1 Diff Sig: Resource Differentiation Based Huabiao Lu This paper proposes an anti-obfuscation and
Malware Behavioral Concise Signature Baokang Zhao scalable behavioral signature generation
Generation Xiaofeng Wang system, DiffSig, which voids information-flow
Jinshu Su tracking which is the chief culprit for the
complex and inefficiency of graph behavior
2 Automated Discovery Of Internal Attacks Saiteja, Generally, among all well known attacks such
Abdul Azeez as pharming attack, distributed denial of
service (DDoS), eavesdropping
attack, and spear phishing attack insider attack
is one of the most difficult ones to be detected
because firewalls and intrusion
detection systems (IDSs) usually defend
against outside attacks.
Problem Statement
Security has been one of the serious problems in the computer
domain since attackers very usually try to penetrate computer
systems and behave maliciously to authenticate users. To solve this
issue we propose a security system, which detects malicious
behaviors launched toward a system.
Motivation :
The main aim is to Catch unauthorized activity in workspace in
very less time.
The self analysis method continuously monitors and provides details of user activities
for detecting unauthorized entities.
As internal system calls (SC) are used to detect the intrusion attacks, this can be
implemented using data mining and forensic techniques.
It would help to identify and provide detailed information about a user and its SC
Step 2: Let say S as System that will authenticate the user U by sending the
OTP to user mail and verify the user.
Step 3: The user U will perform some activities like inserting USB device in
USB port, copying some content from highly secured drive or folder to
another place, installing new software etc.;(Activities which are restricted by
Admin). System monitors the user activities by reading the log files
generated by system.
Step 4: The System will reads the user log files i.e. user infrequent activities
from attack list A with the help of detection unauthorized access D.
Step 5: The system S will alert the malicious user activities by capturing
Snapshot of Activity, Photo of User and IP Address of the System.
Testing Techniques:
White-box testing
Black-box testing
Grey-box testing
Unit testing
Integration testing
Functional test
System Test
Software Requirement :
Operating system : Windows XP/7.
Implementation : JAVA/J2EE.
Front End :JSP.
IDE : Eclipse
Back End :MySQL database.
Web server : Apache Tomcat.
Hardware Requirement :
System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
Hard Disk : 40 GB.
Ram : 512 Mb.
2. User Login.
User can login into System after Successfully OTP Authentication only.
3. Capture Attack.
System capture attacks by self Monitoring.
4. Capture Photo.
System activate camera and capture the photo in background without notification to user if illegal
activity happens.
7. System sends the IP Address, Captured Photo of User and Snapshot of illegal Activity to the Admin.
Use case Diagram
Activity Diagram:
We are going to Develop the system that prevents and alert intrusion
attacks and our system. We have various modules that store and keep
track of all the users in system. All the users’ activities will be
monitored and get recorded in log file. If system finds the abnormal
activities .i.e. the activity which matches with the activities restricted
for the user, then system will generate an alert message to the admin.
System has self monitoring function that means it continuously keep on
monitoring the user activities.
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