Lesson 12 Significance of The Study and RRL

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of the Study
Junilyn S. Zozobrado
1. cite the benefits of research

2. identify the beneficiaries of

Activity 1 Let Me Check!
Directions: Determine whether the following
questions serve as important considerations in
writing the significance of the study. Draw a / if it
is, and X if it is not. Write your answers on your
Activity 2 What’s In!
Directions: Complete the crossword puzzle
below. Use the given clues to arrive at different
elements being considered in writing the scope
and delimitation of the study.Write your answers
on your notebook.
The researcher…
must be able to present the
valuable contribution of the
study to a particular body of
knowledge or area of
The researcher…
has to determine the
beneficiaries who will
directly gain from the results
of the study.
Academic beneficiaries
may include educational
staff, teachers, students and
may include stakeholders,
policymakers, agencies and
The researcher…
needs to cite the particular
benefits (advantages) that
the beneficiaries will gain
from the study.
Classification of Benefits
Selfie 1
Selfie 2
Directions: Try drafting the Significance
of the Study section of your research
Selecting and
Information from
Relevant Literature
1. select relevant literature; and

2. synthesize information from

relevant literature.
Activity 1 True or False
Directions: Write True if the given
statement is correct and False if not. Write
your answers onyour notebook.
Have you imagined a human
body without bones?
What do you think might
happen if there is an
absence of them?
Do you think you can
stand firm and be able
perform all the
activities that you can
do now?
Literature Review…
requires for a survey of scholarly articles,
books, and other sources which will later
be enumerated, summarized, and evaluated
in order to form a concrete basis and
support for the current study.
When it is done, the selected
literature may appear on various
sections of the study such as in the
introduction, related literature section,
and the discussion of results.
Purposes of
Reviewing a
The following are the purposes of literature review
(University of South Carolina Library, 2020):

1. It provides the researcher a

clear understanding of the study
to be investigated.
2. It justifies the need for
conducting the study.

3. It serves as the basis for

establishing concepts
presented in the study.
Selecting the
Literature for a
In selecting the literature for a study, the
following questions should be considered:

1. Can this literature help me clearly

present the delimitation of my study?

2. Can this literature give me insights to

present properly essential variables
of my study?
3. Is this literature up-to-date?

4. Does this literature provide perceptive

and accurate results and conclusions?

5. Does this literature present contrasting

ideas which can be used in identifying
research gaps?
Conducting a
Review of
Boza (2015) of University of California
presents six steps in conducting a literature
review. These steps are as follows:

1. Decide on the area of research. The first

step always begins with the clear
problem in mind of the researcher.
2. Search for the literature. the researcher may
utilize printed materials and references which
can normally be found in the libraries.

3. Find relevant excerpts in books and articles.

Reading the abstract of a scholarly work will
help the researcher determine whether it is
relevant or not to the study under investigation.
• Elementary reading. This type of reading
pertains to word-recognition type of reading
wherein sentences are literally comprehended.

• Systematic reading. This type of reading

employs skimming strategy wherein the researcher-
reader may focus on the highlighted terms in the
sample source manuscript.
• Analytic reading. This type of reading
requires the researcher-reader to break the whole
scholarly work into parts for better understanding.

• Comparative reading. This type of reading

considers two or more scholarly works which will
be analyzed for comparing-contrasting purposes.
4. Code the literature. Categorizing the themes of
the concepts found in different literature must be
done for better analysis and evaluation.
• Highlighting. This tool uses marks and symbols that will
help the researcher to easily revisit the important ideas
found in a scholarly work.

• Annotation. This tool uses words, phrases, and sentences

which serve as written remarks of the researcher reflecting
his/her understanding and questions regarding the scholarly
5. Create conceptual schema. After coding the
concepts perceived to be important by the researcher in
the conduct of the study, he/she may then organize them
in order to see in a wider perspective the relevance,
including their similarities and differences, to the current

The researcher may utilize a literature review

synthesis matrix to better see how the
gathered data from literature review will be
presented in the study.
6. Begin writing literature review. With a
complete vision of necessary data that came from
reading and reviewing literature, the researcher may
now begin the draft of the manuscript for review of
the related literature section.

He/she must not forget to cite the author of any data

that will be used for the study. The use of transitional
words will also be helpful in order to arrange ideas
accordingly (e.g.,the use of “similarly” to present that
ideas have in common).
Directions: Try drafting the review of
related literature of your research
Directions: Write Yes if the given
statement is correct and No if not.
Write your answers on your notebook.
Definition of
It explains the variables (terminologies)
used in the study operationally or
is essential to ensure a common
understanding of key concepts and
terminology used in the study between the
researcher and its reader.
1. Operational
- define the terms on how it is measured in
the present study
Performance - refers to the student’s academic
grades earned in Technology and Livelihood

Education subject in the school year 2014-2015.

2. Conceptual definition
-defines a concept in terms of specific
ideas, principles, or theories associated
with terms.
Performance – the execution of an action; a
public presentation of exhibition.
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