Ministry of Health - SBFR ORHB Presentation
Ministry of Health - SBFR ORHB Presentation
Ministry of Health - SBFR ORHB Presentation
Adama, Ethiopia
SBFR: Concept SBFR outputs / Outcomes
• Health outcomes
• Health care cost
• Client satisfaction
Why SBFR: Rational and Urging factors
SBFR - Integrations & Innovations!!!!
SBFR - Innovations!!!!
SBFR vs Existing National Initiatives
... It builds on the existing quality initiatives & tools…
speciality roadmap
Clinical service and academic service quality with patient first priniciple
1 2 3
SBFR: Change
Units, departments leadership
Intensive M & E
Institutional taskforce, SMT, RHB, MOH
leadership Academic and Clinical service integration
Client centered and system oriented medical education
Dual Governance administrative
structure Governing Board
Case team coordinator
leaders Staffs
(Specialists, GPs, nurses, lab/pharmacy, cleaners, runners, Guards etc )
System Bottlenecks
Focused Reform
WHY, WHAT, HOW, Where and When…
Group Exercise: What should be
Strategic Priority Areas and
Leadership and Coordination
SBFR: Leadership and Coordination
Each supervision should address SBFR focus areas and should be
SBFR: Leadership and Coordination…
Expected Result:
High impact leadership
Well functioning team work at the point of
care level
Well institutionalized clinical leadership
System components of care (IPPS, Hotel
services, MCC… ) are well integrated with
clinical care
Emergency and Critical Care
SBFR: Emergency and Critical Care
Nursing handover practice b/n all shifts with the different modalities (For
details, see inpatient chapter below)
Implement effective health education system for all kept cases (For
details, see inpatient chapter below)
Adequate pain control practice is implemented (For details, see inpatient
chapter below)
SBFR: Emergency and Critical Care…
Expected Results
o Improved quality of care leading to Improvement in emergency and critical care
morbidity and mortality indicators (HMIS, KPI, SBFR, Facility specific)
o Improvement in emergency and critical care client centeredness indicators (HMIS,
KPI, SBFR, Facility specific)
o Improvement in resource use efficiency including HR and major supplies
o Decreased waiting time to clinical consultation
o Decreased emergency care waiting time (arrival to service completion which
includes time for clinical evaluation, workup, consultations, medication etc)
o Decreased incidence of unnecessary laboratory and imaging requests and/or
o Increased patient experience and satisfaction
o Improved rational use of medications
o Better undergraduate and postgraduate medical education through
SBFR: Outpatient Services
For controlled patients who meet the criteria appointment should be made at
least quarterly
During the quarter wait period facility should arrange clinical pharmacy
visit with drug refill options, and mechanism to alarm client if monitoring
parameters out of range
Facilities should establish a a telemedicine follow up system for selected chronic
diseases with drug refill system
Facilities should establish a referral back system , for patients who fulfill certain
SBFR: Outpatient Services…
Expected Results
Decreased number of patients not seen the same day
Decreased registration to clinical consultation time
Decreased outpatient waiting time (arrival to outpatient service completion which
includes time for registration, clinical evaluation, workup, consultations, medication etc)
Decreased incidence of unnecessary laboratory and imaging requests and/or repeats
Increased patient experience and satisfaction
Improved quality of care
Improved morbidity and complication indicators
Improved rational use of medications
Improved supervision and mentoring practice for undergraduate and postgraduate
medical students
SBFR: Inpatient Services
Consultant led QI project which addresses SBFR related gaps requiring system change
QI project per quarter
SBFR: Inpatient Services…
All these duty time procedures also apply to other units and departments including
emergency, laboratory, pharmacy etc
SBFR: Inpatient Services
Expected Results
Improved quality of care leading to improvement in inpatient
care morbidity and mortality indicators (HMIS, KPI, SBFR,
Facility specific)
Improvement in nursing care quality index
Improvement in pharmaceutical care quality index
Improved discharge planning
Decreased incidence of unnecessary laboratory and imaging
requests and/or repeats
Improved rational use of medications
Surgical and Anesthesia Care
SBFR: Surgical and Anesthesia Care
Establishing OT Dashboard
Identify key OR performance indicators that address
at least efficiency, safety, and access (eg. TAT,
cancellation rate, incision time, SSC adherence, Table
Mechanism should be established to track the
indicators (Daily and weekly analysis of performance
and action taken)
SBFR: Surgical and Anesthesia Care…
Change Intervention 3: Reduce the surgical site infection and other safety
related problems
Consistent and correct use of safe surgery checklist
OR zoning based on the national IPPS guideline (Restricted, Semi-
restricted, Transitional and Unrestricted) and adherence to the
Standardize and Protocolize OR operational management and
monitoring its adherence
Work flow and standards (incision time, time b/n procedures,
roles and responsibilities of different team members etc)
Cleaning procedures and schedules
Instrument processing, packaging and storing procedures
Patient preparation procedures
Dressing protocols including jewelery, personal watch, nail
and hair management
Antibiotic prophylaxis (indications, choice of antibiotics, timing)
SBFR: Surgical and Anesthesia Care…
Expected Results
o Improve quality of care evidenced by surgical outcome
o Increase OR productivity (at least 3
o Increase staff efficiency
o Decrease in elective surgical waiting list and waiting
o Low pre-operative hospital stay
o Decrease in SSI and other safety
related incidents
o Very low/no incident of major OR
medical equipment
failure during the date of/at the time
of surgery
Diagnostic Care
SBFR: Diagnostic Care
Assigning phlebotomist and decentralizing sample collection sites
to clinical service areas (Service will approach to sites where clients
Emergency sample collection and result delivery service
OPD sample collection and result delivery service
Inpatient sample collection and result delivery service
Microscopic examination and other tests requiring simple machines should
be done at major clinical service areas
For tests requiring big machines, samples will be collected from the
clinical service areas and the test will be done at the central laboratory
( Result should only be delivered by a runner)
SBFR: Diagnostic Care…
Change Intervention 2: Establish client centered system sample collection and result delivery
Sample clotting / hemolysis incidents should be minimized to reduce/avoid unnecessary and repeated sample
Result should be delivered based on the agreed TAT
Undertake specific tests based methods of TAT monitoring for compliance to the TAT and link identified
gaps with an improvement and/or accountability mechanisms
client interview, patient walk, laboratory register data review etc
Result should be delivered electronically or by a runner
Monitor for unnecessary lab repeats and establish system of repairing the causes (system of notification, capacity
building etc)
SBFR: Diagnostic Care…
Change Intervention 2: Establish client centered system sample collection and result delivery
Establish system of auditing justifications of major laboratory/imaging requests and link identified gaps with
an improvement and/or accountability mechanism
Scope might be defined for some diagnostic workups like US, CT, MRI
Use of audit-feedback cycle to improve the identified gaps
Establish system of auditing laboratory and imaging requests which are sent outside the institution for
unacceptable reason and linking all identified gaps with an accountability mechanism
SBFR: Diagnostic Care…
Expected Results
Improve ED/OPD/IPD lab turn-around-times
Decrease incidence of hemolyzed/Clotted specimens
Decrease incidence of unnecessary lab repeats
Decrease in backlog for imaging services and acceptable performance level for the available resource (HR,
diagnostic machines)
Improved diagnostic service quality index
Pharmaceuticals and Medical
SBFR: Pharmaceutical and Medical devices
Prioritization should be based on cost, addiction risk and risk for drug resistance; And,
shall include 2nd and 3rd line antibiotics, pethidine, anti-coagulants, PTU, anti-D etc
Change Intervention 3: Regular audit on appropriate use of drugs and supplies for an exempted, CBHI and other
credit services
Staff clinic establishment
Weekly audit on dispensed drugs and supplies for an exempted, CBHI and other credit services
Compare register vs prescription agreement with a focus on prioritized drugs and supplies listed out
Use a sampling procedure
Link all identified gaps with an improvement and/or accountability mechanism
Change Intervention 4: The hospital implements auditable, transparent and accountable pharmaceutical
transactions and services (APTS).
Presence of properly recorded and filed prescriptions, sales tickets and registers at dispensaries
Implementation of coding to uniquely identify medicines (service areas, stores)
Bin ownership and updating is implemented
Presence of regular monthly reports for products, finance and services which is evaluated by DTC and SMT with
corrective actions
Annual ABC and VEN analyses report
SBFR: Pharmaceutical and Medical devices
Expected Results
Expected Results
o Motivated workforce
Expected Results
o HR productivity (dis-aggregated by
type of
profession) variation is less than 15%
o Morbidity and Mortality indicators are with in an
acceptable range (Ensure all HMIS, KPI, SBFR
facility specific indicators are addressed)
o Process indicators for SBFR and
other facility specific measurements are with in
an acceptable
SBFR: 10
Academic and Clinical Services Integration and high quality
culture for institutional transformation
SBFR: Academic and Clinical Services Integration
Expected Results
of scarce resource
o Improved safety
o Institutionalized quality culture
tools ...
Assign proper regional SBFR coordinating focal person and unit who will be responsible for the overall
communication and performance management of SBFR implementation at regional level
Provide the necessary technical, financial and material supports to SBFR implementing hospitals in the
Support and closely monitor implementation of the signed MOU including the SBFR performance monitoring
and reporting framework
Conduct surprising and planned visits both at night and day time in randomly selected SBFR implementing
facilities in the region
Conduct monthly regular review and feedback provision forum with implementing facilities on the specific
and general performances of regional SBFR project implementation
SBFR: Project Coordination and Implementation
Sign and effectively implement the MOU which the hospital has official agreed with MoH as joint implementation
and accountability framework for SBFR project
Regularly evaluate and take timely actions at hospital’s SMT meetings on the proper implementation of SBFR
Submit complete and timely SBFR performance report to RHB and MoH using the right reporting tool
Attend the monthly performance review and feedback provision virtual session to be coordinated and chaired by
ministry of health in coordination with RHBs
SBFR: Institutional Project Management and Coordination