Study Unit 6 - Borrowing Costs
Study Unit 6 - Borrowing Costs
Study Unit 6 - Borrowing Costs
Chapter 14
• IAS 23
Consultation times
If borrowing costs are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, they must be
capitalized as part of the cost of the asset.
NB: All other borrowing costs are expensed when they are incurred.
Need to know;
o know your definitions (borrowing costs, qualifying assets
o know how to apply them
o Know the two exceptions (scope exclusions)
o know when to start capitalizing
o Know when to stop capitalizing
Introduction (continued)
Capitalization shall;
o starts on commencement date
o ends on cessation date, and
o must be suspended during any extended periods on which active development of the asset is suspended
The measurement of borrowing costs that must be capitalised can be technical, it depends on whether
the borrowings are specific borrowings or general borrowing
o specific borrowings are borrowings that are specifically raised to fund the acquisition, construction
production of the asset.
o general borrowings are borrowings that the entity simply tapped into the entity’s availability
Introduction (continued)
Tax implications – there is a possible deferred tax implications
Tax authorities generally allow the deduction of borrowing costs when they are incurred.
If we then, we capitalised them to them to the cost of our asset, a temporary difference arise.
that temporary difference is called deferred tax and must be recognised.
the deferred will reverse as the asset is expensed.
the borrowing costs are expensed in profit and loss in the period in which they are incurred.
the expense is measured at the amount charged by the lender according to the agreement.
To capitalise borrowing
costs means to include them
in the cost of the related
The definitions – Borrowing costs
Borrowing costs does not include only the interest incurred or finance costs
It also include other costs incurred in correction with borrowing funds
Other costs may include premium payable on redeemable preference shares, for example.
The definitions – Borrowing costs (continued)
Borrowing costs must be capitalised if, and only if, they:
are directly attributable
to the acquisition, construction or production of
of a qualifying asset
Directly attributable means that if the asset was not acquired, constructed or
produced, then these costs could have been avoided.
The definitions – Qualifying assets
A qualifying asset is defined as:
an asset
that necessary takes
a subsequent period of time
to get ready for its intended use or sale.
A qualifying asset requires a long time to get ready for its intended use or sale.
it generally includes a variety of asset-types such as, plant and machinery, owner-occupied property or
investments property, intangible assets and even inventories.
The definitions – Qualifying assets (continued)
Note: The recognition criteria above is still linked to the 2010 conceptual framework, however,
IAS Board concluded that this recognition criteria should continue to be used.