Lecture Guide Nysc Security Awarness

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RC NO 1410177
Website: https://www.csdcltd.com/

04/26/2024 1
•scope of this lecture
•Common types of security risks
•Security/safety tips while travelling
•Security/Safety Tips in Places of Primary Assignment
•Security/safety tips concerning bank/identity theft (yahoo, yahoo)
•How To Reduce the Probability of Kidnapping
•Strategies to survive kidnap incident
•Flashpoints: Areas (if any) in the state that Corp members should avoid in the Night, etc
04/26/2024 2
• Nigeria is experiencing persistent rise in insecurity. While armed non-state
actors are establishing new killing fields, regular violent hotspots have
continued to record new incidents.
• For example, there is now an increasing rate of banditry in the Northwest and
Northcentral regions, insurgency in the Northeast, violent secession agitations
in the Southeast, and gang wars in the Southwest and south-south zones.
• Several communities all over the country are no longer very safe in all
ramifications. In some communities, [their] residents have been forcefully
displaced as a result of insecurity.
• On this note, NYSC members, who are new entrants into the larger Nigeria
society need to be security and safety conscious at all fronts and at all times.

04/26/2024 3
Aims and scope of this lecture/Common types of security risks

Aims and scope of this lecture Common types of security/safety challenges/risks

•According to all the available studies

• The aim of this lecture/discussion is to
make NYSC Corps members aware of the following are the commonest
some of the security and safety security/safety challenges Corp
challenges they may face and how to members face during their period of
mitigate the risks through safe and secure
behaviour. This lecture will also provide primary assignment
the necessary precautions Corp members a) Kidnapping & Abduction
must take in order not to be victims. b) Armed robbery
SCOPE c) Crime , Theft, Burglary
List the common security and safety d) Political Violence/Unrest
threats. Know the security and safety
guidelines and tips to mitigate identified e) Cyber/online scam (Yahoo, yahoo)
security and safety threats . f) Road Traffic Accident
04/26/2024 4
Security/safety tips while travelling 1
• 1) Do not announce your travel • 5) Make sure you leave early (around 7am)
plans/details to all and sundry, however, inform and arrive before or around 7pm. This means do
your trusted friends and relations about your not leave you house very early (when it is dark)
journeys at least a few hours before you leave; and do not arrive late (when it is dark) as well;
• 2) Use only public transportation • 6) Trust your instinct/inner voice. Where it is
companies that are properly registered, and risky to travel to with your uniforms, kindly drop
those you have used before or you have heard it. Do not go into predominantly poor
they are very reliable; communities well-dressed;
• 3) Don’t keep all your money or other • 7) Do not drink, smoke or eat unnecessarily
valuables in one place or in one of your pocket while travelling. Do not test your body systems,
or bag; hence, do not try eating or drinking new
• 4) Find out about the place you are going
to, if you have not been there before. Or if you • 8) Always be friendly with other
aren’t current anymore about the security passengers/travelers
situation in the place; • 9) Avoid lonely places

04/26/2024 5
Security/safety tips while travelling 2
• 10) Carry a valid means of • 13) Do not wear tight-fitting
identification but do not display cloths/dresses while travelling;
it except it is very necessary; • 14) Wear shoes that can allow
• 11) Make sure you have a you to run, in case of emergency
least a 100-naira credit in your • 15) Look out for exit or safe
phone; route
• 12) Update a trusted • 16) Do not fully introduce
friend/relation about the stages yourself to strangers/fellow
of your journey through travellers but always be friendly.
text/WhatsApp or other means.
Do not call;
04/26/2024 6
Security/Safety Tips In Places Of Primary Assignment
• 1. Get to Know Your Neighbours •9. Take a self-defense class, especially when you are a girl
• 2. Choose to live in a Safe Environment to Reduce living alone- you don’t necessarily have to enroll for a full
Danger course. Ask a male friend to give you some self-defense
• 3. Don’t Make It Obvious That You are Living
Alone •10. Communicate with your landlord if some appliances,
such as doors, windows, locks, are broken;
• 4. When it’s dark, make sure you have plenty of
lights turned on inside and outside your home. •11. Use social media with caution and wisely. Be cautious
about posting information about your daily activities and
• 5. know emergency phone numbers you can call schedule on your social media platforms, like Facebook,
for help Instagram, and Twitter.
• 6. make yourself known to the official and local •12. only hire or ask for help from people you trust very well
security agents, especially the heads of these
•13. do not work around when it is dark
•14. Always lock all windows and doors/make sure you have
• 7. Never let strangers into your home, especially
good protectors in your windows and doors
if nobody else is around.
•15. Don’t leave your blinds open at night
• 8. Whenever you are not at home, always lock
your doors and windows. •16. Always try to live in gated-communities/fenced
04/26/2024 estate/fenced houses. 7
Security/safety tips concerning bank/identity theft (yahoo, yahoo)

9) When in doubt, get expert help: consult a computer

1) Protect your identity: use different user names
expert if you need help installing software on your computer
and passwords for your accounts and make sure
your passwords contain a combination of letters, 10) Update everything and install security software
numbers, and symbols. 11) Anti-virus/Anti-malware - Run updates and schedule
2) Turn on your firewall: firewall helps to secure scans on your computer for commercial products.
infrastructure. 12) Stop illegal file-sharing and remove your peer-to-
peer (P2P).
3) Use anti-virus software
13) Set privacy for social networking sites
4) Block spyware attacks
14) Stay away from untrusted networks or public
5) Routinely back up your files computers.
6) Protect your wireless network: password protect 15) Turn off your computer when you’re not using it
your home wireless network and change the
16) Back up your computer files regularly so you don’t
password regularly if multiple people access it.
lose important assignments, cherished music, or photos.
7) Ignore and delete emails from unknown 17) Use caution when using public computers, such as
senders those in hotels or computer labs
8) Surf the Web safely: only make online purchases 18) Trust your instincts. If you feel like something is
from trusted sources, and make sure your privacy suspicious, leave it, leave the site, trust your sense of
settings are turned on when accessing your social judgement.
04/26/2024 sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc…). 8
How To Reduce The Probability Of
Kidnapping 1
• Various reasons can make you a target of • Avoid Close Association with a Specific
kidnappers. Groups: Be aware of which areas and
groups you associate with . You also need to
• Make sure that you adhere to the security be aware of the kind of people who can be
procedures outlined by NYSC potential targets in your area of operation.
For example, avoid close association with
• Cultural awareness is critical and political or religious groups that could be
applicable to all Corps Members easily targeted by those who oppose their
• Cultural awareness includes all the aspects beliefs.
such as understanding the kind of • Avoid Routines : Avoid routine routes when
behaviour considered appropriate or moving between residences and offices, as
inappropriate in a particular social or well as in off-hours activities. Vary travel
cultural environment, as well as gender times and take different routes. This can be
difficult to maintain over a long period of
dimensions and the respect for cultural time but is essential for your safety.
religious norms. 9
How To Reduce The Probability Of Kidnapping 2
• ‘Watch to see if someone is watching you’. A
• REDUCE VISIBILITY : . Reducing visibility also means that you successful kidnapping normally needs planning, and
use transport from a reliable source. Try to keep your identity the perpetrators will be watching the residence,
hidden during travel. Information about movement plans, ETC.
routes and travel times should be not be discussed or disclosed
publicly. • Here are some key points to keep in mind:
• Develop an understanding of the neighbourhood
• Be discreet and careful to maintain a low public profile, close to your residence and work.
particularly in locations with wealth disparity and high rates of
• Be aware of the safe havens along your regular
•  Avoid displays of wealth; wear moderate clothing, jewellery, • While driving, be alert and look around and behind
watches, and shoes
you. Look out for the same vehicles, especially cars,
•  Avoid providing personal information, locations and pictures taxis and motorbikes, on different journeys. This will
on the internet or on social media platforms. expose hostile surveillance vehicles.
•  Be discreet with your travel plans and itineraries. • Never leave your vehicle until you are confident it is
•  Protect personal and organizational information. Avoid safe to do so.
disclosure of any personal information to strangers, including • Try not to walk alone. Be especially alert when your
distribution of business cards and personal telephone numbers. approach junctions or alleyways.
•  Never leave laptops, smartphones or documents where • Never allow yourself to be under the influence of
domestic staff, hotel workers, delivery people or others can see alcohol or disorientated in a high-risk area.
or access them. • Use known and trusted transport service.

04/26/2024 10
Strategies to survive kidnap incident
a) DO NOT take photographs.
a) BE patient during the kidnap operation.
b) BE mentally active/occupied. b) DO NOT attempt to engage attackers.
c) DO keep track of time. c) DO NOT make movements which could be
d) DO reduce stress where possible by remaining misinterpreted as being aggressive
physically active. d) DO NOT be confrontational.
e) DO remain calm and retain dignity. e) DO NOT resist.
f) BE positive (remember, authorities are f) DO NOT offer resistance.
working tirelessly to release you).
g) DO NOT argue with the kidnappers or your
g) DO not leave your phone camera or audio
recording devices running.
h) DO NOT hide valuables.
h) DO exactly what the attackers ask and comply
with their instruction. i) DO NOT react emotionally.
i) DO eat and drink when offered. j) DO NOT take drugs or alcohol.
j) DO take essential medical supplies if available k) DO NOT bargain with kidnappers for personal
but take permission for the attackers.
04/26/2024 privileges. 11
Flashpoints: Areas (if any) in the state that Corp
members should avoid in the Night, etc

04/26/2024 12

• Whether Corp members like it or not, a good percent of their security and safety lay
in their hands.

• Therefore, they must take these comprehensive but simple-to- implement major
security/safety guidelines very serious.

• It is the considered opinion of security experts that if Corp members can adhere to
these guidelines, they will face less security challenges during their periods of service.

• The Nigeria Police Force’s, ‘NPF Rescue Me App’ is available on both ‘android’ and
‘ios’ application stores for free downloads. Kindly download it for emergency
04/26/2024 13
Thank you so much for attention

04/26/2024 14

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