DB Lec 02

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Database Systems
Lecture 2

Introduction Database Management Systems


Database Mana
gement System

Today’s agenda
• Database users
• Advantages of database
• History of database

Database Mana
gement System

Database Users
• Users may be divided into those who actually use
and control the content (called “Actors on the
Scene”) and those who work to maintain the
database system environment but who are not
actively interested in the database contents as
part of their daily job (called “Workers Behind
the Scene”).

Database Mana
gement System
Database Users s

Actors on the scene

▫ Database administrators: responsible for
authorizing access to the database, for co-ordinating
and monitoring its use, acquiring software and
hardware resources, controlling its use and monitoring
efficiency of operations.
▫ Database Designers: responsible to define the
content, the structure, the constraints, and functions or
transactions against the database. They must
communicate with the end-users and understand their
▫ End-users: they use the data for queries, reports and
some of them actually update the database content.
▫ System Analysts and Application Programmers:

Database Mana
gement System

Categories of End-users
• Casual : access database occasionally when needed.
They use a sophisticated database query interface to
specify their requests

• Naïve or Parametric : they make up a large

section of the end-user population. Their main job
function revolves around constantly querying and
updating the database, using standard types of
queries and updates—called canned transactions.
Examples are bank-tellers, reservation clerks, and
social media users, who do this activity for an entire
shift of operations.

Database Mana
gement System

Categories of End-users s

• Sophisticated : these include business

analysts, scientists, engineers and others who
thoroughly familiar themselves with the
system capabilities. Many use tools in the form
of software packages that work closely with the
stored database.
• Stand-alone : mostly maintain personal
databases using ready-to-use packaged
applications. An example is a tax program user
that creates his or her own internal database.

Database Mana
gement System
System Analysts and Application s

• System analysts: determine the requirements of
end users, especially naive and parametric end
users, and develop specifications for standard
canned transactions that meet these requirements.

• Application programmers: implement these

specifications as programs; then they test, debug,
document, and maintain these canned
transactions. Such analysts and programmers—
commonly referred to as software developers
or software engineers

Database Mana
gement System

Workers behind the scene

• DBMS designers and Implementers
▫ Design and implement the DBMS modules and interfaces as a software
package, e.g., modules for implementing the catalog, query language
processing, interface processing, accessing and buffering data,
controlling concurrency, and handling data recovery and security.
• Tool developers
▫ Design and implement tools. The software packages which facilitate database
system design and use in improving performance. These are optional packages
that are often purchased separately (simulation, test data generation, NL or
• Operators and Maintenance Personals
▫ System administration personals who are responsible for the actual
running and maintenance of the hardware and software environment of
the database system

Database Mana
gement System
Advantages of Using the Database
• Controlling redundancy in data storage and in
development and maintenance efforts.
• Restricting unauthorized access to data.
• Providing persistent storage for program Objects
(in Object-oriented DBMS’s)
• Providing Storage Structures for efficient Query
• Providing backup and recovery services.

Database Mana
gement System

Database Mana
gement System
Advantages of Using the Database

• Providing multiple interfaces to different
classes of users.
• Representing complex relationships
among data.
• Enforcing integrity constraints on the
• Permitting Inferencing and Actions using

Database Mana
gement System

Database Mana
gement System
Additional Implications of Using the
Database Approach
• Potential for enforcing standards: this is
very crucial for the success of database
applications in large organizations
Standards refer to data item names, display
formats, screens, report structures, meta-
data (description of data) etc.
• Reduced application development time:
incremental time to add each new
application is reduced.

Database Mana
gement System
Additional Implications of Using the
Database Approach
• Flexibility to change data structures:
database structure may evolve as new
requirements are defined.
• Availability of up-to-date information – very
important for on-line transaction systems
such as airline, hotel, car reservations.
• Economies of scale: by consolidating data
and applications across departments
wasteful overlap of resources and personnel
can be avoided.

Database Mana
gement System

Historical Development of Database

• Early Database Applications: The
Hierarchical and Network Models were
introduced in mid 1960’s and dominated
during the seventies. A bulk of the
worldwide database processing still occurs
using these models.
• Relational Model based Systems: The
model that was originally introduced in 1970
was heavily researched and experimented
with in IBM and the universities. Relational
DBMS Products emerged in the 1980’s.

Database Mana
gement System

Historical Development of Database

• Object-oriented applications: OODBMSs
were introduced in late 1980’s and early
1990’s to cater to the need of complex data
processing in CAD and other applications.
Their use has not taken off much.
• Data on the Web and E-commerce
Applications: Web contains data in HTML
(Hypertext markup language) with links
among pages. This has given rise to a new set
of applications and E-commerce is using new
standards like XML (eXtended Markup

Database Mana
gement System
Extending Database Capabilities
• New functionality is being added to
DBMSs in the following areas:
▫ Scientific Applications
▫ Image Storage and Management
▫ Audio and Video data management
▫ Data Mining
▫ Spatial data management
▫ Time Series and Historical Data Management

The above gives rise to new research and development in

incorporating new data types, complex data structures, new
operations and storage and indexing schemes in database

Database Mana
gement System

When not to use a DBMS

• Main inhibitors (costs) of using a DBMS:
▫ High initial investment and possible need for
additional hardware.
▫ Overhead for providing generality, security,
concurrency control, recovery, and integrity
• When a DBMS may be unnecessary:
▫ If the database and applications are simple, well
defined, and not expected to change.
▫ If there are stringent real-time requirements that
may not be met because of DBMS overhead.
▫ If access to data by multiple users is not required.

Database Mana
gement System

When not to use a DBMS

• When no DBMS may suffice:
▫ If the database system is not able to handle the
complexity of data because of modeling
▫ If the database users need special operations not
supported by the DBMS.

Database Mana
gement System

Types of Databases and Database

• Numeric and Textual Databases
• Multimedia Databases
• Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
• Real-time and Active Databases

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