10 Mark Question Technique

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Listening Exam

Friday 3 May 2024

L.O. – To develop understanding of how to answer the 10 mark question
The 10 Mark Question
• This question can be about any AOS but will not be about one of the
set works.

• Your answer can be written in bullet points.

• Ensure you are only writing about the elements of music listed in
the question.

• Make sure every answer is linked to how the music is being used –

The fast tempo helps create the effect of the speed of the chase.

Element How it links to the scenario/action

Sample 10-mark question
Listen to an extract of music from the soundtrack of the film
Rocky by Bill Conti.
This extract (start to 1m07s) is taken from the opening of the
film, about a small-time boxer from a working-class city, who has
been chosen to take on the heavyweight champion of the world
in the boxing ring.
Explain how the music is appropriate as the opening theme for
the film.
In your answer, refer to:
• the elements of music (DR SMITH)
• the purpose and intention of the music
Mark scheme
• Swap your answer with someone else
• Use Green Pen

• Use the answer sheet and the mark grid to give the answer a
total mark out of 10

• What have they done well?

• What do they need to do to improve their answer?

Sample answers
High mark answer Low mark answer

The extract begins with a single melody played It is mostly loud and major.
by synthesised brass at a loud dynamic. Brass and percussion are used.
A second brass line enters making the texture The brass play a rising theme.
homophonic, and therefore strong. It feels like a The music is in a rock style with drumkit.
brass fanfare, heralding something important. The tempo is moderately fast.
The use of drumkit and other percussion gives
lots of energy to the sound.
There is a variety of rhythmic devices including
syncopation and scotch snap. In this low mark answer, whilst some of the
The melody is catchy and mostly moves points are correct they do not explain why
stepwise. There are two ascending glissandi the elements are suitable for the mood of
which make the music feel energetic. the music.
The structure is AAB: the first section is
repeated, slightly varied. The final section Higher mark answers will explain and
includes voices singing ‘Trying hard now’ at a evaluate.
high pitch.
The tonality is major which is positive in mood.
The harmony uses 7th chords which sounds quite
The music is in 4/4 and at quite a fast tempo
making the music feel upbeat and positive.
Sample 10-mark question
Listen to an extract of music from the soundtrack of the film
Spectre by Thomas Newman.
This extract (start to 1m07s) is taken from a scene where the
secret agent 007 James Bond is in a car chase with some villains
around London Westminster Bridge.
Explain how the music is appropriate for a chase scene.
In your answer, refer to:
• the elements of music (DR SMITH)
• the purpose and intention of the music
Independent Task
• Now that you have had a go at a ‘10 marker’ in pairs try
answering the James Bond question on your own.

• Use the lined paper for rough work/bullet points and then
write your answer on the sheet given to you.
More Sample
• This excerpt was written to describe a scene in a film
where a group of people are being pursued, hunted
and chased.

• Write a paragraph (using sentences) explaining how

the music describes the mood of panic and
aggression. You might wish to refer to some or all
• of the following features in your answer:
• the use of instruments;
• dynamics and texture;
• rhythm and metre;
• harmony and tonality;
• and any other features that you consider to be relevant.
Use of instruments
use of a range of aggressive / harsh orchestral sounds [1] especially percussion [1] eg. xylophone,
timbales, congas with mallets [1] and extensive use of brass [1] frequent use of upper registers [1]
and dark lower registers [1]
pizzicato [1] experimental sounds [1] eg. Piercing (electric) bass clarinet squeaks [1]

Dynamics and Texture

many aggressive forte dynamics [1] with dramatic changes in dynamics [1]
complex textures . . . a sense of confusion [1] insistent ostinato motifs [1] and fragmentary
melodies [1]

Rhythm and Metre

fast tempo . . . chase [1] and driving, repetitive quavers [1] especially in piano [1] off beat accents
create a sense of chaos / panic [1] changing time signatures [1] cross rhythms [1] rushing tuplets /
semiquavers [1]

Harmony and Tonality

lack of tonal centre / atonality is unsettling [1] and
extensive use of chromaticism [1] dissonant harmonies [1] and disjunct `jagged`
melodic lines [1] importance of semitone and 7th [1]

Remember to keep using words like `dramatic`, `tense`, `aggressive` and so on to link the musical
features to the EFFECT of the music.

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