfare from P&G The old- fangled brand Borden's wise

Fall of sales from 18% to 10%

Pringles changed its strategy to all natural Power of repositioning

Repositioning VS Comparative ads

Success and repositioning programs Comparative advertising

Psychological flaw
The pepsi challenge to coca-cola Failure to reposition the competition

The power of name

How to choose a name

Name that begins the positioning process

Products major benefits Name should not go over the edge

Choosing a name- to win you have to take chances

Best insurance for long term success

Using a meaningless name

The role of timing

First company with a new product or new idea Coca-cola Kodak Xerox

The No-Name Trap

Phonetic shorthand

Avoid usage of initials

Name of the company No shortcut to success The mind works by ear Name obsolescence Acronyms

The line-extension trap

Taking the name of an established product and using it on a new one Line extension through advertising and marketing community Inside out thinking Outside in thinking Prospects' point of view

Reverse line extension

Broadening the base Characteristics of broadening base strategy Eg. Johnsons baby shampoo Only baby shampoo promoted as an adult product too

Short term advantages

Creates easy and fast understanding Generates instant flash of sales Consumers arent necessarily buying it but retailers are

Long term disadvantages

Easy come easy go Eg:- Diet coke Levis for feet (shoe wear)
No independent products Blurs the effect of independent demand

Line extension tests


shopping list test The classic test for line extension


test Addition to the shopping list test Receive what you ask for

Line extension work if..

Your competitors are foolish Your volume is small

You have no competitors

You dont expect to build a position in the prospects mind You dont do any advertising

Name of the company

Name plays an important factor.

For eg:- GREYHOUND is considered only as a bus company. Even though they want to be more than a bus company, they are unable to do so because of the name of the company.

Standing for something

Innovation For eg:- Ford has a better idea campaign Quality For eg:- TATA Safety For eg:- Mercedes

The Monsanto approach

Product leadership Eg:- IBM Business leadership Eg:- Reliance

Industry leadership

Positioning a service

Visual vs Verbal
Electronic mail The low cost telegram

The high-speed letter

Positioning a Long Island Bank


a bank successfully struck back when is territory was invaded by its giant neighbors from the Big City

Positioning the Catholic Church

Even institutions can benefit from positioning thinking An outline of the logical steps that could be taken to position the Roman Catholic Church

Positioning Yourself and your career

Find one specific idea to hang hat on

Make sure your name is right Working harder is not the answer working smarter is

The six horses

Find The

a horse to ride second horse to ride is your boss

The The The

third horse to ride is a friend

fourth Horse to Ride is an idea Fifth Horse to Ride is Faith Sixth Horse to Ride is Yourself

Six steps to Success

What Position do you own ? What Position do you want to own ?

Whom must you outgun ?

Do you have enough money ? Can you stick it out ?

Do you match your position ?

Playing the positioning game


and use words that trigger the meanings you want to establish cope with change ,you have to take a long range point of view products objectively




that the simple ,straight forward and obvious idea works

Playing the positioning game

Use subtlety Be wiling to sacrifice

Patience pays
Maintain a global outlook

Compiled by

Nikita Keny Priyanka Patil Neha Murali

136 164

Shino Baby
Krishna kumar Yadav

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