RDA and Derivation of RDA

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RDA and derivation of RDA.

• Man needs a wide range of nutrients to lead a healthy and

active life and these are derived through the diet he
consumes daily.
• The components of a diet must be chosen judiciously to
provide all the nutrients needed in adequate amounts and
in proper proportions.
• The amount of each nutrient that is required by man
depends upon his age and physiological status.
• Adults need nutrients for maintaining constant body weight
and ensuring proper body function. Infants and young
children require nutrients not only for maintenance but
also for growth.
• They require relatively more nutrients (2-3 times) per
kg body weight than adults.
• In special physiological conditions like pregnancy and
lactation, woman needs additional nutrients to meet
the demands for foetal growth and maternal tissue
expansion and milk secretion.
• The extra intakes of nutrients are essential for the
normal growth of an infant in utero and during the early
postnatal life.
• to maintain good health and physical efficiency, the diet shd
provide adequate amounts for all nutrients.
• allowances for difft nutrients are recommended by various
national and international committees.
• Nutrition expert committees, ICMR, India, Food and Nutrition
Board FNB, Dpt of Health and Social Services,UK, National
Research Council, USA, WHO/FAO etc..
• RDA is periodically revised and updated with newer concepts
concerning human nutrient requirement.
• Its defned as the nutrients present in the diet which
satisfythe daily requirement of nearly all individuals in a
• Nutrient requirements are the quantities of nutrients that
healthy individuals must obtain from food to meet their
physiological needs.

• Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) are

estimates of nutrients to be consumed daily to ensure
the requirements of all individuals in a given
population. .
Dietary Allowances (RDA): It is defined as levels of intake
of the essential nutrients that are to be sufficient to meet
the nutrient requirement of nearly all healthy individuals in
a particular life stage and gender group.

 Amount of the nutrient sufficient for the maintenance of

health in nearly all people.
For all nutrients, except energy,

 RDA= minimum requirement + safety margin 

RDA doesn’t apply to sick people.


In 1944 by the Nutrition Advisory Committee of Indian
Research Fund Association (IRFA)

now ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research ) 
ICMR Nutrition Advisory Committee revised RDA for
Indians on calories and proteins in 1960

Such a revision and updating of the nutrient

requirement on RDA of Indians was done by Expert
Groups of the ICMR in 1978 and 1988
• RDA include a margin of safety, to cover variation between
Individuals, dietary traditions and practices.

• The recommended dietary allowances are suggested as

averages/day for physiological groups such as infants, pre-
schoolers, adolescents, pregnant women and lactating mothers, and
adult males and females.

• Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA ) is defined as the quantity

of a nutrient present in the diet which satisfies the daily requirement
of nearly all individuals in a population. RDA is also referred to as
Daily Reference Intake (DRI).
• Variability in Nutrient Requirements
• SEX: RDA for men is 20 % higher than women.
• Iron reqt is greater in menstruating women.
• Additional requirements are neede by pregnant and
lactating women [20-30% above normal]
• AGE: In general, the nutrient requirement is much higher in
the growing age.
• Protein requirement for a growing child is 2g/kg bw
compared to 1gm/kg. bw for adults.

3.Hard (Heavy)

• BIOAVAILABILITY: The absorption or bioavailability of
nutrients from a diet varies widely. depg on the nutrient
and quality of the diet.
• certain nutrients like protein, iron, calcium, zinc, b
carotene vit B12.
• absorption of nutrients from plant foods is inferior to that
of foods of animal origin.
• inhibitory factors in plant foods-tannins, phytates,
antitrypsin factors interfere with nutrient absorption.
• The level of intake of one nutrient influences the
requirement of the other.
• certain relationship are well established like calcium and
vit D.
• Precursor Interrelationship- tryptophan n niacin
• Chemical combination/reaction- Vit C and Iron.
• Non competetive relationship-Folic acid n iron
• competetive relationship- zn n cu
• Exchange relationship- Vit E and Selenium
General principles of Deriving RDA
• Dietary Intake: this approach has been used to arrive at
the energy needs of children. Energy intake of normal
growing children is used on the basis of RDA.
• Growth: to define requirements in early infancy, the
breast milk intake of healthy infants or the requirement of
any particular nutrient for satisfactory growth has been
• Nutrient Balance: As for a number of other nutrients, to
arrive at the protein requirements the min intake of
nutrient for equillibrium [intake=output] in adults and
nutrient retention consistent with satisfactory growth in
children, have been widely used.
Obligatory loss of nutrients: min loss of nutrients or its
metabolic product through normal routes of elmination. in urine,
feceas and sweat.
it is determined on a diet deoid of or very low in the nutrient.
eg: protein free diet in case of proteins.
determines the amt of nutrient to be consumed daily through the
diet to replace the obligatory loss.
Factorial method: in this method, the needs for various
functions are assessed seperately and added up to assess the
total daily requirements.
Nutrient Turnover: data collected by studying certain nutrients
in healthy persons using isotopically labelled nutrients are used
to determmine their requirements. vit A, C, Iron vit B12 etc
Depletion and repletion studies:
This approach has been employed in arriving at the requirement of
water-soluble vitamins.
The levels of a vitamin or its coenzyme in serum or tissue
(erythrocytes, leucocytes) are used as a biochemical marker of the
vitamin status.
Requirements of ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and
pyridoxine have been established employing this approach.
The subjects are first fed a diet very low in the nutrient, under
study, till the biochemical parameters reach a low level after
which the response to feeding graded doses of the nutrient is
The level at which response increases rapidly is an indication of
• National Family Health Survey and UNICEF Reports , 46%
of preschool children and 30% of adults in India suffer from
moderate and severe grades of protein-calorie malnutrition.
• Over 50% women (particularly pregnant women) and
children suffer from iron deficiency anemia (IDA),
• Diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension,
cardiovascular diseases and cancers
• Iodine Deficiency Disease (IDD) has been considerably
reduced after the introduction of universal iodized salt.
RDA FOR INDIANS • ICMR has defined well nourished Indian
adults who had satisfactory growth during childhood.
Scientists have prescribed RDA for adults, depending on the
level of activity of individual.
Sedentary workers: those who sit & work using brain &
hands. Eg: teachers, clerks, typists, officers.
Moderate workers: those who work vigorously for a few
hours using many parts of the body like hands, feet &
muscles. Eg: postman, mali, servant, housewife doing all
household work.
Heavy workers: use different parts of body for several hours.
Eg: rickshaw pullers, coolies, workers in mines, sports person,
masons etc
Establishing guidelines for the national labeling of
packaged foods (by FSSAI). 
Modifying nutrient requirements in clinical
management of diseases. 
To help public health nutritionists to compose diets for
schools, hospitals, prisons etc., 
For establishing Standards for the national feeding
programmes implemented by the Governments.

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