Chapter 4 - Intake

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(HWRE -- 4038)

1 By: Lemlem T

 Intake structures are used for collecting water from the surface water
sources such as river, lake, and reservoir and conveying it further to
the water treatment plant or other needed place.
 help safely withdrawing water from the reservoir over a
predetermined range of pool level thus protect the conduit from being
damaged or clogged
To Admit and regulate water from reservoir
 It forms an entrance( with minimal head loss, with no vortex formation, and air

Minimize silt entrance to canal or any water destination place

 It also supports necessary auxiliary appurtenances (such as trash racks, fish
screens, and bypass devices) which is provided:
 To Control The Sediment Entry and fish , Prevent Clogging of The Entrance With Floating

To prevent clogging of entrance with debrides or loggings

Thus the following inlet geometric conditions should be satisfied.
 Positive boundary pressure
 Absence of cavitation zone
 Continues decrease of pressure line
 Minor head loss and thus good hydraulic performance
 Control of vibration and
 Economical design

Site Selection for Intake Structures A T P I F
1. The site should be so selected that it may admit water even under worst condition
of flow in the river. Generally, it is preferred that intake should be sufficiently
below the shore line.
2. Site should be very close to treatment plant as possible.
3. It should be so located that it is free from the pollution. It is better to provide
intake at upper stream of city so that water is not contaminated.
4. It should not interfere with river traffic, if any.
5. It should be located where good foundation conditions are available.
6. It should be so located that it admits relatively pure water free from mud, sand and
pollutants. Means it should be protected from rapid current
Types of Intake Structures
Intakes are classified under these categories:
1.Submerged intake
2.Exposed or Tower intake
Intakes can be:-
Simple submerged Intake

• Consists of a simple concrete block or rock

filled timber crib supporting the entrance of
conduit .
• Such intakes should be placed in river or
reservoir at a place where they could not
get buried under sediment
• Usually used for water supply on rivers but
sometimes used in embankment dams
sluice ways with hydraulically operated
• Their disadvantage is that they are not
accessible for gate maintenance.

2. Exposed or Tower intake

 used on large projects where there are large fluctuations of water

 Openings at various levels called ports are generally provided in
these concrete towers,
 The level of the lowest port should be high enough above the
reservoir bed,
There are two major types of intake towers, viz.
1. Wet intake towers
2. Dry intake towers
Intake Towers
Wet intake tower
Dry Intake Tower

More actual intake

structure arrangements
could be viewed from
‘Design Of Small Dams’
page 46


Wet intake tower
• Consists of circular inside shell with
ungated entry ports, and a vertical
shaft connected to the conduit with
gated entry ports.
• Water level in the inside shell
remains equal to reservoir level.
• It has better resistance against
buoyance force due to weight of

Weight of water
Dry Intake Tower

• In this case water is directly

withdrawn from the conduit shaft
through gated entry ports;
• which means if gates are closed
then there is no water inside the
• subjected to buoyance force and
huge mass of concrete shall be
used for stability. 13
Intake also can be classified based on the sources where they
withdraw water
1.River intake
2.Reservoir intake
3.Lake intake
4.Canal intake
 Are required for most outlets.
 The size of trash racks is governed by limiting
velocities, component equipment of intake, and the
size of the downstream water ways and gates.
 The limiting velocities are governed by head loss and
blockage considerations.
 In general, these velocities are limited to 3 to 4 ft/ sec,
or even higher for large outlets used for flood releases.
Trash racks
Used to prevent the entry of debris, ice etc in to the
These racks are generally bar screens,
made from steel bars spaced at 5 to 15 cm center to center
in both directions.
Spacing depends upon the maximum size of the debris
required to be excluded from entering the conduit.
The velocity of flow through the trash rack is kept low
(generally less than 0.62m/s) so as to minimize losses.
Trash racks
Trash racks
 A trashrack intercepts the entire
flow and removes any large debris,
whether it is floating, suspended, or
swept along the bottom.
 They are simply bars spaced by 5-
15cm center to center in both
direction depending on the
maximum size of debris required to
be exclude from entering the
 velocities
through the trash rack is
kept minimum, less than 0.62m/s to 18

minimize head loss.

Last Quiz

1. What are the basic functions of an intake structure

2. Writeat lease five site selection criteria for intake

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