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System-Level Power-Aware Design

Techniques in Real-Time Systems

Osman S. Unsal, Israel Koren,

System-Level Power-Aware Design Techniques in R
Proceedings of IEEE, Vol. 91, No. 7, July
Power Management
 Why & What: Power Management?
 Rapid growth of worldwide total power
 87M CPUs consumed 160MW in 1992 -> 500M
CPUs consumed 9,000 MW in 2001
 Battery operated: Laptops, PDAs, Cell
phones, Wireless Sensors, ...
 Heat: Complex Servers (server farms,
multiprocessors, etc.)
 Power Aware: Maintain QoS while reducing

Source: Daniel Mosse (CS1651 at Univ. of Pittsburg)

Why System-Level Design?

 Power management at various system

 Circuit & device level, archiecture & compiler,
OS & network design
 Most existing research regarding power-
aware RT systems focus on power-aware
RT scheduling
 CPU is only a single source of power
Misconceptions about power-aware
 Power-aware ≠ low-power (minimize power
 Delay some instruction execution, e.g., to reduce peak
power -> Executes longer & consumes more power
 Decreasing average power does not imply
decreasing max power
 Power ≠ energy efficiency
 Energy = ∫power
 Perf may degrade resulting in more energy consumption
Misconceptions about power-aware
 Power-constrained ≠ energy-constrained
 solar power (infinite source) vs. battery power
 Energy-constrained systems do not always
target energy minimization
 Charge = f(battery capacity, rate of discharge)
 Goal is battery lifetime extension
Motivations for power-aware
design for RT sytems
 Limited energy-budget & timing constraints, e.g.,
in space & multimedia applications
 Limited form factor & low heat dissipation, e.g.,
in avionics, robotics & space missions
 Often overdesigned to support timing guarantees
under the wosrt case
 Tasks do not run until their WCET -> Energy inefficient
 Fault-tolerance
 Reliability via replication -> high power consumption
What is system-level power-aware
 Power-awareness embedded in every step of
system design
 Power-compiler can do instruction scheduling to
reduce power consumption
 OS-level heuristic may scale down f and Vdd
 Network-level schems may put the network I/F
into standby mode
 Today, we will focus on OS & network levels
OS Level

 Voltage & frequency scaling

 I/O devices
 Power and energy analysis of RTOS
 Distributed RT systems
 Soft real-time systems
Power Management

 How?
 Power off un-used parts: LCD, disk for
 Gracefully reduce the performance
 CPU: dynamic power Pd = Cef * Vdd2 * f
[Chandrakasan-1992, Burd-1995]
 C : switch capacitance

 Vdd : supply voltage

 f : processor frequency  linear related to Vdd

Source: Daniel Mosse (CS1651 at Univ. of Pittsburg)

Power Aware Scheduling

 Static Power fmax Static Slack D

Management (SPM) T1 T2 idle
 Static slack: uniformly
slow down all tasks T2 0.6E
[Weiser-1994, Yao-1995, time
T1 0.6E
Energy T2

T1 T2
f time
T1 T2

Source: Daniel Mosse (CS1651 at Univ. of Pittsburg)

Power Aware Scheduling
 Dynamic Power
Management (DPM) fmax Static Slack D
 Dynamic slack: non-worst T1 T2 idle
execution 10% [Ernst- time
 DPM: [Krishna-2000,
T1 T2
Kumar-2000, Pillai-2001, time

Shin-2001] fmax/2 Dynamic Slack

 Multi-Processor T1
 SPM: length of
schedule over deadline fmax/3
T1 T2
 DPM ??? E

Source: Daniel Mosse (CS1651 at Univ. of Pittsburg)

References (Power-Aware RT Scheduling)
 [Chandrakasan-1992] A. P. Chandrakasan and S. Sheng and R. W. Brodersen. Low-Power
CMOS Digital Design. IEEE Journal of Solidstate Circuit, V27, N4, April 1992, pp 473--484
 [Burd-1995] T. D. Burd and R. W. Brodersen. Energy efficient cmos microprocessor design.
In Proc. of The HICSS Conference, pages 288-297, Maui, Hawaii, Jan. 1995.
 [Weiser-1994] M. Weiser, B. Welch, A. J. Demers, and S. Shenker. Scheduling for reduced
CPU energy. In Operating Systems Design and Implementation, pages 13-23, 1994
 [Yao-1995] F. Yao, A. Demers, and S. Shenker. A scheduling model for reduced cpu energy.
In Proc. of The 36th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, pages 374-
382, Milwaukee, WI, Oct. 1995.
 [Gruian-2000] F. Gruian. System-Level Design Methods for Low-Energy Architectures
Containing Variable Voltage Processors. The Power-Aware Computing Systems 2000
Workshop at ASPLOS 2000, Cambridge, MA, November 2000
 [Ernst-1997] R. Ernst and W. Ye. Embedded program timing analysis based on path
clustering and architecture classification. In Proc. of The International Conference on
Computer-Aided Design, pages 598–604, San Jose, CA, Nov. 1997.
 [Krishna-2000] C. M. Krishna and Y. H. Lee. Voltage clock scaling adaptive scheduling
techniques for low power in hard real-time systems. In Proc. of The 6th IEEE Real-Time
Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS00), Washington D.C., May. 2000.
 [Kumar-2000] P. Kumar and M. Srivastava, Predictive Strategies for Low-Power RTOS
Scheduling, Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design:
VLSI in Computers and Processors
 [Pillai-2001] P. Pillai and K. G. Shin. Real-Time Dynamic Voltage Scaling for Low-Power
Embedded Operating Systems, 18th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
(SOSP?1), Banff, Canada, Oct. 2001
 [Shin-2001] D. Shin, J. Kim and S. Lee, Intra-Task Voltage Scheduling for Low-Energy Hard
Real-Time Applications, IEEE Design and Test of Computers, March 2001
 [Zhu-2001] D. Zhu, R. Melhem, and B. Childers. Scheduling with Dynamic Voltage/Speed
Adjustment Using Slack Reclamation in Multi-Processor RealTime Systems, RTSS'01 (Real-
Time Systems Symposium), London, England, Dec 2001 152

Source: Daniel Mosse (CS1651 at Univ. of Pittsburg)

I/O devices

 Much less work has been done compared to

VS (voltage scaling) in real-time systems
 Swaminathan et al [72]
 Power-aware I/O device scheduling for hard
real-time systems
 Tasks are independent but not periodic
 A priori knowledge of task schedule & device
usage list required
Power & energy analysis of RTOS

 Power consumption of μc-OS on Fujitsu

SPARClite processor
 μc-OS: Open-source embedded RT kernel introduced in
an earlier lecture for project ideas
 Evaluate power consumption by system calls [73]
 μc-OS, Ecnidna, NOS (baseline “bare-bones”
scheduler) [74]
 RTOS overheads are two to four times higher than NOS
 Poorly design idele loops can double the energy
Power & energy analysis of RTOS

 Acquaviva [75]
 Increasing context switch frequency from 0Hz
to 10Khz does not affect energy consumption ->
Context switch mechanism in RTOS is energy
 More energy is consumed when cache flushing
effect during context-switch is considered
 I/O: CPU sends data bursts > output buffer ->
Considerable energy consumption when buffer
is full or when it polls a synchronization
variable (similar to [74])
Distributed/Multiprocessor real-
time systems
 Reminder
 Tightly coupled multiprocessor system
 Multiple processors are connected at the bus level
and share main memory
 Extreme: multicore with multiple processors on a chip
 Loosely coupled multiprocessor system (e.g.,
 Multiple, stand-alone processors connected via, e.g.,
Gigabit Ethernet
Distributed/Multiprocessor real-
time systems
 Classic RT scheduling ≠ Power-aware one
 Example: a tightly coupled RT system with
2 processors, 2 memory banks, 1 ready
 Apply EDF
 Assign a task to the first available processor
 Put memory bank(s) into sleep mode if not used
Distributed/Multiprocessor real-
time systems
 Task set
 Assume memory utilization is linearly
dependent on exec time
Distributed/Multiprocessor real-
time systems
 Classic Load Balancing (LB)
 Try to balance memory bank utilization
 Assign T1 & T2 to bank 1 (bank utilization 70%)
& T3 & T4 to bank 2 (BU 54.1%)
 Power-Aware (PA)
 Assign harmonically related tasks to the same
 Tasks are simultaneously active more often
 Assign T1 & T3 (BU 36.6%) to bank 1 & T2 & T4
to bank 2 (BU 87.5%)
Distributed/Multiprocessor real-
time systems
 PA vs. LB

Several variations possible: Another project idea!

Soft real-time systems [77]

 Hand-held, pocket computes – audio, video,

GPS, ...
 Power profile of a pocket computer shows
more dynamic power profile than a laptop
 Using a single JVM is 25% more energy
efficient than using one JVM per
 Just-in-time compilation is power efficient
Soft real-time systems: Battery
 Energy-aware QoS tradeoff [79]
 Energy-aware scheduling favoring low energy &
critical tasks
 Tunable toward extended battery life at the
cost of perf
 Battery life can be extended up to 100% with
perf degradation of 40%
 Open & closed-loop approaches [80]
 Tight cooperation btwn OS and
applications for energy savings [81]
Soft real-time systems: Web
 Web workloads are bursty
 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic
 1840 hits/sec during peak time
 Only 459 hits/sec in average
 Voltage scheduling & frequency scheduling
during the predicted low activity time ->
23% - 36% energy savings
 Heat is also a critical factor in this kind of
Network Level
 Much less work has been done compared to RT
scheduling & RTOS
 QoS support for audio & video streaming, e.g., RSVP
(Resource Reseravation Protocol), RTP, RTSP, is a
different story
 ATM: Constant Bit Ratio & Variable Bit Ratio
 Research issues
 Limited hard RT support, e.g., CAN (Control Area
 Overlay networks?
 Wireless networks?
Network Level
 Wireless communications: Relatively new technologies
 WiFi (IEEE 802.11)

 Energy-efficient MAC (Medium Access Control)

 Example: S-MAC for Wireless Sensor Networks

 In WSNs, duty cycle ≤ 1%; 802.11 too expensive

 Efficient sleep scheduling: If a node loses

contention for the medium, it goes to sleep for
the duration specified in each packet
 RTS/CTS for an entire message that can be
multiple packets
 Fairness in WSNs is not as important as other wireless
ad hoc networks
 S-MAC consumes 2-6 times less energy than
802.11 [96]
Above the MAC layer

 LEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering

 Cluster head/cluster can aggregate data
 Randomly elect a cluster head
 Real-time protocols in WSNs
 To be discussed later in this class
Shortest path vs. max power

Balance timing & power constraints!


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