Micro ch4
Micro ch4
Micro ch4
© 2012 Pearson Addison-Wesley
Price Elasticity of Demand
In Figure 4.1(a), an
increase in supply brings
A large fall in price
A small increase in the
quantity demanded
In Figure 4.1(b), an
increase in supply brings
A small fall in price
A large increase in the
quantity demanded
%Q / %P = Q / P
A Units-Free Measure
At $12.50, demand is
unit elastic and total
revenue stops
Closeness of Substitutes
a substitute is positive.
a complement is negative.
In Figure 4.7(a), an
increase in demand brings
A large rise in price
A small increase in the
quantity supplied
In Figure 4.7(b), an
increase in demand brings
A small rise in price
A large increase in the
quantity supplied