Ais 100-1

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AIS 100


• Purpose of the ais 100
• General definition
• Performance requirements
• Test specifications
• Test procedure
• Certifications of Impactors
Purpose –
• To bring an improvement in construction of front structure of the vehicle,
which caused injury , frequently identified ,when collision with the
Types of impact
India regulation(AIS 100)
Test Impactor
Type of test per AIS100 condition details
 Child head Impact Test
 Adult head impact test speed Impactor impactor weight injury
 Leg Impact test
 Lower leg impact to bumper Child 35-0.7 50 child 3.5kg Head injury
headform criteria
 Upper leg impact to bumper
 Upper leg with bonnet leading adult 60 Adult 4.5kg

Test Impactor
condition details

speed Impactor impactor weight injury


AIS100 40-0.7 0 & 25 mm TRL 13.4

Definition of terms used
• Lower bumper reference line
• Upper bumper reference lines
• Bonnet leading edge
• Wrap around distance
• Bumper rear reference line
• Bonnet side reference line
• K point
Marking procedure of the test range

Lower bumper reference line- With the help of Lower bumper reference line- With the help
700mm straight edge make an angle of 25 of 700mm straight edge make an angle of
degree with vertical and mark on that point 20 degree with vertical and mark on that
when it contact first. point when it contact first.
Bonnet leading edge

1) Use 1000 mm straightedge to measure the vertical line parallel

to vertical plane and then tilt at 50 deg towards the rear. Lower
edge should be at 600 mm from the ground. Mark the points
where straightedge make contact with the bonnet.
3) If at 50deg of bonnet upper surface slope,
straightedge touches the bonnet in more than
two places then fix the straightedge edge rear
at 40deg

2) If the lower edge of the straightedge makes

contact first, make the marking points there
4) If the upper edge of straightedge makes contact first
then follow the trajectory of WAD 1000
1. Use a 700mm straightedge ,fixed at 45deg in
relation to the reference plane parallel to the
transverse vertical plane of the vehicle. Keep Bonnet rear reference lines
straightedge parallel with vehicle’s cross section 1. Configure the head impactor (a sphere of 165 mm
while making contact with the bonnet. dia) to that it makes contact with the bonnet (or
2. Put marking on the highest point where the front plane) and windshield or A-pillar.
straightedge and bonnet make contact. 2. Set the 165 mm diameter above the vehicle ceter
3. Move the straightedge from the bonnet to A line such that the sphere’s rearmost point always
pillar, and a roof(until it arrives WAD 2100) and make contact above the windshield.
mark at highest point by repeating the same 3. Release the 165mm sphere from windshield and
steps as above. Connect the marking point on move it along the windshield cross section within
the bonnet into lines. the range of 100mm , make contact with
windshield again and make another marking.
Bonnet rear reference lines 1. If bonnet rear reference line and side reference line do not
1. Configure the head impactor (a sphere of 165 intersect then use a semicircle template with a 100mm radius to
mm dia) to that it makes contact with the extend or correct the BRRL.
bonnet (or front plane) and windshield or A- 2. Template set on the vehicle surface with the corner of points A
pillar. and B lined up at the side reference line. Keep these two points on
2. Set the 165 mm diameter above the vehicle the side reference line as the template’s arc is slid down the back of
ceter line such that the sphere’s rearmost point the vehicle until make contact with the bonnet rear reference line.
always make contact above the windshield. 3. If the template contact the BRRL tangentially, or if contact point is
3. Release the 165mm sphere from windshield and outside the arc made by point C and D, extend the bonnet rear
move it along the windshield cross section reference line.
within the range of 100mm , make contact with
windshield again and make another marking.

4if template not making contact with side reference line via
point A or B and not making tangential contact with the
BRRL , or if contact points between the BRRL and the
template are inside an arc connection points C and D then
increase the template radius 20mm by little until it fullfill
the above requirements.
Wrap around distance-
1. Start from the vehicle center line.
2. Set one end of flexible measuring tape on the reference plane
directly under one side of the bumper front edge.
3. Wrap the measuring tape around the bumper and bonnet ,
parallel to the vehicle vertical cross section.
4. Mark the 1000,1700, 2100 mm marking on the bonnet ,
windshield roof and A –pillar. Wrap the measuring tape around
the entire surface , touching the other end of the tape to
bonnet top, windshield ,A pillar and roof.
Legform test to bumper

• Lower bumper height less than 425 mm

• Performance requirement
Performance requirement for
lower legform test
Maximum dynamic knee bending 19deg
Maximum dynamic knee shearing 6 mm

Acceleration at upper tibia 170g

Sum of the impact forces 7.5KN

Bending moment on test 510Nm
Lower legform Impactor specification

Overall length 926-5mm

Test mass 13.4-.2kg

Diameter of femur and tibia 70±1mm

Foam flesh thickness 25mm

Foam type CF-45 or equivalent

Skin type Neoprene foam

Total mass of femur 8.6-.1mmkg

Total mass of tibia 4.8-0.1kg

Center of gravity of femur about horizontal 0.127±0.010 kgm2

Center of gravity of femur about horizontal 0.120±0.010 kgm2
Lower legform instrumentation
Uniaxial accelerometer mounted on the non imapacted side of
tibia,66-5 mm below the knee joint.
Damper fitted in shear displacement system and mounted at any
point on rear face of the impactor
Transduced used to measure the bending angle and shear
displacement between femur and tibia
CFC value as per ISO 6487:2002 shall be 180 for all transducer, CAC
response value as per ISO 6487:2002 shall be 50deg for knee bending
angle , 10mm for shear displacement and 500g for acceleration.
Upper legform specification

Total length 350±5mm

Legform instrumentation
Total mass of upper 9.5kg±0.1kg
lef=gform impactor In front member strain gauge are fitted to measure the
Total mass of front
member(excluding foam and
bending moment in three position.
Length between load 310±1mm
1.Two outer gauge are located 50±1mm from impactor
transducer center line
symmetrical axis
Front member diameter 50±1mm

Foam flesh thickness 25mm

2. Middle strain gauge located on symmetrical axis with a ±1
Foam type CF-45 or equivalent mm tolerance.
Skin thickness 1.5mm Two load transducer fitted to measure the individually the
Mass of foam and rubber
0.6±0.1kg force applied at either end of upper legform
reinforcement ,
mountingetc) Strain gauge measuring bending moment at center of upper
Foam flesh or impactor
storage condition
Temp maintained at 20±4
deg centigrate
legform impactor and position 50 mm either side of center
CFC value for all transducer as per ISO 6487 :2002 SHALL BE
CAC RESPONSE value as per ISO 6487:2002 shall be 10KN for
force, for BM 1000Nm

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