RDA and Derivation of RDA
RDA and Derivation of RDA
RDA and Derivation of RDA
3.Hard (Heavy)
• BIOAVAILABILITY: The absorption or bioavailability of
nutrients from a diet varies widely. depg on the nutrient
and quality of the diet.
• certain nutrients like protein, iron, calcium, zinc, b
carotene vit B12.
• absorption of nutrients from plant foods is inferior to that
of foods of animal origin.
• inhibitory factors in plant foods-tannins, phytates,
antitrypsin factors interfere with nutrient absorption.
• The level of intake of one nutrient influences the
requirement of the other.
• certain relationship are well established like calcium and
vit D.
• Precursor Interrelationship- tryptophan n niacin
• Chemical combination/reaction- Vit C and Iron.
• Non competetive relationship-Folic acid n iron
• competetive relationship- zn n cu
• Exchange relationship- Vit E and Selenium
General principles of Deriving RDA
• Dietary Intake: this approach has been used to arrive at
the energy needs of children. Energy intake of normal
growing children is used on the basis of RDA.
• Growth: to define requirements in early infancy, the
breast milk intake of healthy infants or the requirement of
any particular nutrient for satisfactory growth has been
• Nutrient Balance: As for a number of other nutrients, to
arrive at the protein requirements the min intake of
nutrient for equillibrium [intake=output] in adults and
nutrient retention consistent with satisfactory growth in
children, have been widely used.
Obligatory loss of nutrients: min loss of nutrients or its
metabolic product through normal routes of elmination. in urine,
feceas and sweat.
it is determined on a diet deoid of or very low in the nutrient.
eg: protein free diet in case of proteins.
determines the amt of nutrient to be consumed daily through the
diet to replace the obligatory loss.
Factorial method: in this method, the needs for various
functions are assessed seperately and added up to assess the
total daily requirements.
Nutrient Turnover: data collected by studying certain nutrients
in healthy persons using isotopically labelled nutrients are used
to determmine their requirements. vit A, C, Iron vit B12 etc
Depletion and repletion studies:
This approach has been employed in arriving at the requirement of
water-soluble vitamins.
The levels of a vitamin or its coenzyme in serum or tissue
(erythrocytes, leucocytes) are used as a biochemical marker of the
vitamin status.
Requirements of ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and
pyridoxine have been established employing this approach.
The subjects are first fed a diet very low in the nutrient, under
study, till the biochemical parameters reach a low level after
which the response to feeding graded doses of the nutrient is
The level at which response increases rapidly is an indication of
• National Family Health Survey and UNICEF Reports , 46%
of preschool children and 30% of adults in India suffer from
moderate and severe grades of protein-calorie malnutrition.
• Over 50% women (particularly pregnant women) and
children suffer from iron deficiency anemia (IDA),
• Diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension,
cardiovascular diseases and cancers
• Iodine Deficiency Disease (IDD) has been considerably
reduced after the introduction of universal iodized salt.
RDA FOR INDIANS • ICMR has defined well nourished Indian
adults who had satisfactory growth during childhood.
Scientists have prescribed RDA for adults, depending on the
level of activity of individual.
Sedentary workers: those who sit & work using brain &
hands. Eg: teachers, clerks, typists, officers.
Moderate workers: those who work vigorously for a few
hours using many parts of the body like hands, feet &
muscles. Eg: postman, mali, servant, housewife doing all
household work.
Heavy workers: use different parts of body for several hours.
Eg: rickshaw pullers, coolies, workers in mines, sports person,
masons etc
Establishing guidelines for the national labeling of
packaged foods (by FSSAI).
Modifying nutrient requirements in clinical
management of diseases.
To help public health nutritionists to compose diets for
schools, hospitals, prisons etc.,
For establishing Standards for the national feeding
programmes implemented by the Governments.