The more critical the effect, the higher the severity rating.
Severity ratings for the online systems availability FMEA.
Severity Rank Criterion
None 1 No effect
Very Minor 2 No noticeable effect on production
Minor 3 Minor effect on production
Very Low 4 Very low effect on production
Low 5 Low effect on production
Moderate 6 Moderate effect on production
Significant 7 Noticeable effect on production
High 8 Production nearly halted
Very High 9 Production halted
Disaster 10 Implement Hotsite recovery
Occurrence, or frequency of occurrence, is a rating that
describes the chances that a given cause of failure will occur
over the life of product, design, or system.
Actual data from the process or design is the best method for
determining the rate of occurrence. If actual data is not
available, the team must estimate rates for the failure mode.
The number of data entry errors per 1000 entries, or
The number of errors per 1000 calculations.
An occurrence value must be determined for every potential
cause of the failure listed in the FMEA form.
The higher the likelihood of occurrence, the higher the
occurrence value.
4 1 in 2000
6 1 in 80
7 1 in 20
High High number of occurrences of cause
8 1 in 8
9 1 in 3
Very High Very high number of occurrences of cause
10 1 in 2
The detection rating describes the likelihood that we will detect
a cause for a specific failure mode.
An assessment of process controls gives an indication of the
likelihood of detection.
Process controls are methods for ensuring that potential
causes are detected before failures take place.
For example, process controls can include:
• Required fields or limited fields in electronic forms,
• Process and/or system audits, and
• “Are you sure” dialog boxes in computer programs.
If there are no current controls, the detection rating will be high.
If there are controls, the detection rating will be low.
The higher a detection rating, the lower the likelihood we
will detect a specific cause if it were to occur.
Detection guidelines developed for the system availability FMEA:
Detection Rank Criterion
Low 6
Low likelihood of detection
Very Low 7
Very low likelihood of detection
Remote 8 Cause is hard to identif y