DM Unit I.1-Introduction

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◦ Introduction
 Basics of Data Mining
 Related Concepts
 Data Mining Techniques

Basics of DM

Goal: Provide an overview of data mining.
 Define data mining
 Data mining vs. databases
 Basic data mining tasks
 Data mining development
 Data mining issues

 Data is growing at a phenomenal rate
 Users expect more sophisticated information
 How?



 Finding hidden information in a database
 Fit data to a model
 Similar terms
◦ Exploratory data analysis
◦ Data driven discovery
◦ Deductive learning

 How traditional database query works??

 data mining access of a database differs from traditional
database query
◦ Query
◦ Data
◦ Output

 Query  Query
◦ Well defined ◦ Poorly defined
◦ SQL ◦ No precise query language

 Data  Data
◦ Operational data ◦ Not operational data

 Output  Output
o Precise o Fuzzy
o Subset of database o Not a subset of database
 Objective: Fit Data to a Model
◦ Descriptive
◦ Predictive
 Preference – Technique to choose the best model
 Search – Technique to search the data

◦ “Query”

 Database
• Find all credit applicants with last name of Smith.
• Identify customers who have purchased more
than $10,000 in the last month.
• Find all customers who have purchased milk

 Data Mining
– Find all credit applicants who are poor credit
risks. (classification)
– Identify customers with similar buying habits.
– Find all items which are frequently purchased
with milk. (association rules)

 Classification maps data into predefined
groups or classes
◦ Supervised learning
 Classes are determined before examining data.
 Classes r defined based on data attributes values
 E.g. identifying credit risk
◦ Pattern recognition
 E.g. airport security screening station

 Regression is used to map a data item to a real

valued prediction variable.
◦ Involves learning of several functions
(linear,logistic ,etc)
◦ E.g. calculating levels of savings before certain time.
 Using simple linear regression formula.

 Time series analysis is examined as it varies over
◦ Values are usually obtained as evenly spaced time
points (day,week, month..)
◦ 3 basic functions :-
 Distance measure : similarity between different time
 Structure of line : its behaviour.
 Historical time series :predict future values.
◦ E.g. investing in stocks

 Prediction is predicting a future state rather
than a current state.
◦ can b viewed as type of classification.
◦ E.g. flodding

 Clustering groups similar data together into

◦ Unsupervised learning/Segmentation
◦ Accomplished by determining the similarity of data on
predefined attributes.
◦ Most similar data r grouped into clusters.
◦ Partitioning (may or may not b disjoint)
◦ E.g. Identify customers with similar buying habits.

 Summarization maps data into subsets with
associated simple descriptions.
◦ Characterization
◦ Generalization
 Association Rules /Link Analysis uncovers
relationships among data.
◦ Association Rules
◦ Is a model that identifies specific type of data association.
◦ E.g. super market basket analysis.
◦ Assist retail store management in advertising, marketing and
inventory control.
 Sequence discovery/sequential analysis is
used to determine sequential patterns in data.
◦ Based on time sequence of actions.
◦ Items are purchased over time in some order rather than at same
time like in super market basket analysis.
◦ E.g. a person buying CD player might purchase CD’s in a week
time .
 Knowledge Discovery in Databases
(KDD): process of finding useful information and
patterns in data.
 Data Mining: Use of algorithms to extract the

information and patterns derived by the KDD


Modified from [FPSS96C]

 Selection: Obtain data from various sources.

 Preprocessing:
◦ data is incorrect or missing
◦ It Cleanse data.
 Transformation: Convert to common
format. Transform to new format.
 Data Mining: Obtain desired results.
 Interpretation/Evaluation: Present
results to user in meaningful manner.
 Refers to visual representation of data
 Allows users to summarize, extract and grasp

complex results than n e mathematical or textual

 Visualization techniques :-

◦ Graphical :- bar charts, pie charts, histogram , line

◦ Geometric :- box plot n scatter diagram
◦ Icon-based :- figures, colors ,icons
◦ Pixel-based :- each data value shown as uniquely colored
◦ Hierarchical :- divide display screen into regions
◦ Hybrid :- combination of these.
•Hierarchical Clustering
•Relational Data Model •IR Systems
•SQL •Imprecise Queries
•Association Rule Algorithms
•Textual Data
•Data Warehousing
•Scalability Techniques •Web Search Engines

•Bayes Theorem
•Regression Analysis
•EM Algorithm
•K-Means Clustering
•Time Series Analysis

•Algorithm Design Techniques

•Algorithm Analysis
•Neural Networks
•Data Structures
•Decision Tree Algorithms

 Human interaction
 Overfitting
 Outliners
 Interpretation of results
 Visualization of results
 Large datasets
 High dimensionality
 Multimedia data
 Missing data
 Irrelevant data
 Noisy data
 Changing data
 Integration
 Application
 Human Interaction
◦ Problem is not precisely stated
◦ Need technical n domain experts to interpret the results.
 Overfitting
◦ Occurs when model does not fit future needs
◦ Caused by assumptions about data or by small size of
◦ E.g. classification of employee db to classify employee as
short, medium n tall.
 Outliers
◦ Data entries that donot fit in the derived model .

 Interpretation of Result
◦ Requires expert to correctly interpret the result.
 Visualization
◦ Easily view n understand the o/p
 Large Datasets
◦ Massive dataset creates problem when applying algo
designed for small db.
 High Dimensionality (dimensionality curse)
◦ Not all attributes r needed for DM problem
◦ These attributes might interfere with correct completion
of DM task
◦ Solution :- dimensionality reduction

 Multimedia Data
◦ Most DM algo r targeted to traditional data types
 Missing Data
◦ During Preprocessing step of KDD ,missing data r replaced
with estimates.
◦ Leads to invalid results
 Irrelevant Data
◦ Some unwanted attributes
 Noisy Data
◦ Attributes might b invalid or incorrect.
 Changing Data
◦ Db not static.
◦ DM algo assumes static DB.
◦ Algo shud re-run when database changes.

 Integration
◦ KDD process is not integrated with normal data
processing .
◦ KDD request may b unusual , special ,one time need.
◦ Goal :- integration of DM functions with traditional DB.
 Application
◦ Challenge :- intented use of information from DM

 Privacy
 Profiling
 Unauthorized use

Related Concepts

 Goal: Examine some areas which are
related to data mining.
 Database/OLTP Systems
 Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic
 Information Retrieval
 Dimensional Modeling
 Data Warehousing
 Web Search Engines
 Statistics
 Machine Learning
 Pattern Matching

 What is Database
 Schema
◦ (ID,Name,Address,Salary,JobNo)
 Data Model
◦ ER
◦ Relational
 Query:
WHERE Salary > 100000

DM: Only imprecise queries

 A set is collection of objects.
 Fuzzy Set: is a set , F, in which Set membership function
f is a real valued function with output in the range [0,1].
◦ f(x): Probability x is in F.
◦ 1-f(x): Probability x is not in F.
◦ This is not a true probability, but rather the degree of truth
associated with the statement that x is in the set.
◦ With traditional db , the set membership function is boolean.
◦ E.g.
◦ T = {x | x is a person and x is tall}
◦ Let f(x) be the probability that x is tall
◦ Here f is the membership function n is not boolean.
◦ The result for this query is fuzzy.
◦ E.g searching on web is also fuzzy.

DM: Prediction and classification are

 Fuzzy Logic is reasoning with uncertainity.
◦ Multiple values( true, false, may be) rather than just (true
n false).
◦ Used in database system to retrieve data with imprecise
or missing values.
◦ Uses rules n membership function to estimate a
continuous function
◦ Valuable tool to develop control system such as elevators,
trains, heating systems etc..
 In these cases, instead of providing crisp on-off
environment, fuzzy controller provides a continuous

Loan accept
reject reject

Income Fuzzy

 Information Retrieval (IR): retrieving desired
information from textual data.
◦ Library Science
◦ Digital Libraries
◦ Web Search Engines
 Traditionally keyword based
 Sample query:
Find all documents about “data mining”.
◦ This is an classification task coz set of documents in library is
divided into classes based on keywords.
 The retrieval of document is based on calculation of a
similarity measures
DM: Similarity measures;
Mine text/Web data.

 Similarity: measure of how close a query is to a
 Documents which are “close enough” are retrieved.
 D={D1,….Dn} (set of documents)
 The input is a query q , list of keywords.
 Similarity between query and document is calculated
as sim(q,Di).
 Metrics:
◦ Precision = |Relevant and Retrieved|
◦ Recall = |Relevant and Retrieved|

 Precision : “are all documents retrieved ones that I
am interested in?”
 Recall : “have all relevant documents been

 2 of them represents desired result:

◦ relevant retrieved
◦ Not relevant not retrieved
 2 of them represents error situations:
◦ Relevant not retrieved
◦ Not relevant retrieved
 Concept hierarchies
 DSS are comprehensive computer system n
related tools that assist managers in making
decision and solving problems.
 Improves decision making
 EIS n ESS have evolved

◦ Helps in effective business decisions

 DSS may use DM tools
 DSS could b enterprise wide, helps upper level

managers with data needed for intelligent

business decisions.

 Dimensional modeling is a different way to
view n interrogate data in a database.
 Useful in decision support systems and mining
 Decision support application require that
information b obtained along many
 E.g. sales manager report.
 Dimension: collection of logically related
attributes; axis for modeling data.
 Facts: data stored usually in numeric
 E.g.: Dimensions – products, locations, date
Facts – quantity, unit price
 DSS queries may access the facts from many
different dimension n levels.
DM: May view data as dimensional.
ProdID LocID Date Quantity UnitPrice
123 Dallas 022900 5 25
123 Houston 020100 10 20
150 Dallas 031500 1 100
150 Dallas 031500 5 95
150 Fort 021000 5 80
150 Chicago 012000 20 75
200 Seattle 030100 5 50
300 Rochester 021500 200 5
500 Bradenton 022000 15 20
500 Chicago 012000 10 25
 Roll Up: more general dimension
 Drill Down: more specific dimension
 See cube diag. we have 8*7*5=280
 Dimension (Aggregation) Hierarchy
◦ Use < to represent order relationship.
 When levels for a dimension satisfy this structure, the facts along
these dimension are said to b additive.
◦ Product< type< company.
◦ When this order relationship is satisfied between two levels,
there is an aggregate type of relationship among the facts.
 E.g. Quantity of product sold of a particular type is the sum of
the quantities for all products within that type.
◦ Min, max, sum, avg…

 Multidimensional schemas.
 Fact table (major table)
 Dimension table (minor
 E.g access all location in
SELECT quantity, price
FROM Facts, Location
AND Fact table
 The primary key for fact
table is collection of
foreign key from all
dimension tables. 44
 “Subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, nonvolatile” William
 Corporate wide data (current /historical ) are merged into a single
 Operational Data: Data used in day to day needs of company.
(traditional database)
◦ Billing, inventory, payroll..)
 Informational Data: Supports other functions such as
planning and forecasting. (data warehouse).
 E.g. Database of company.
◦ Motive : to find reason for too many employee leaving company in
recent time
 View of data warehouse ( refer diag from txtbk)
◦ Since warehouse is stored as a database, it can b accessed by
traditional query
 Data mining tools often access data warehouses rather than
operational data.
Operational Data Data Warehouse
Application OLTP OLAP
Use Precise Queries Ad Hoc
Temporal Snapshot Historical
Modification Dynamic Static
Orientation Application Business
Data Operational Values Integrated
Size Gigabits Terabits
Level Detailed Summarized
Access Often Less Often
Response Few Seconds Minutes
Data Schema Relational Star/Snowflake

 Several ways to improve performance of data
◦ Summarization
◦ Denormalization
◦ partitioning

 Online Analytic Processing (OLAP): provides more complex queries
than OLTP.
 OnLine Transaction Processing (OLTP): traditional
database/transaction processing.
 OLAP application involves analysis of actual data.
 OLAP tools may b used in DSS.
 Goal of OLAP is to support ad hoc querying needed to support DSS.
 OLAP is an application view, not a data structure or schema.
 OLAP requires multidimensional view of data (cube view).
 Types of OLAP operations:
◦ Slice: examine sub-cube; one dimension
◦ Dice: rotate cube to look at another dimension; two or more dimension
◦ Roll Up : dimension reduction, aggregation
 Instead of looking at onr single fact, look at all fact.
 E.g. Overall sales of company
◦ Drill Down :
 More detail fact information
 E.g. quantities sold within a specific area of each cities.
◦ Visualization

DM: May use OLAP queries. 48

Roll Up

Drill Down

Single Cell Multiple Cells Slice Dice

 Simple descriptive models
 Statistical inference: generalizing a model
created from a sample of the data to the entire
 Exploratory Data Analysis:
◦ Data can actually drive the creation of the model
◦ Opposite of traditional statistical view.
 Data mining targeted to business user

DM: Many data mining methods come

from statistical techniques.

 Machine Learning: area of AI that examines how to write
programs that can learn.
 Often used in classification and prediction.
◦ Computer makes a prediction & based on feedback as to whether it is
correct “learn” from this feedback.
◦ When similar situation arise in future, this feedback can b used to make
same prediction or completely different prediction.
 Supervised Learning: learns by example.
 Unsupervised Learning: learns without knowledge of correct
 Machine learning often deals with small static datasets.
 Applications:
◦ Speech recognition
◦ Training moving robots
◦ Classification of astronomical structures
◦ Game playing
DM: Uses many machine learning techniques.
 Pattern Matching/Pattern Recognition: finds
occurrences of a predefined pattern in the data.
 Applications :
◦ speech recognition
◦ information retrieval & web search engines
◦ time series analysis (examining patterns of behavior in data
from different time series.

DM: Type of classification.

Data Mining Techniques

Goal: Provide an overview of basic data
mining techniques
 Statistical
◦ Point Estimation
◦ Models Based on Summarization
◦ Bayes Theorem
◦ Hypothesis Testing
◦ Regression and Correlation
 Similarity Measures
 Decision Trees
 Neural Networks
◦ Activation Functions
 Genetic Algorithms
 Point Estimate: estimate a population
 May be made by calculating the parameter for a
 May be used to predict value for missing data.
 Ex:
◦ R contains 100 employees
◦ 99 have salary information
◦ Mean salary of these is $50,000
◦ Use $50,000 as value of remaining employee’s salary.

Is this a good idea?

 In statistics, an estimator is a function of the
observable sample data that is used to estimate an
unknown population parameter
 an estimate is the result from the actual

application of the function to a particular set of


 Bias: Difference between expected value and
actual value.

 Mean Squared Error (MSE): expected value

of the squared difference between the estimate
and the actual value:

 Why square?
 Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)

 Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is
a popular statistical method used to make
inferences about parameters of the underlying
probability distribution from a given data set

 Obtain parameter estimates that maximize
the probability that the sample data occurs
for the specific model.
 Joint probability for observing the sample

data by multiplying the individual

probabilities. Likelihood function:

 Maximize L.

 Coin toss five times: {H,H,H,H,T}
 Assuming a perfect coin with H and T equally
likely, the likelihood of this sequence is:

 However if the probability of a H is 0.8 then:

 General likelihood formula:

 Estimate for p is then 4/5 = 0.8

 In descriptive statistics, a box plot (also known as
a box-and-whisker diagram or plot or
candlestick chart) is a convenient way of
graphically depicting the five-number summary,
which consists of the smallest observation, lower
quartile (Q1), median, upper quartile (Q3), and
largest observation;

 Visualization: Frequency distribution, mean, variance,
median, mode, etc.
 Box Plot:

 The probability of an event A conditional on
another event B is generally different from the
probability of B conditional on A. However, there
is a definite relationship between the two, and
Bayes' theorem is the statement of that

 Posterior Probability: P(h1|xi)
 Prior Probability: P(h )
 Bayes Theorem:

 Assign probabilities of hypotheses given a data


 Credit authorizations (hypotheses):
h1=authorize purchase, h2 = authorize after
further identification, h3=do not authorize,
h4= do not authorize but contact police
 Assign twelve data values for all combinations
of credit and income: 1 2 3 4
Excellent x1 x2 x3 x4
Good x5 x6 x7 x8
Bad x9 x10 x11 x12

 From training data: P(h1) = 60%;

P(h2)=20%; P(h3)=10%; P(h4)=10%.

 Training Data:
ID Income Credit Class xi
1 4 Excellent h1 x4
2 3 Good h1 x7
3 2 Excellent h1 x2
4 3 Good h1 x7
5 4 Good h1 x8
6 2 Excellent h1 x2
7 3 Bad h2 x11
8 2 Bad h2 x10
9 3 Bad h3 x11
10 1 Bad h4 x9
 Calculate P(xi|hj) and P(xi)
 Ex: P(x7|h1)=2/6; P(x4|h1)=1/6; P(x2|h1)=2/6;
P(x8|h1)=1/6; P(xi|h1)=0 for all other xi.
 Predict the class for x :
◦ Calculate P(hj|x4) for all hj.
◦ Place x4 in class with largest value.
◦ Ex:
 P(h1|x4)=(P(x4|h1)(P(h1))/P(x4)
 x4 in class h1.

 regression analysis is the process used to
estimate the parameter values of a function, in
which the function predicts the value of a response
variable in terms of the values of other variables.

 Predict future values based on past values
 Linear Regression assumes linear relationship

y = c 0 + c1 x 1 + … + c n x n
 Find values to best fit the data

 correlation, also called correlation
coefficient, indicates the strength and direction
of a linear relationship between two random

 Examine the degree to which the values for two
variables behave similarly.
 Correlation coefficient r:
• 1 = perfect correlation
• -1 = perfect but opposite correlation
• 0 = no correlation

 Determine similarity between two objects.
 Similarity characteristics:

 Alternatively, distance measure measure how

unlike or dissimilar objects are.

 Measure dissimilarity between objects

 Decision Tree (DT):
◦ Tree where the root and each internal node is labeled with
a question.
◦ The arcs represent each possible answer to the associated
◦ Each leaf node represents a prediction of a solution to the
 Popular technique for classification; Leaf node
indicates class to which the corresponding tuple

 A Decision Tree Model is a computational
model consisting of three parts:
◦ Decision Tree
◦ Algorithm to create the tree
◦ Algorithm that applies the tree to data
 Creation of the tree is the most difficult part.
 Processing is basically a search similar to that

in a binary search tree (although DT may not

be binary).

 Advantages:
◦ Easy to understand.
◦ Easy to generate rules
 Disadvantages:
◦ May suffer from overfitting.
◦ Classifies by rectangular partitioning.
◦ Does not easily handle nonnumeric data.
◦ Can be quite large – pruning is necessary.

 Based on observed functioning of human brain.
 (Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
 Our view of neural networks is very simplistic.
 We view a neural network (NN) from a graphical
 Used in pattern recognition, speech recognition,
computer vision, and classification.

 Neural Network (NN) is a directed graph
F=<V,A> with vertices V={1,2,…,n} and arcs
A={<i,j>|1<=i,j<=n}, with the following
◦ V is partitioned into a set of input nodes, VI, hidden
nodes, VH, and output nodes, VO.
◦ The vertices are also partitioned into layers
◦ Any arc <i,j> must have node i in layer h-1 and node j
in layer h.
◦ Arc <i,j> is labeled with a numeric value w ij.
◦ Node i is labeled with a function fi.

 Functions associated with nodes in graph.
 Output may be in range [-1,1] or [0,1]

 A Neural Network Model is a computational
model consisting of three parts:
◦ Neural Network graph
◦ Learning algorithm that indicates how learning takes
◦ Recall techniques that determine how information is
obtained from the network.

 Learning
 Can continue learning even after training set has

been applied.

 Difficult to understand
 May suffer from overfitting
 Input values must be numeric.
 Verification difficult.

 Optimization search type algorithms.
 Creates an initial feasible solution and iteratively creates
new “better” solutions.
 Based on human evolution and survival of the fittest.
 Chromosomes , which r DNA strings, provide the abstract
model for a living organism.
 Subsections of the chromosomes which r called as genes, r
used to define different traits of the individual.
 Must represent a solution as an individual.
 Individual: string I=I1,I2,…,In where Ij is in given
alphabet A.
 Each character Ij is called a gene.
 Population: set of individuals.

000 000 000 111 000 000 00 000 111 00

111 111 111 000 111 111 11 111 000 11

Parents Children Parents Children

a) Single Crossover a) Multiple Crossover

 A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a
computational model consisting of five parts:
◦ A starting set of individuals, P.
◦ Crossover: technique to combine two parents to
create offspring.
◦ Mutation: randomly change an individual.
◦ Fitness: determine the best individuals.
◦ Algorithm which applies the crossover and
mutation techniques to P iteratively using the fitness
function to determine the best individuals in P to

 Advantages
◦ Easily parallelized
 Disadvantages
◦ Difficult to understand and explain to end users.
◦ Abstraction of the problem and method to represent
individuals is quite difficult.
◦ Determining fitness function is difficult.
◦ Determining how to perform crossover and mutation is


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