Functional Core Stabilization
Functional Core Stabilization
Functional Core Stabilization
Chronic Musculoskeletal pain/chronic injuries in the spine and lower extremity are caused or perpetuated by muscle imbalances/weaknesses in the core musculature
Research indicates that 70-85% of all athletes suffer from recurrent low back pain. A comprehensive core stabilization program should be done will all lower extremity rehabilitation programs.
Individuals with a weak core substitute/compensate during dynamic functional movements leading to overuse/chronic injuries both upper and lower extremity
Pelvic Girdle
29 muscles attach to the core (LPH complex unilaterally)
LPH Complex
Stabilization system (Core System) if not functioning optimally will end neuromuscular substituting to utilize the strength power and neuromuscular control in the rest of the body
Function: Integrated proprioceptively enriched mulidirectional movement
vs unidimentional, low proprioception, all three planes All functional exercises are triplanar (even walking) appears unidirectional but need other planes to stabilize (frontal & transverse). All functional movements required acceleration, deceleration & dynamic stabilization (typically concentrate in concentric and acceleration in rehab)
Functional Strength - ability neuromuscular system to produce dynamic eccentric concentric and dynamic isometric stabilization contraction during all functional movement patterns
Neuromuscular efficiency: the ability of your entire kinetic chain to work as an integrated functional movement
This will provide optimal dynamic stabilization at right joint, right time, right plane of movement most athletes can produce the force but cannot stabilize or control eccentrically thus increasing stresses in different plane of movement and in different joints (compensation)
Patho-Kinesiological Model
This is a delicate balance a change in one of these can cause injury
Example: articular dysfunction with change length tension ration etc..
Muscle Fatigue
Ability to generate or maintain decrease ability to require correct muscle Ability to maintain dynamic muscle force decreases Example: fatigue running unable to stabilize core: get shear forces and compressive forces in lumbar spine:
- reason why see many LB comp0laints and hamstring strains (actually attributed to weak abdominals)
Actually creates anterior shear force and extension force Leading to reciprocal inhibition of lower abdominals The pelvis will tip forward Leading to reciprocal inhibition of the gluteals (extensor mechanism)
This can cause hip internal rotation knee overuse syndromes etc..
Stretch/shortening cycle (natural viscoelastic properties of muscles) Every single movement (Dynamic functional movement) more efficient the more force can create and absorb)
efficiency: less wasted movements Example walking Every single movement we do is the performance paradigm
Paradigm Shift: NO longer looking to improve strength in one muscle but improvement in multidirectional neuromuscular efficiency (firing patterns in entire kinetic chain with complex motor patterns). The body doesn't just fire one muscle at a time for movement
Basic Concepts of Core Stabilization - Planes of Movement planes are With any movement all three
working together concurrently Even through you may be moving in one plane the other 2 planes must stabilize and work eccentrically for stabilization Example: Posterior Pelvic tilt laying on the floor changes the relationship, thus when standing he relationship again changes the exercises have not been functional and will not work in the altered position. Again it changes when you lift one leg etc.
Sheringtons Law of Reciprocal Inhibition: tight muscles will inhibit its functional antagonist. Example:The Psoas (most athletes) inhibit functional antagonists - deep abdominal wall, transverse abdomnis, internal oblique, multifidi, deep transverse spinalis, gluteus maximus. Thus the stabilization and coupli8ng phase will be reduces increasing the movement phase and muscle forces and decreasing efficiency.
1.Iliocastalis Lumborum Thoracis Cervicis 2.Longissimus Thoracis Cervicis Capitis 3.Spinalis Thoracis Cervicis Capitis
ANATOMY Macro anatomy. Multifidus (MF) is the largest and most medial of the lumbar paraspinal muscles. Each muscle consists of five separate, overlapping bands that form a triangle as these bands run caudo laterally from the midline. Insertion: spinous process at caudal tip. Origin: transverse process at mamillary process, iliac crest, and sacrum (polysegmental: 2-4 segments below insertion at spinous process).
Lack of flexibility is often a phenomenon created by lack of stability in an attempt to stabilize the body for activity
Gluteus Maximus and minimus are inhibited in most athletes due to tight psoas (Summer, 1988).
Force Couples
Saggital Plane: Psoas and superficial erector spinae which create and extension force and shear force int he lumbar spine
counteracted by transverse abdominis, internal oblique multifidi, transversal spinalis groups, gluteus maximums Trend - most athletes the psoas and erector overdeveloped inhibiting stabilizers
Frontal Plane: Gluteus Medius, ipsilateral adductor and contralateral quadratus lumborum
Example: weak gluteaus medius will cause contralateral LBP, into knee pain on opposite side
Joint dysfunction illiosacral rotations, S1, L-spine, Tibfib joint, subtalar joint Injury patterns: plantar faciiitis, patellar tendonis, posterior tib tendonitis
Through the kinetic chain, muscle problems can lead to joint problems and joint problems can lead to muscle problems.
Postural Considerations
Many individuals have well developed muscle strength and power to perform specific activities, however few have developed stabilization systems optimally Optimal alignment of each segment in the kinetic chain is a cornerstone for all functional rehabilitation programs
Postural Considerations
If one segment in the kinetic chains is out of alignment, then predictable patterns of dysfunction will develop in other parts of the kinetic chain A weak core is a fundamental problem o inefficient movement which leads to injury
Hiltons Law: any muscle that crosses that joint will be inhibited. With injuries the individual will have a lot of joint substitutions and muscle imbalances
Muscle Imbalances
An optimal functioning core helps to prevent the development of muscle imbalances Optimal core neuromuscular efficiency allows for the maintenance of the normal:
Length-tension relationships Force-couple relationships The path of instantaneous center of rotation
A strong stable core can improve neuromuscular efficiency throughout the kinetic chain by improving dynamic postural control
Exercise Progression
Stage I: Learning Abdominal Bracing
maintain stability change duration and frequency
Stage II
Educate on daily use Increase ROM and instability mainly uniplanar, change body position
Exercise Progression
Stage III: instability
Maximize the use of functional activities with abdominal bracing Maximize multidirectional patterns and unstable positions Maximize frequency and duration changes
Stage IV:
Challenge the individual with high intensity strength and power
1.Iliocastalis Lumborum Thoracis Cervicis 2.Longissimus Thoracis Cervicis Capitis 3.Spinalis Thoracis Cervicis Capitis
ANATOMY Macro anatomy. Multifidus (MF) is the largest and most medial of the lumbar paraspinal muscles. Each muscle consists of five separate, overlapping bands that form a triangle as these bands run caudo laterally from the midline. Insertion: spinous process at caudal tip. Origin: transverse process at mamillary process, iliac crest, and sacrum (polysegmental: 2-4 segments below insertion at spinous process).