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Hello my dear friends, this magazine made by 5 friends If
you are thinking what magazine its FESTIVAL magazine!
Wondering why you want to read this magazine , I will tell
•At'Deepak experience
Saraswathi pooja I was playing football my dad
why one day randomly we shared our festival memories told I am going to keep cracker so I moved from
everyone's memories was so interesting we thought we will
make other people happy so we started this magazine that place after I moved my dad kept cracker after
my dad kept cracker I was def for sometime after I
Srinikesh experience got def I so my parents were laughing then only I
when I was celebrating Deepawali, I was bursting cracker know that I can hear!
called rope cracker and when I was using it, it was almost
over, the fire came near my finger when I was holding it I
don’t know what to do suddenly it burnt my finger so for 1-
Yashwitha experience
2 years I did not burst crackers because I am afraid of it, We celebrated Holi on our school on 2023 I was waiting so
after some days I was courage to burst cracker, so after I impatiently. When it was 2:30pm everybody ran outside to
tried tried and tried then I was not afraid of it. play Holi, Suddenly hajira mam came to play Holi. I was
confused whom should I hand print on ? Someone sprayed
water on us and we changed our dress.
Kayal experience
. Vedant experience
We were bursting crackers then my elder
if When my dad tried to burst a cracker called butterfly
cracker while my dad was keeping butterfly cracker it
brother bursted which made a loud noise .
was like falling on me ! I ran so fast as I could reach the All the cars started beeping 0ne of the
stair case then I was wondering my sparkles went into my eyes then my mom
Sister escaped or not but she escaped. applied oinment in my eyes.
• It is the harvesting festival • They originally painted the
celebrated in Kerala. eggs red, signifying the
blood that Jesus shed for
the eggs.
In some Indian states like • For eight days and nights
Andhra, Telangana and people light candles in a
Karnataka the celebration special set of candlestick
continue for forty-one days. called menorah.
Good Friday YOM KIPPUR
The Theory that most people Many Jewish people fast for
agree is the right one is that twenty-five hours. They prey
word good used it to mean and meditate either at home or
holy and this is why the day is at synagogue.
called Good Friday.
• Dussehra also called dasara or
Vijayadashami. Dussehra is the The celebration of Ganesh
most auspicious festival of Hindu. Chaturthi also denotes the
significance of the cycle of
birth, life and death. of the cycle of
birth, life and The celebration of Ganesh
Chaturthi also denotes the significance of
the cycle of birth, life and
• Deepavali is Hindu festival which • Holi is a Hindu festival that takes
falls sometime during October or every place on spring. Holi
November. welcomes spring season.

1. I am nine days festival who am I ? [a] Navaratri [b] Holi [c] Pongal
2.This is Ravana died day who am I ? [a] Dussehra [b] Bihu [c] Vishu
3.I am on November 12 I am full of light who am I ? [a] Christmas [b] Lohri [c] Diwali
4.I am full of snow I am on December 25 who am I ? [a] Christmas [b] Good Friday [c] Hanukkah
5.I am Tamilnadu harvesting festival who am I ? [a] Pongal [b] Bihu [c] Navaratri
6.I am Kerela harvesting festival who am I ? [a] easter [b] Ganesh Chaturthi [c] Onam
7.I am full of colour who am I ? [a] Yom Kippur [b] Holi [c] Christmas
8. In this day people think is right who am I [a] Good Friday [b] Yom Kippur [c] Pongal
9.In this time everybody paint the eggs who am I ? [a] Easter [b] Hanukkah [c] Good Friday
10. In this day people prey god twenty-five days who am I ? [a] Yom Kippur [b] Holi
Pongal is a harvest festival celebrated by Hindu's mainly In Tamilnadu, as Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. It lasts for days, with each day having a different
significance and meaning for the people to celebrate it. 1st. BOGHI PONGAL : this is the first day, dedicated to the Hindu god of the heaven, Indra. On this
day people collect old clothes & old items and make a large bonfire. This is to celebrate coming of the new year. 2nd. SURYA PONGAL : This is the 2nd
day, this is dedicated to the Hindu’s Sun God with newly harvested rice. Homes are decorated with Kolam( patterns drawn using rice flour or chalk
powder).3rd. The third is the day on witch cows, on whom farmers depended so much, are honored. Colorful beads & pray for the well beings. 4th.
KANNAM PONGAL : On This day, people pray for the prosperity of their families.
Holi is a Indian festival. We play with colours at Holi we celebrate it on spring season. There is a story
about Holi. An arrogant king called Hiranyakashyap. He wanted to kill anyone who didn’t worship
him. The demon’s son prahlad is a devotee of Vishnu , which made him angry, so he tried kill his own
son. Seeing this Vishnu came and killed the demon.
Last year we celebrated Holi with organic colour. We took some corn flour and pour some water to it
and cook it after it’s cooked add any colour you want, next you have to mix after mixing it, you need to
dry it in sun, after it’s dried you need to break and grind it. Now your organic Holi powder is ready . We
used this Holi powder to play. We took some Holi powder on our hand and pressed on other’s dress.
Sometimes we added water to it and played with it on our school. It was so much fun and we were
happy at that day.
• Do we have to compulsorily keep Golu ? = yes we have to.
• Can we skip Navaratri
• festival ? = yes you can but you can only half of the days.
• Why are we keeping Golu ?= because it remembers your selfless.
• What idols we keep in each step ?= main idol is Ganesh-Lakshmi-Saraswathi also you can keep
other idols also.
• Why do we celebrate Navaratri ?= because the great battle happened.
• What are the things we do in pooja ?= we put some flower on Durga statue.
• Do we have to dance at Navaratri ?= yes you can dance you can play instrument.
• What sweets we keep in each step ?= sweet potato and Sundal.
• What song do we sing in Navaratri ?= dhindora and chogada.

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