Risk Managemennt Chapter 2 - NGUC - 2020
Risk Managemennt Chapter 2 - NGUC - 2020
Risk Managemennt Chapter 2 - NGUC - 2020
Chapter Two
Risk Management
Contents/Chapter Agenda
Chapter 2:
Risk Management
2.1. Meaning of risk Management
2.2. Objectives of risk Management
2.3. Process of Risk Management
2.3.1. Identification of potential risks
2.3.2. Measurement potential risks
2.3.3 Selection of due Tools of Risk Management
2.3.4 Administration of the Entire Program
After studying this chapter you should be able to:
Learning Objectives
This is the first and most difficult step
Important risks
Losses which may lead the firm to external assistance like
Avoidance means a certain loss exposure is never acquired or an
It is measures that reduce the “frequency” of a particular loss
Tools of risk management: Retention
4. Retention
It is the most commonly and frequently used tools of risk management
The source of finance for retention is both internal and external sources
Active retention
When we properly, actively, identify and evaluate a risk
exposure and decide retention as a best tools of risk
Tools of risk management: Retention(cont…)
Advantages Disadvantages
1. May Save money 1. Possible higher losses
2. May have Lower expenses 2. Possible higher
3. Encourage loss prevention expenses
4. Increase cash flow 3. Possible higher taxes
Tools of risk management: Non-Insurance
5. A non-insurance transfer:
Is a method other than insurance by which a pure risk and its potential
financial consequences are transferred to another party usually who is in
a better position to exercise loss control and or other tools.
Typical Examples: of non insurance transfer include:
Transferring risks through CONTRACTS
Example: AAU and XYZ constriction PLC
Transferring risks through LEASES and
Transferring risks through HOLDING -HARMLESS AGREEMENTS
Example: An Author and Publisher of a Book , Music e.t.c
Tools of risk management: Non-Insurance transfer(cont…)
Advantages Disadvantages
6. Insurance
Insurance is appropriate for loss exposures that happens infrequently and have
a bigger magnitude of loss
If we decide to apply insurance we have to have the following steps duly:
1. Selection of insurance coverage
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Firm is indemnified for losses 1. Premiums may be costly: Opportunity
cost should be considered
2. Uncertainty is reduced
2. Negotiation of contracts takes time
3. Insurers may additionally provide
and effort
other risk management services
3. The risk manager may become lax in
4. Premiums are tax-deductible
exercising loss control
Tools of risk management: Risk Management Matrix
3.3.2. Select the Appropriate Risk Management Technique
2. Loss prevention
3. Loss reduction
5. Non-insurance Transfers
6. Commercial Insurance
2.3.4. Implement & administer the R. M Program
The risk manager should compare the costs and benefits of all
risk management activities
Expect an assignment !