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CHAP 1, Lecture 1-A Fundamental's of Power System

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Course Outline

Course Objectives
•The students will have a sound understanding of fundamentals of power
systems and modelling power system components for power transmission and
•The students will be able to understand analytical methods for calculation of
line parameters.
•The students will have a sound understanding of performance analysis of
transmission lines, cable and overhead line insulators.

Year/Semester: 3rd year

Status of Course: Compulsory;
Teaching Methods: Lecture supported by tutorial, assignment & lab. exercises;
Course Requirements: Assig. 10%, Mid-Sem. Exam 30%, Final Examination 60%
Attendance Requirements: 75% Lecture Attendance.
Cont’d Course Content:

1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Historical Development of Electric Power System
1.1.2 Source of Energy
1.1.3 Structure of a power system
1.2 AC and DC transmission
1.3 Single-phase and three-phase transmission
1.4 Complex power
•Single-phase solution of balanced three-phase networks
•One-line diagram and impedance or reactance diagram
•Per unit (p.u.) system
•Resistance of transmission lines
•Skin effect and proximity effect
•Inductance of single-phase two-wire line,
•composite conductor lines,
•three-phase line with unsymmetrical spacing,
•double circuit 3-phase lines & bundled conductors
•Capacitance of a two-wire line,
•Three-phase line with equilateral and Unsymmetrical spacing,
•Effect of earth on transmission line capacitance


5.1 Classification of Lines
5.2 Representation of Transmission Lines
5.2.1 Short Lines
5.2.2 Medium Lines
5.2.3 Long Lines
5.3 Steady – State Performance – Efficiency and Regulation
•Sag and Tension Calculations
•Effect of Wind and Ice
•Stringing chart
•Sag template

•Disruptive Critical Voltage
•Corona Loss
•Line Design Based on Corona
•Advantages and Disadvantages of Corona


1.Types of Insulators
2.Ratings of Insulators
3.Potential distribution over a string of insulators
4.Methods of equalizing potential

Text Books:

•Dr. George G. Karady, Dr. Keith E. Holbert, Electrical Energy Conversion and Transport:
An Interactive Computer-Based Approach, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2005.
•J. D. Glover and M. S. Sarma, Power System Analysis and Design, Brooks/Cole, Third
•Allen J. Wood and B.F. Wollenberg, Power Generation, Operation and Control, 2nd
Edition, John Wiley, 1996.
•C. L. Wadhwa, Electrical Power Systems, New Age International Publishers, 2004.
Chapter One

Fundamentals of power system

1. Fundamentals

1.1 Introduction to Power

Power System is a network of high tension wires/cables by which the generated
Electrical power is transmitted and distributed throughout a region.
Power System consists of the following main components:
Generation System- Energy Conversion Methods
Transmission System- Ultra-high, Extra-high, High and Medium Voltage
Distribution System- Low voltage levels
The Load or Energy sink- Resistive, Capacitive and inductive Electrical

Power System main components

1.Generation System
Types of Energy Conversion Methods/Generation Systems:
1. non- conventional (renewable energy sources )
 are sources that are continuously replenished by natural processes.
PV System, Solar Thermal, Hydropower, Wind Power, Geothermal, Biomass
(Renewable conversion systems)
2. Conventional (non-renewable energy sources )
Are sources that are not continuously refilled by natural processes
• Diesel Generator, Gas Turbine, Steam Turbine, Combined Cycle Gas
Turbine (CCGT), Steam Injected Gas Turbine, Nuclear power (Conventional
2. Transmission Systems:
This component of the power system transmits the bulk electrical energy
from generation stations where it is produced to the main load centres.
The transmission system is composed of:
•Step-up and Step-down substations
•Transmission lines
3.Distribution Systems
The distribution system gives out the energy from the medium voltage
substations to customers’ location. It is composed of:
•Medium Voltage (MV) lines (33kV, 15 kV)
•MV/LV transformer substations (33/15/ kV to 400/380/220 V)
•Distribution lines (33/15 kV, 380 V 3-phase and 220 v single phase)

4. Load or Energy Sink:

Load is the end equipment of the power system where the transmitted
electrical energy is converted to other forms of useful energy.
The Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation

• In early days, there was a little demand for electrical energy so that
small power stations were built to supply lighting and heating loads.
• However, the widespread use of electrical energy by modern
civilization has necessitated producing bulk electrical energy
economically and efficiently.
• The increased demand of electrical energy can be met by building big
power stations at favorable places where fuel (coal or gas) or water
energy is available in abundance. This has shifted the site of power
stations to places quite away from the consumers centers.
• The electrical energy produced at the power stations has to be supplied
to the consumers. There is a large network of conductors between the
power station and the consumers. This network can be broadly divided
into two parts viz., transmission and distribution.
Non-Conventional Energy Sources

Renewable energy sources also called non-conventional energy, are

sources that are continuously refilled by natural processes.
A renewable energy system converts the energy found in
- sunlight
- wind
- falling-water
- sea-waves
- geothermal heat or
- biomass
Solar Energy

Solar energy can be utilized trough two different routs

Solar thermal rout.
Solar thermal route uses the sun's heat to produce hot water or air,
cook food, drying materials etc.
Solar electric rout(Photovoltaic) rout.
Solar photovoltaic uses sun’s heat to produce directly electricity for
the applications such as; lighting home and building, running
motors, pumps, electric appliances, and lighting.
Solar Electricity Generation

Solar Photovoltaic (PV): Photovoltaic is the technical term for solar electric. Photo
means "light" and voltaic means "electric".
 PV cells are usually made of silicon, an element that naturally releases electrons
when exposed to light.
Amount of electrons released from silicon cells depend upon intensity of light incident
on it.
The silicon cell is covered with a grid of metal that directs the electrons to flow in a
path to create an electric current.
 This current is guided into a wire that is connected to a battery or DC appliance.
Solar Photovoltaic (PV):

Solar Photovoltaic Array

PV system Components
Case Example:

Photovoltaic Water
Wind Power

 The wind is a free, clean, and inexhaustible energy source.

 It has served humankind well for many centuries by propelling
ships and driving wind turbines to grind grain and pump water.
 Denmark was the first country to use wind for generation of
 One of the most critical features of wind generation is the
variability of wind. Wind speeds vary with time of day, time of
year, height above ground, and location on the earth’s surface.
 Wind energy is basically harnessing of wind power to produce electricity. The
kinetic energy of the wind is converted to electrical energy.
Wind Energy Technology

1. Horizontal-axis turbines, in
which the axis of rotation is
horizontal with respect to the
ground (and roughly parallel to
the wind stream.)

2. Vertical-axis wind turbines, in

which the axis of rotation is
vertical with respect to the
ground (and roughly
perpendicular to the wind
Bio Energy/Biomass Energy

Biomass is a renewable energy resource derived from the

carbonaceous waste of various human and natural activities. It
is derived from numerous sources, including the by-products from
the wood industry, agricultural crops, raw material from the forest,
household wastes etc.
Hydroelectric power generation involves the storage of a
hydraulic fluid, water, conversion of the hydraulic
(potential) energy of the fluid into mechanical (kinetic)
energy in a hydraulic turbine, and conversion of the
mechanical energy to electrical energy in an electric

The early generation of electricity from about 1880 often

derived from hydro-turbines, and the capacity of total
worldwide installations has grown at about 5% per year
Hydro-power now accounts for about 20% of world’s
electric generation. Output depends on rainfall and the
Hydropower Generation

The term hydro-power is usually restricted to the generation of shaft

power from falling water. The power is then used for direct mechanical
purposes or, more frequently, for generating electricity.

Gilgel Gibe II
Tidal Energy

• Tidal electricity generation

involves the construction of a
bombardment across an
estuary to block the incoming
and outgoing tide. The head of
water is then used to drive
turbines to generate electricity
from the elevated water in the
basin as in hydroelectric dams.
Geothermal Energy
The temperature of the ground or groundwater a few feet beneath the Earth’s surface remains relatively
constant throughout the year, even though the outdoor air temperature may fluctuate greatly with the
change of seasons. At a depth of approximately six feet, for example, the temperature of soil in most of
the world’s regions remains stable between 45º and 70°. This is why well water drawn from below
ground tastes so cool even on the hottest summer days.

Utilizes the Earth’s inner heated rocks to heat water that reaches these areas through seismic faults.
This water is turned to steam then captured to operate steam-powered generators.
Geothermal Potentials in Ethiopia

Aloto Langano (Ziway) Tendaho (Afar)

Conventional Energy sources

Is a stocks of energy Not continuously refilled using natural

They are:
Fossil fuels - Coal, Oil, & Natural Gas
Nuclear fuel –
Natural gas

A natural gas is a mixture of different gases the main ingredient is

Methane, a natural compound that is made from the decay of plant
and animal remains.

Nuclear Fission

Splitting uranium atoms produces a great deal of heat energy that is

processed into electrical energy in nuclear plants.
Structure of a Power System
Single line diagram of a Power System Structure
Generation Transmission
System System
15,20 kV 400,500 kV 400,500 kV 66,45 kV

Step-up Step-down
Transformer 132,230 kV Transformer

Generator-2 400,500 kV
15,20 kV 132,230 kV
66,45 kV
Transformer 33,15 kV

11,11.5 kV
400/220 V
33/15 kV
Generator-3 and small
Electric Supply System
• The conveyance of electric power from a power station to
consumers’ premises is known as an electric supply system.
• It consists of three principal components viz., the power station, the
transmission lines and the distribution system.
• Electric power is produced at the power stations which are located
at favorable places, generally quite away from the consumers. It is
then transmitted over large distances to load centers with the help
of conductors known as transmission lines.

• Finally, it is distributed to a large number of small and big

consumers through a distribution network.
• The electric supply system can be broadly classified into (i)
DC. or AC. system (ii) overhead or underground system.
AC and DC
Comparison of AC and DC transmission

• The electric power can be transmitted either by means of DC. or AC.

Each system has its own merits and demerits. It is, therefore, desirable
to discuss the technical advantages and disadvantages of the two
systems for transmission of electric power.
D.C. transmission.
• For some years past, the transmission of electric power by DC. has been
receiving the active consideration of engineers due to its numerous
• (i) It requires only two conductors as compared to three for AC.
• (ii) There is no inductance, capacitance, phase displacement and surge
problems in DC. transmission. 38
Cont’d Advantages
• (iii) Due to the absence of inductance, the voltage drop in a DC.
transmission line is less than the AC. line for the same load and
same sending end voltage. For this reason, a DC. transmission line
has better voltage regulation.
• (iv) There is no skin effect in a DC. system. Therefore, entire cross-
section of the line conductor is utilized.
• (v) For the same working voltage, the potential stress on the
insulation is less .Therefore, a DC. line requires less insulation.
• (vi) A DC. line has less corona loss and reduced interference with
communication circuits.
• (vii) The high voltage DC. transmission is free from the dielectric
losses, particularly in the case of cables.
• (viii) In DC. transmission, there are no stability problems and
synchronizing difficulties.
(i) Electric power cannot be generated at high DC. voltage due
to commutation problems.
• (ii) The DC. voltage cannot be stepped up for transmission of power
at high voltages.
• (iii) The DC. switches and circuit breakers have their own limitations.
A.C. transmission.
• Now-a-days, electrical energy is almost exclusively generated,
transmitted and distributed in the form of a.c.
• (i) The power can be generated at high voltages.
• (ii) The maintenance of AC. sub-stations is easy and cheaper.
• (iii) The AC. voltage can be stepped up or stepped down by
transformers with ease and efficiency.
• This permits to transmit power at high voltages and distribute it at
safe potentials.
• (i) An AC. line requires more copper than a DC. line.
• (ii) The construction of AC. transmission line is more complicated
than a DC. transmission line.
• (iii) Due to skin effect in the AC. system, the effective resistance of
the line is increased.
• (iv) An AC. line has capacitance. Therefore, there is a continuous
loss of power due to charging current even when the line is open.
• From the above comparison, it is clear that high voltage d.c. txn is superior to high
voltage a.c. txn.
• Although at present, transmission of electric power is carried by a.c., there is an
increasing interest in d.c. transmission. The introduction of mercury arc rectifiers and
thyratrons have made it possible to convert a.c. into d.c. and vice-versa easily and
• Such devices can operate up to 30 MW at 400 kV in single units.
• The present day trend is towards a.c.for generation and distribution and high voltage
d.c. for transmission.

Fig. shows the single line diagram of high voltage d.c. transmission.
• The electric power is generated as AC. and is stepped up to high
voltage by the sending end transformer TS.
• The AC. power at high voltage is fed to the mercury arc rectifiers
which convert AC. into DC.
• The transmission of electric power is carried at high DC. voltage.
• At the receiving end, DC. is converted into AC. with the help of
• The AC. supply is stepped down to low voltage by receiving end
transformer TR for distribution.


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