What is a Sweep?
A “Sweep” is a feature in CAD software involving a 2-dimensional shape
that is projected along a pre-set path thus creating a 3-dimensional
Creating a Sweep
The steps behind a sweep are
pretty basic. Create your profile,
or face, of the sweep and then
create the path. These will require
different planes to generate.
Start on the front plane and create
three circles at 10mm diameter
that touch. Surround by a slot that
is 15mm wide and encompasses
the three circles.
Select “Finish Sketch” when
Next Step
Create a sketch on the right plane and this will be our path.
Here I’ve opted for the “Fit Point Spline” just to create a unique style of
Once you’ve placed the three points, do not forget to hit enter or
double-click on the last point when sketching, you can place the
following dimensions to define the placements. Click “Finish Sketch”
when completed.
Making the Sweep
What you should have now is something that looks like this image:
Select Sweep Command
From the “Create” tab click on the pulldown arrow and select “Sweep”.
A pop-up dialogue box will appear on the right. We will focus on Profile
and Path for now.
Select Your Profile and Path
For Profile select inside the slot, but not inside the circles, and for Path
select the line. You have created the housing for wires now.
Edit Sweep
Right-click on the “Sweep” in the Timeline at the bottom of your
screen. Select “Edit Feature”. We are going to create a sweep of the
wires and the housing while taking advantage of the “Distance” feature.
Select Circles for Profiles
Clear the Profiles by select “X” and the click on Profiles again and select
the three circles. Select the Path again if required. Keep the distance at
Create the Housing
Once your first sweep is completed notice the sketches have
disappeared. Open the folder “Sketches” and unhide the sketch of the
slot. The sketch will reappear.
New Sweep
Select the slot as your profile and the
line as your path. Operation type
should be “New Body” and change
“Distance” to 0.9. The distance is a
ratio of the path. If it is 1.0 then it will
go the full distance. At 0.9 it is going
Click OK and you are done.
Final Product
Other Features within Sweep
Each option in the Sweep dialogue box will
create different forms of geometry
depending on what is entered/selected
within those options.
Let’s cover those options now.
In the “Type” pull-down box you have three options to select from: