11 Flexible Transport

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Flexible Transport

Lecture 11, Computer Networks (198:552)

Fall 2019
Modularity through layering
Protocols “stacked”
in endpoint and
Apps: useful user-level functions HTTP FTP NV TFTP

Transport: provide guarantees to apps

Network: best-effort global pkt delivery Ether ATM … WiFi

Link: best-effort local pkt delivery

Two Main Transport Layers
• User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
• Abstraction of independent messages between
• Just provides demultiplexing and error detection
• Header fields: port numbers, checksum, and length
• Low overhead, good for query/response and

• Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

• Provides support for a stream of bytes abstraction
Transmission Control Protocol
• Multiplexing/demultiplexing
• Determine which conversation a given packet belongs to
• All transports need to do this

• Reliability and flow control

• Ensure that data sent is delivered to the receiver application
• Ensure that receiver buffer doesn’t overflow

• Ordered delivery
• Ensure bits pushed by sender arrive at receiver app in order

• Congestion control
• Ensure that data sent doesn’t overwhelm network resources
Things we’d like to change about
TCP (1/N)
• 3-way handshake: too much latency (esp. small web
Request latencies to
Google services

Source: “TCP Fast

Open,” CoNext 2011
Problem made worse
by adding security
(HTTPS / TLS) over
TLS handshake adds
more round trips.
Things we’d like to change about
TCP (2/N)
• Ability to handle streams of data within a connection
• Q: examples of apps that might need it?
• Typical web page contain tens, if not hundreds of objects
• A browser could render partial pages with objects that
finished downloading to provide a better user experience

• One solution is to open a TCP connection for each object

• High overhead -- at client and server
• Connections cannot learn about network conditions

• Streams within single TCP connection:

• head-of-line blocking
Head-of-line blocking at client
Network Applicati
writes on can
here 1 2
read up
to here
Suppose pkt
1 2 4 3 contains
object 2 and
pkts 1,2,4
1 2 3 4 object 1.
Memory on the receiver can’t render
Things we’d like to change about
TCP (3/N)
• TCP measures a connection round-trip time RTT as the time
between transmitting each packet and receiving its ACK
• Recall: What’s the RTT useful for?
• Good RTT estimate critical to know when to retransmit lost pkts
• Also for algorithms using RTT to determine sending rate

• What happens to the RTT estimate when a packet is

• Today: ignore RTT for any packet transmitted more than once
(Karn’s algorithm)

• Issue: TCP conflates two uses of sequence numbers:

• Ordered data delivery (know which data to deliver first to app)
• Reliable delivery (track which data was received)
Things we’d like to change about
TCP (3/N)
• TCP measures a connection round-trip time RTT as the time
between transmitting each packet and receiving its ACK
• Recall: What’s the RTT useful for?
• Good RTT estimate critical to know when to retransmit lost pkts
There are many other things we’d like to
• Also for algorithms using RTT to determine sending rate

• What happensbut we’ll
to the only talk
RTT estimate whenabout
a packet the
is 3
above in the context of QUIC.
• Today: ignore RTT for any packet transmitted more than once
(Karn’s algorithm)

• Issue: TCP conflates two uses of sequence numbers:

• Ordered data delivery (know which data to deliver first to app)
• Reliable delivery (track which data was received)
What’s so hard about changing
• You may need to change the operating system kernel

• You may need to change the operating system kernel

on all servers and clients (ex: all your laptops and

• You may need to change the entire network!

• Middleboxes sitting in the network may change, drop,
or add info on packets
• Middleboxes may drop packets if they don’t
understand something on the packet
• Designed over UDP with fresh packet formats at app layer

• Issue #1: Better handshake procedure

• Designed with security & encryption in mind from the
• Almost everything is encrypted
• If middlebox can’t read a piece of info, it can’t make any
decisions based on that info
• In particular, can’t change packet without endpoints noticing

• Issue #2: Support lightweight streams natively

• Issue #3: Better RTT estimation for retransmissions
#2: Streams without HOLB
• QUIC supports packet format with frame-level data
#2: Streams without HOLB
• Stream-level flow control
• Separate advertised window per stream and for connection
• Window update frames per stream

• Stream-level sending rate mechanisms (“priorities”)

• QUIC receiver can deliver packets to app as long as stream

packets received in order (even if connection’s packets are

• Ideas are known from prior work on “Structured Streaming”

No HOLB across streams
Network Applicati
writes on can
1 2
here read up
to here
1 2 4 Suppose pkt
3 contains
object 2 and
pkts 1,2,4
1 2 4 contain
object 1.
App can read
Memory on the receiver pkt 4 since
#3: Better RTT estimation
• Use separate sequence numbers for data and
packet delivery
#3: Better RTT estimation
• Decouple reliability completely from ordered
#3: Better RTT estimation
• Decouple reliability completely from ordered delivery
• Packet numbers are monotonically increasing (and hence
• Distinct from frame offsets within stream

• Use time between the transmission of a packet and its ACK

(identifiable using unique packet number) for RTT estimate
• Regardless of original transmission or retransmission

• Better RTTs when you need them the most: loss recovery

• Also have more ACK blocks (256) than TCP SACK

#1 Lower-latency handshake
• “Common case” 0-RTT handshake
• Otherwise, 1-RTT or (more rarely) 2-RTT handshake
• Merge cryptographic information within the first
• Use cached credentials to make subsequent
handshakes faster
• Optimistically assume handshake succeeds
• Server can reject or drop request without doing too
much work
• (More details to come…)
Latency improvements
Retransmission prevalence to
Google clients
Improvements by minimum RTT
Hypothesis: better
loss recovery
behavior of QUIC
results in higher
improvements as
minRTT increases

Not proven
conclusively through
experiments in the
paper. But possible
to do (someone
should do it!)

In general, good idea

Video rebuffer rate
Improvements by region
Lessons from QUIC
• Layering enables modularity but can hurt performance
• Benchmark application metrics (macrobenchmarks) and
protocol metrics (microbenchmarks) to ensure
• That features are working correctly
• That features are useful to applications
• User space networking has performance caveats
• High CPU usage
• Harder to write applications (PACKET_RX_RING + mmap)
• Extra data transfer while bandwidth-limited (ex: video start)
is bad
• Google tried FEC, but performance didn’t improve as imagined
Discussion of
What you need to know to
understand the QUIC handshake
• Security and cryptography basics:
• Confidentiality. Encryption techniques. Example of a
technique (ex: Diffie-hellman key exchange) for secret
communication. Difference between public and private key
crypto. Forward secrecy. Specific reasons to prefer private
or public.
• Authentication. How certificates allow you to do this.
• Integrity: how one-way functions allow you to do this.
• TLS: goals: provide server authentication, confidentiality,
integrity. The TLS handshake. What it achieves.
• QUIC handshake: how the different components come
together to achieve TLS goals. How the results of the
handshake can be used later.
Some lessons from QUIC
• Encrypt as much as possible:
• Security properties, but also avoid protocol
entrenchment: need endpoints to be able to change
without the core interfering
• If you exchange metadata in plaintext (e.g.,
handshake packets), use all the plaintext while
generating shared secrets. Otherwise, someone
can tamper with integrity.
• More a security principle than a networking principle
• TLS does the same thing (prevent “downgrade”

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