Chicago Case Seven
Chicago Case Seven
Chicago Case Seven
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What were your objectives, what do you want to
They were accused by the US government of conspiracy amid protests against the Vietnam War,
where 7 men were protesting against US involvement in the Vietnam War.
The objectives of the United States were to punish them, the judge also had a hatred against the
They wanted to prevent them from inciting a riot again, from breaking the law and from
obstructing the work of the police and from teaching other people how to make homemade
How did it affect the person or the United States?
As a result, the 7 men were free, because the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the
sentences, due to the judge's impartiality.
- One of the phrases that was somewhat iconic in that trial was when Bobby Seales
called the judge a “racist and fascist pig”
● There were protests and riots during the Democratic national convention
in 1968, clashes between police and protesters were created.
● The seven boys were tried and convicted for their alleged
participation in the altercations, the trial was highly controversial
and a great debate was generated.
Schultz, Chicago Case Seven John. The Conspiracy Trial of the Chicago Seven Revised. John Schultz, 2020. Chicago Case Seven,
In 1969, the Chicago Seven were charged with intent to "incite, organize, promote, and encourage" antiwar riots during the
Schultz, John. THE CONSPIRACY TRIAL of THE CHICAGO SEVEN. Edited by Carl Oglesby, John Schultz, 2020. THE CONSPIRACY TRIAL OF
John Schultz (1932–2017) was professor emeritus of fiction writing and member of the graduate faculty in fiction writing at
Columbia College in Chicago. Schultz originated the Story Workshop method of teaching writing in 1965 and continued to
develop and broaden it, developing expository and argumentative as well as fiction writing approaches. Along with The