Stress Ako Sa PPT Na To

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Stress is a feeling of emotional or mental pressure. It can
happen when we face challenging situation or demands
that we find difficult to cope with. Stress can be caused
by various factors like work pressure , exams, financial
difficulties , relationship problems, or even daily hassles.
It can affect our mood, behavior, and physical health.

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Stress response is a natural response to a perceived
threat or challenge , and it can have negative effects
on an individuals physical and mental health if not
manage properly. It is important for individuals and
employers to take steps to reduce stress levels and
promote a healthy work-life balance.

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There are many effective ways to handle stress. Of course, you cant avoid stress-
in fact, you wouldn’t want to avoid all stress because you’d never grow.
However, You can manage your life so that you survive the emotional
downtimes without allowing stress to engulf you. Also, you can work to
eliminate controllable to eliminate stress factors, such us running late or not
getting enough sleep. But when stress is constant or too great, your wisest
option is to find ways to reduce or to control it. You need not or, and should not,
live your life emotional stress and discomfort. Stress can be successfully

Here are suggestions that may help to manage or

control stress:
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. Understanding why you are under stress is important. It is
important because it allows us to identify the triggers and factors
that contribute to our stress levels. By understanding the cause, we
can take appropriate steps to manage and reduce stress.
Additionally,, knowing the cause of stress helps us to develop
effective coping strategies and make necessary changes in our lives
to prevent or minimize stressful situations in the future.


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Causes of stress:
1. Work-related stress: this can include long hours , a heavy workload , job
insecurity, and conflict colleagues or super visor.
2. Financial stress: financial difficulties, such as debt, unemployment, or
financial insecurity, can cause significant stress
3. Relationship stress: Conflict with family members, friends or romantic
partners, can be major cause of stress.
4. Health concern: chronic illness, pain or health anxiety can all be source of

5. Major life change: events such as moving, getting married, having a child,
or experiencing the death of a love one can be stressful.

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6. Social stress: social pressure, such as feeling isolated or excluded can also
contribute to stress.

7. Perfectionism: Setting unrealistically high standard for one self or others.

8. Lack of control: feeling like ones has no control over their environment or
9. Poor time management: procrastination , poor planning or taking on to
many commitments.
10.Unhealthy coping mechanism: substance abuse, excessive alcohol

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Analyzing our stress factors is important because it helps us understand the root cause of
our stress and find effective ways to manage it. By identifying the specific factors that
contribute to our stress, we can develop strategies to address them and reduce their
impact on our wellbeing .
Write down your response to stress. For example, you may write down, “I feel tired most
of the time. My lower back seems to acne all trough the day an night. I miss deadlines
and run behind the schedule.” Analyze stress responses and consequences and consider
each item, and ask why. ”why am I feeling tired? Why does my back ache? Why do I run
behind the schedule? Carefully consider each answer, because the answers will reveal
stressors, such as deadlines, anxieties, trying to do so much, managing time or poor
health habits.

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Develop techniques to deal with the causes of stress.
The longer you avoid dealing with the stress factors,
the more the stress built up. If tension comes because
you have put off an unfinish task, restructure your
priorities so you can get the task that you have been
avoiding out of the way and out of your mind.

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1. Identify the source of stress in your life and try to eliminate them if possible.

2. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation or yoga to help

manage stress.

3. Engage in regular exercises , which can help reduce stress and anxiety.

4. Maintain a healthy diet and get enough sleep to help your body cope with stress .

5. Set realistic goals and prioritize tasks to help manage workload and avoid feeling
over helmed.

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6. Take regular brakes and engage in activities that bring you joy and

7. Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if your struggling to

manage stress on your own.

8. Try to maintain a positive attitude and focus on the things that you are
thankful for.

9. Practice gratitude and reflect on the things that you are thankful for.

10.Take care of your mental health by practicing self-compassion and self


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Its important to note that everyone
experiences stress differently, and what
maybe stressful for one person may not be
stressful to another. Additionally, some
stressors may be outside of our control how
we respond to them and manage our stress

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1-5.What is stress?

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6. It is a natural response to a perceived
threat or challenge and it can have negative
effects on an individuals and mental health
if not manage properly?

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7. Give atleast 4 causes of stress?

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11-15 Why it is important to keep stress
under control?

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This PPT is created by EUGENE KYLE

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