Lecture 3.1.1
Lecture 3.1.1
Lecture 3.1.1
DEPARTMENT -Management
Rohit Guleria
Assistant Professor
Chandigarh University
a. Course Outcomes
CO2 To apply behavioural theories to conceive strategic insight to create values for
CO3 To analyze ever changing consumer behaviour trends and patterns to develop
insight in order to improve products and services.
CO5 To develop marketing mix based on consumer insight and consumer preferences.
Cultures and Subcultures
Marketing relies heavily on nonexperiential learning, using tactics like customer testimonials, case
studies, and blogger reviews to teach new customers through the experiences and opinions of others.
Consumers themselves seek out resources for nonexperiential learning when they read book and product
reviews on Amazon, film reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, and restaurant reviews on Yelp.
Another characteristic of learning is that the changes may be immediate or anticipated. In other words,
learning may be taking place even if there is no evidence of it. We can store our learning until it’s needed,
and we do this often with purchasing decisions. For example, a person might read up on product reviews
for the latest set of tablet computers even though she doesn’t expect to buy one soon. Eventually she may
be in the market, and at that point she can put her learning to use.
Reinforcement is the process of having your learning validated through rewards or
punishments, which confirm that what you learned was correct. Over time, reinforcement can
shape strong patterns of behavior. Suppose a consumer’s first car purchase is a Subaru. He
loves the car and finds it to be safe, reliable, energy efficient, and a great value for the money.
Each positive experience with his car rewards him and reinforces what he has learned about
Subarus: they are great cars. When he decides to replace the car, positive reinforcement will
almost certainly lead him to consider a Subaru again. Reinforcement can work in positive or
negative ways, with consumers experiencing rewards or punishments that influence their
Socialization is the process by which people develop knowledge and skills that make them
more or less able members of their society. Socialized behaviors are learned and modified
throughout a person’s lifetime. This social learning approach stresses “socialization agents”
(i.e., other people), who transmit cognitive and behavioral patterns to the learner. These people
can be anyone: a parent, friend, celebrity spokesperson, teacher, role model, etc. In the case of
socialization in consumer behavior, this takes place in the course of the person’s interaction
with other people in various social settings. Socialization agents may include any person,
organization, or information source that comes into contact with the consumer.
Attitudes and Beliefs
Attitudes and beliefs represent another psychological factor that influences consumer behavior. A belief is a conviction a
person holds about something, such as “dark chocolate is bitter,” or “dark chocolate is delicious,” or “dark chocolate is
good for baking.” An attitude is a consistent view of something that encompasses the belief as well as an emotional
feeling and a related behavior. For example, an attitude toward dark chocolate may be expressed as a belief (“dark
chocolate is delicious”), a feeling (“dark chocolate makes me happy”), and a behavior (“I eat dark chocolate every
afternoon as a pick-me-up”).
People have beliefs and attitudes about all sorts of things: food, family, politics, places, holidays, religion, brands, and
so on. Beliefs and attitudes may be positive, negative, or neutral, and they may be based on opinion or fact. It is
important for marketers to understand how beliefs and attitudes affect consumer behavior and decision making. If an
incorrect or detrimental belief exists among the general population or a target audience, marketing efforts may be
needed to change people’s minds.
For example, in 1993, rumors erupted and spread widely about a syringe allegedly being found inside a can of Diet
Pepsi. The entire incident turned out to be a hoax, but PepsiCo responded not only with strong immediate public
statements but also with videos and a public relations campaign to quell the rumors and reassure consumers that Pepsi
products are safe.
Beliefs and attitudes do not always translate into behaviors: in some situations customers may choose to do something
despite their personal views. Suppose a consumer likes pizza but doesn’t like Pizza Hut. In a social setting where
everyone else wants to go to Pizza Hut for dinner, this person might go along with the group rather than dining alone or
skipping dinner.
Social Factors
People Influencing People
Social factors represent another important set of influences on consumer behavior. Specifically, these are the effects
of people and groups influencing one another through culture and subculture, social class, reference groups, and
A person’s culture is represented by a large group of people with a similar heritage. Culture exerts a strong influence
on a person’s needs and wants because it is through culture that we learn how to live, what to value, and how to
conduct ourselves in society. The American culture, which is a subset of the Western (European) culture, will be the
primary focus of this discussion, although other societies in other parts of the world have their own cultures with
accompanying traditions and values.
Traditional American culture values include freedom, hard work, achievement, security, self-reliance, community
involvement, and the like. Marketing strategies targeted to people with a common cultural heritage might
demonstrate how a product or service reinforces these traditional values. There are three components of culture that
members of that culture share: beliefs, values, and customs. As discussed in the prior section, a belief is a proposition
that reflects a person’s particular knowledge or opinion of something. Values are general statements that guide
behavior and influence beliefs. The function of a value system is to help people choose between alternatives in
everyday life and prioritize choices that are most important to them personally.
Customs are traditional, culturally approved ways of behaving in specific situations. For example, in the
United States, Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November with the
custom of feasting with family and offering thanks for the things we appreciate in life. Taking your
mother to dinner and giving her gifts for Mother’s Day is an American custom that Hallmark and other
card companies support enthusiastically.
Understanding customs is hugely important for marketing to consumers, because many customs
represent occasions for spending money, and culture dictates the appropriate things to buy in order to
honor the custom. The power of culture is evident when you think about the tens of millions of
Americans who buy Valentine’s Day flowers in February, chocolate Easter eggs in April, Independence
Day fireworks in July, Halloween candy in October, and all kinds of food and gifts throughout the
holiday season.
It is worth noting that for marketers anywhere in the world, it is essential to develop a strong
understanding of the local culture and its accompanying beliefs, values, and customs. Culture is how
people make sense of their society, its institutions, and social order. Culture frames how and what
people communicate, how they express what is proper and improper, what is desirable and detestable.
Without an understanding of culture, marketers are not really even speaking the right language to the
consumers they want to target. Even if the words, grammar, and pronunciation are correct, the meaning
will be off.
An expensive example of a massive cultural blunder was Wal-Mart’s short-lived foray into Germany. In
2006, the retailer pulled out of Germany after opening eighty-five stores in six years. The company
expected success in Germany using the formula that works well in the U.S.: streamlined supply chain, low-
priced products sold in big stores with wide selection and long operating hours. What Wal-Mart didn’t
account for was the strong cultural preference in Germany for several things that directly oppose the Wal-
Mart model. Germans prefer small and medium-sized retailers grounded in local communities. They have a
cultural suspicion of low prices, which create concern about quality. German law includes significant
restrictions on retail establishments’ operating hours and many labor protections, and these laws are viewed,
in part, as important in protecting the German quality of life. Due in large part to these cultural disconnects,
Wal-Mart was unable to sustain successful operations.
Subcultures are cohesive groups that exist within a larger culture. Subcultures develop
around communities that share common values, beliefs, and experiences. They may be
based on a variety of different unifying factors. For example, subcultures exist around
the following:
Geography: Southerners, Texans, Californians, New Englanders, midwesterners, etc.
Ethnicity: Latinos, Asian Americans, African Americans, etc.
Religion: Catholics, Jews, Mormons, Baptists, Muslims, etc.
Nationality: Italians, Koreans, Hungarians, Japanese, Ethiopians, etc.
Occupation: military, technology worker, state department, clergy, educator, etc.
In the United States, many organizations and marketing activities focus on major ethnicity-based
subcultures such as Latinos, Asian Americans, and African Americans. Each subculture has distinct
experiences living and working within the broader U.S. culture, and it has shared customs and values
that shape their consumer needs and preferences. As each of these subcultures grows in size and buying
power, they become a distinct market for companies to woo.
A noted example of effective marketing to a subculture is Ford Motor Company’s approach to serving
the African American community. Ford invests in advertising campaigns that specifically target the
black community and celebrate its diversity. Ford supports a number of scholarship and community-
building programs at historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). Through public relations
activities, Ford maintains a presence at significant events, such as the Essence Festival and the BET
Social Class
Some manifestation of social class is present in virtually every society. It’s determined by a combination
of factors including family background, wealth, income, education, occupation, power, and prestige.
Like culture, it affects consumer behavior by shaping individuals’ perceptions of their needs and wants.
People in the same social class tend to have similar attitudes, live in similar neighborhoods, attend the
same schools, have similar tastes in fashion, and shop at the same types of stores.
In some nations, the social class system is quite rigid, and people are strongly encouraged to stay within
their own class for friendships, marriage, career, and other life decisions. In other countries, such as the
United States, social class is more permeable, and people can move between classes more easily based
on their circumstances, behaviors, and life choices. Social class mobility is an important value in
mainstream American culture and is part of our collective belief system about what makes the nation
Reference Groups
Consumer behavior can be influenced by the groups a person comes into contact with, through
friendship, face-to-face interaction, and even indirect contact. Marketers often call these reference
groups. A reference group may be either a formal or informal group. Examples include churches,
clubs, schools, online social networks, play groups, professional groups, and even a group of friends
and acquaintances. Individuals may be influenced by the groups of which they are members. They
may also be influenced by aspirational groups–a reference group a person hopes to belong to one
day, such as young boys hoping to grow up and become Major League Soccer (MLS) players.
Reference groups are characterized by having individuals who are opinion leaders for the group. Opinion
leaders are people who influence others. They are not necessarily higher-income or better educated, but
others may view them as having greater expertise, broader experience, or deeper knowledge of a topic.
For example, a local high school teacher may be an opinion leader for parents in selecting colleges for
their children. In a group of girlfriends, one or two may be the opinion leaders others look to for fashion
guidance. These people set the trend and others conform to the expressed behavior. If a marketer can
identify the opinion leaders for a group in the target market, then she can direct efforts towards attracting
these people.
The reference group can influence an individual in several ways:
Role expectations: Reference groups prescribe a role or way of behaving based on the situation and
one’s position in that situation. For example, as a student, you are expected to behave in a certain
basic way under certain conditions when interacting with a reference group at school.
Conformity: Conformity the way we modify out behavior in order to fit in with group norms. Norms
are “normal” behavioral expectations that are considered appropriate within the group. To illustrate, in
a school lecture setting, you might conform to the group norm of raising your hand to make a
comment or question, rather than shouting out to the teacher.
Group communications through opinion leaders: As consumers, we are constantly seeking out the advice of
knowledgeable friends or acquaintances who can provide information, give advice, or even make the decision for us.
In some product categories, there are professional opinion leaders who are easy to identify, such as auto mechanics,
beauticians, stock brokers, or physicians. In a school setting, an opinion leader might be a favorite teacher who does a
good job explaining the material, a popular administrator who communicates well with students and parents, or a
well-liked fellow student who is willing to assist when peers ask for help–or all of these individuals.
Word-of-mouth influence: Consumers are influenced by the things they hear other people say. This is “word-of-
mouth” communication. It happens every time you ask someone for a recommendation or an opinion about a product
or service, and every time someone volunteers an opinion. Do you know a good dentist? Where should we go for
lunch? Have you heard that new song from . . . ? Not surprisingly, research consistently shows that word-of-mouth
information from people they know is more credible than advertising and marketing messages. Word-of-mouth
influence in the school reference group example might include students discussing which Spanish instructor is better,
or where to shop for a dress to wear to the homecoming dance.
Reference groups and opinion leaders are essential concepts in digital marketing, where consumers tap into a variety of
social networks and online communities. Marketers need to understand which reference groups influence their target
segments and who the opinion leaders within these groups are. Those leaders may be bloggers, individuals with many
followers who post frequently on various social media, and even people who write lots of online reviews. Then
marketing activity can focus on winning over the opinion leaders. If you manage to get the opinion leaders in your
segment to “like” your product, “follow” your brand, tweet about your news and publish favorable reviews or comments
on their blogs, your work with online reference groups is going well. (You’ll recall from the module on ethics that this
was the strategy Microsoft adopted—and misgauged—when it attempted to influence opinion leaders with its gifts of
free laptops loaded with its latest operating system.)
One of the most important reference groups for an individual is the family. A consumer’s family has
a major impact on attitude and behavior, and families themselves are critically important in society
as consumer units. Many consumer decisions are made by family members on behalf of the family,
so understanding the family consumer decision-making dynamics around your product is essential.
Depending on the product or service under consideration, different family members may be in the
role of primary decision maker or influencer. In some cases, the husband is dominant, in others the
wife or children, and still other cases, families make joint decisions. Traditionally the wife has made
the primary decisions around store choice and brands for food and household items, although this
has evolved somewhat as more women participate in the workforce. A joint decision is typical for
purchases involving a larger sum of money, such as a refrigerator or a vehicle. Teenagers may
exercise a lot of influence over their own clothing purchases. Children may heavily influence food
and entertainment choices. Of course, decision dynamics within any individual family can vary, but
marketers need to understand the general tendencies around family decision making for the product
or service in question.
For queries
Email: rohit.e13211@cumail.in