Best Practices For Data Quality
Best Practices For Data Quality
Best Practices For Data Quality
Business Driver Best Practices Overview
Business Driver
All organizations buy a CRM tool to derive clear quantitative metrics on their business. Having bad data causes user frustration, poor adoption, and may lead to bad decisions due to inaccurate reports/metrics. The drive to have accurate data for an organization is critical since it can provide better and accurate visibility to increase revenue, reduce costs, increase customer profitability, and usage. It is important to understand Data Quality Management best practices using Salesforce.
Inaccurate report metrics Bad information wastes users time and effort Marketing wastes money and effort pursuing bad prospects
Operations has difficulty reconciling data against financial and other backend information
User get frustrated, you lose valuable buy-in and adoption
Analysts rate bad data as one of the top 3 reasons for CRM failure
75% of respondents
75% of commercial businesses believe that they are losing as much as 73% of revenue due to poor data quality
Experian - QAS U.S. Business Losing Revenue Through Poorly Managed Customer Data
41% of Poor data quality costs U.S. businesses more than respondents $600 billion annually
Standardize, Clean & Enrich Integrate & Automate Maintain
Recognize usage trends, Adapt standards to reality
Train to common best practices
Make everybodys job easier, and make the company more efficient
Build tools to help multi department tasks / processes Reinforce best practices, with a carrot AND a stick
Reward / Repression
Not complete
Not standardized
Establish Budget
Select Tools (i.e. for De-Duplication) Commit Resources
Find & Replace
Hot High Cold Low
Enrich (Optional)
Company Name & Address
Identify, Match & Score
J. Smith, John Smith 80%
Load to Sandbox
US, U.S, U.S.A -> USA
Naming Conventions
Hierarchy Data
Acme Inc HQ Acme UK
J. Smith, John Smith -> John Smith
Postal Standards
Data Transformation
Mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs
Load to Production
Create naming conventions and data standards and train all users
Enforce standards with validation rules and pick-lists Implement procedures to standardize data before mass-importing
Accounts names: Inc vs. Incorp., INC, incorporated; Ltd vs LTD, Limited Opportunity names: i.e. Name Product: Acme 250 Tschotchkes Country/State: use validation to standardize TX vs Texas, USA vs. U.S. Postal Code: use validation rules for proper format in US/CAN: xxxxx-xxxx Contact info: use pick lists for roles, titles, department: Marketing vd. Mktg
Cleanse your Data
Correct inaccuracies and inconsistencies Find and replace bad or missing data Remove or merge duplicates
Acct Master based on lifecycle
Pricing SAP
ETL Assorted
Salesforce AppExchange
Native Desktop Connectors
Native ERP Connectors
Integration Partners
Developer Toolkits
Automate partners can help!
Leverage 3rd parties such as D&B, Hoovers and others to periodically import and automatically update account records Inside Scoop or other partners to augment and cleanse information
Low Complexity
Medium Complexity
High Complexity
Composite Apps
Enterprise Mash-ups Rich user interface Scontrol
Application Integration
Real-time integration
Multi-step integration Human workflow
Data Integration
Data migration Data replication Bulk Data Transfers
Data Cleansing
Data de-duplication Data assessment
Data Loader
User Training Naming Conventions Address Conventions Dupe. Prevention Process Data Importing Policies
Required Fields Default Values Data Validation Rules Workflow Field Updates Web-to-Lead Restrictions
Data quality decays rapidly & enterprises should follow a methodology that includes regular measurement of data quality with goals for improvement & deployment of process improvements & technology
Users are trained on how data will be used (establish reasons for why data needs to be clean and accurate)
Communicate data quality goals and progress updates Communicate policies and procedures Data is always changing so Data Quality processes are on-ongoing!
Improvement Checklist
Do you understand what data you have in Salesforce?
Where is it coming from? What is wrong? What is the business impact?
Thank You
Additional Information
Data Considerations
Addressing duplicate records
There will most likely be overlapping/duplicate data De-dupe either before or after you import the data from one system into the other
Prior to importing into master account
Export both data sets, merge into one and identify duplicates Merge/delete duplicates, import clean file
Establish controls and processes to minimize dupe creation and to remove dupes on an ongoing basis Consider existing integrations and system of record for your data
Data Considerations
Establish plan for migrating data
Determine when master system becomes live/system of record (i.e., stop entering data into other system) Set date when you will extract all data from the system being merged How long will the merge take? How will you deal with interim data? New data blackout dates? Temporary data ID? How will you communicate to users? Ensure you have a complete copy of both data sets before attempting any merging just in case!
Note if you have not done this type of work before, it is challenging.
Data Considerations
Create mapping tables
Every record in Salesforce is assigned a unique 18-digit alphanumeric, case sensitive id by
Relationships between records are established based on these IDs (i.e., Activity related to a Contact)
These IDs will change when you import data from one system to another, as the system will assign it a new ID In order to re-create the relationships between records (i.e., import Activities and associate to the appropriate Contact), you need to create a mapping table that will allow you to associate the OLD Contact ID with the new one
Data Considerations
Create Mapping Tables (cont.)
Create a temporary/mapping field on each object you will need to map for the old id (i.e., OLD ACCOUNT ID, LEGACY ID) Export all your data from the instance to be retired You can do this via the Weekly Export service, reports, the API, Excel Connector, AppExchange Data Loader or request a one-time full extract from customer support Dont forget about attachments and Documents!
Consider dumping these to a file server with a unique naming strategy and use Custom Links from the objects to access
When importing the data into the master Account, map the Account Id to the OLD ACCOUNT ID field
You will then be able to export the new Account Id, OLD ACCOUNT ID and Account Name to act as your mapping table
Data Considerations
Created Dates
All records imported/migrated will have a Created Date = to when the import occurs To retain original dates, create a custom field to import into (i.e., Original Create Date) If you are updating via the API, the new 7.0 version will allow you to set the Created and Last Modified Dates: Note: You must contact Salesforce support to enable this feature.
History Tables
Stage History for Opportunities / Case History for Cases Data cannot be migrated into these tables, this information must be stored elsewhere if you bring it over (Note field is not Reportable, so custom field is recommended)
Data Considerations
When reporting on migrated data, date filters must take into account standard and custom date fields (i.e., Create Date and Original Create Date) Other filters on existing reports must be reviewed to ensure they are still relevant/apply to all data
Data Considerations
What if data is inadvertently Deleted
Restore from the Recycle Bin (retained for 30 days) Restore missing data from backups
There is no way to un-merge data Clean up/work with merged records, OR Delete and restore from back ups
Imported incorrectly
Mass transfer (if you can) Delete and re-import into proper area
Consider tagging batches with a custom field indicating the load/batch number in case you need to reverse