The document discusses polarization of light waves and techniques for polarizing light, including selective absorption using Polaroid materials, reflection at polarizing angles, and double refraction in birefringent crystals. It also covers optical components that manipulate polarization like retarders, isolators, and effects used in devices like liquid crystal displays.
The document discusses polarization of light waves and techniques for polarizing light, including selective absorption using Polaroid materials, reflection at polarizing angles, and double refraction in birefringent crystals. It also covers optical components that manipulate polarization like retarders, isolators, and effects used in devices like liquid crystal displays.
The document discusses polarization of light waves and techniques for polarizing light, including selective absorption using Polaroid materials, reflection at polarizing angles, and double refraction in birefringent crystals. It also covers optical components that manipulate polarization like retarders, isolators, and effects used in devices like liquid crystal displays.
The document discusses polarization of light waves and techniques for polarizing light, including selective absorption using Polaroid materials, reflection at polarizing angles, and double refraction in birefringent crystals. It also covers optical components that manipulate polarization like retarders, isolators, and effects used in devices like liquid crystal displays.
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Polarization of Light Waves
• Each atom produces a
wave with its own orientation of • All directions of the electric field vector are equally possible and lie in a plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation • This is an unpolarized wave • A wave is said to be linearly polarized if the resultant electric field vibrates in the same direction at all times at a particular point • Polarization can be obtained from an unpolarized beam by – selective absorption – reflection – scattering Polarization
• Uses a material that transmits waves whose electric field vectors in the plane are parallel to a certain direction and absorbs waves whose electric field vectors are perpendicular to that direction • E. H. Land discovered a material that polarizes light through selective absorption – He called the material Polaroid – The molecules readily absorb light whose electric field vector is parallel to their lengths and transmit light whose electric field vector is perpendicular to their lengths • The intensity of the polarized beam transmitted through the second polarizing sheet (the analyzer) varies as I = Io cos2 θ • Io is the intensity of the polarized wave incident on the analyzer • This is known as Malus’ Law and applies to any two polarizing materials whose transmission axes are at an angle of θ to each other The intensity of light transmitted through two polarizers depends on the relative orientation of their transmission axes. (a) The transmitted light has maximum intensity when the transmission axes are aligned with each other. (b) The transmitted light intensity diminishes when the transmission axes are at an angle of 450 with each other. (c) The transmitted light intensity is a minimum when the transmission axes are at right angles to each other. Polarization by Reflection • When an unpolarized light beam is reflected from a surface, the reflected light is – Completely polarized – Partially polarized – Unpolarized • It depends on the angle of incidence – If the angle is 0° or 90°, the reflected beam is unpolarized – For angles between this, there is some degree of polarization – For one particular angle, the beam is completely polarized The angle of incidence for which the reflected beam is completely polarized is called the polarizing angle, θp • θp + 90o + θp = 180°, so that θ = 90° - θp . • Using Snell’s law and taking n1 = 1.00 and n2 = n, we have
• Because sin θ2 = sin(90° - θp) = cos θp , the
expression for n can be written as sin p n tan p cos p • θp may also be called Brewster’s Angle Polarization by Double Refraction • When light travels through an amorphous material, such as glass, it travels with a speed that is the same in all directions. • That is, glass has a single index of refraction. In certain crystalline materials, however, such as calcite and quartz, the speed of light is not the same in all directions. Such materials are characterized by two indices of refraction. Hence, they are often referred to as double- refracting or birefringent materials. • When unpolarized light enters a calcite crystal, it splits into two plane-polarized rays that travel with different speeds, corresponding to two angles of refraction • One ray, called the ordinary (O) ray, is characterized by an index of refraction, nO that is the same in all directions. • The second plane-polarized ray, called the extraordinary (E) ray, travels with different speeds in different directions and have an index of refraction, nE, that varies with the direction of propagation. • there is one direction, called the optic axis, along which the ordinary and extraordinary rays have the same speed, corresponding to the direction for which nO = n E . • The difference in speed for the two rays is a maximum in the direction perpendicular to the optic axis. Part III: Optical components, retarders
• In retarders, one polarization gets ‘retarded’, or delayed,
with respect to the other one. There is a final phase difference between the 2 components of the polarization. Therefore, the polarization is changed. • Most retarders are based on birefringent materials (quartz, mica, polymers) that have different indices of refraction depending on the polarization of the incoming light. Part III: Optical components, retarders
Half-Wave plate (I)
• Retardation of ½ wave or 180º for one of the polarizations.
• Used to flip the linear
polarization or change the handedness of circular polarization. Part III: Optical components, retarders
Half-Wave plate (II)
Part III: Optical components, retarders
Quarter-Wave plate (I)
• Retardation of ¼ wave or 90º for one of the polarizations
• Used to convert linear polarization to elliptical.
Part III: Optical components, retarders
Quarter-Wave plate (II)
• Special case: incoming light polarized at 45º with respect to
the retarder’s axis
• Conversion from linear to circular polarization (vice versa)
Part I: Polarization states, circular polarization... see it now?
Circular polarization (IV)
Part I: Polarization states, elliptical polarization
Elliptical polarization
• Linear + circular polarization = elliptical polarization
Isolators -- 1 • Polarizer and quarter waveplate • Double pass through quarter wave plate – same as half wave plate – rotate polarization by up to 45° • Polarizer blocks reflected light
Polarizer Quarter wave
Reflecting element Kerr effect Electro optic effect • Polarization in direction of applied field changes propagation speed Input linear polarization • In direction of applied field -- phase modulator • Perpendicular to applied field -- nothing • 45° to applied field -- variable waveplate – output polarizer gives intensity modulator Pockels effect • Similar to Kerr effect – Apply electric field along propagation direction – Crystal with no center of symmetry -- also piezoelectric • Delay linear in applied field -- Kerr effect quadratic Liquid crystals Electric field changes average orientation of molecules • Delay depends on polarization direction – Phase modulator or variable waveplate • Intensity modulator needs polarizers • Used for displays -- ex: computer monitors • Isolators -- 2 • Faraday effect non-reciprocal – Opposite for different propagation directions • Put passive polarization rotator and Faraday rotator in series – One direction -- no effect – Opposite direction -- rotate polarization 90° • Polarizer blocks reflections • Used for fiber optics, laser diodes – performance good -- 10 - 30 dB Passive Reflecting Faraday rotator Polarizer crystal element