Ais 100-1
Ais 100-1
Ais 100-1
Test Impactor
condition details
Lower bumper reference line- With the help of Lower bumper reference line- With the help
700mm straight edge make an angle of 25 of 700mm straight edge make an angle of
degree with vertical and mark on that point 20 degree with vertical and mark on that
when it contact first. point when it contact first.
Bonnet leading edge
4if template not making contact with side reference line via
point A or B and not making tangential contact with the
BRRL , or if contact points between the BRRL and the
template are inside an arc connection points C and D then
increase the template radius 20mm by little until it fullfill
the above requirements.
Wrap around distance-
1. Start from the vehicle center line.
2. Set one end of flexible measuring tape on the reference plane
directly under one side of the bumper front edge.
3. Wrap the measuring tape around the bumper and bonnet ,
parallel to the vehicle vertical cross section.
4. Mark the 1000,1700, 2100 mm marking on the bonnet ,
windshield roof and A –pillar. Wrap the measuring tape around
the entire surface , touching the other end of the tape to
bonnet top, windshield ,A pillar and roof.
Legform test to bumper