• Preparation and planning
• Definition of Ground Rules
• Clarification and justification
• Bargaining and problem solving
• Closure and implementation
Types/forms of Negotiation or negotiation
• 1. Adversarial negotiation: Adversarial negotiation occurs most often in
distributive negotiation situations. In this type of negotiation, the parties
openly compete against each other. Each party acknowledges that the stakes
are high and that if one side wins, the other will lose. Adversarial negotiation
can involve bad-faith negotiation tactics, where one party’s dishonesty about
willingness to negotiate can lead to breakdowns in the process.
• 2. Distributive negotiation: A distributive negotiation, also known as a zero-
sum negotiation or a win-lose negotiation, is a negotiation over a fixed or finite
resource. Distributive negotiation requires any party’s gain to come at the
other’s expense. This type of negotiation requires clear priorities, persistence,
and control over your emotions, as they can be contentious and difficult.
3. Integrative negotiation: This type of negotiation, also known as
collaborative negotiation, can occur when parties negotiate over more
than one area or resource. This makes it possible for both parties to
come out ahead, which is why you can also refer to this as a win-win
negotiation. In a win-win situation, while both parties may have to give
something up, both can also gain something in the bargaining process.
4. Multiparty negotiation: As the name suggests, the multiparty
negotiation type involves more than two parties seeking a solution. The
complexity of multiparty negotiations, which require careful
organization, makes them challenging. However, more negotiating
parties often means more opportunities for gain. This increases the
odds of integrative outcomes, where all parties make concessions to
reach a mutually beneficial result.
5. Principled negotiation: Principled negotiation relies on the principles
and standards of the negotiators to come to an integrative agreement.
This is a preferred negotiation type, as it seeks to find a solution that
works for all parties and to avoid hard bargaining or deception. A
principled negotiator is always on the lookout for mutual gain.
6. Team negotiation: Team negotiation occurs when each party has a
team of negotiators working in concert. Negotiation teams require
coordination and specialization, and can challenge inexperienced
negotiators. The distribution of responsibilities can lead to greater
effectiveness from the team as a whole. This collaborative approach
helps teams prevail in complex negotiations.
Importance Of Negotiation
• Building Relationship
• Communication
• Conflict Resolution
• Builds confidence
• Decision making
• Active listening
Worker's participation in Management
• Workers’ participation in management is a process by which subordinate
employees, either individually or collectively, become involved in one or more
aspects of organizational decision making within the enterprises in which they
• Workers’ participation in management is an essential ingredient of Industrial
democracy. The concept of workers’ participation in management is based on
Human Relations approach to Management which brought about a new set of
values to labour and management. Traditionally the concept of Workers’
Participation in Management (WPM) refers to participation of non-managerial
employees in the decision-making process of the organization.
• Workers’ participation is also known as ‘labour participation’ or ‘employee
participation’ in management.
Features of Workers Participation In
• Participation means mental and emotional involvement rather than
mere physical presence.
• Workers participate in management not as individuals but collectively
as a group through their representatives.
• Workers’ participation in management may be formal or informal. In
both the cases it is a system of communication and consultation
whereby employees express their opinions and contribute to
managerial decisions.
Objectives of Workers Participation in