Game Theory in Digital Forensics

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Game Theory in

Digital Forensics
What is Game Theory?
• “Game theory is a branch of modern applied mathematics that aims to
analyze various problems of conflict between parties that have
opposed, similar or simply different interests”. (Nisioti, Antonia, et al.)
• Try to quantify winning, losing, and how to play and use that to
calculate best strategies.
Game Theory Terminology
• x X is a “strategy” for player 1
• y  Y is a “strategy” for player 2
• A pair of (x, y) is called a “situation”
• K is the “payoff”, given a situation
• A is the matrix of payoffs for the two players

(Terminology from: Nisioti, Antonia, et al. “Game-Theoretic Decision

Support for Cyber Forensic Investigations.”)
Modeling How To Choose a Tool
• Let’s call choosing a carving tool a “game”.
• Using a specific carving tool is a “strategy” for player 1.
• We will call the “Time sensitive”, “File sensitive”, and “Equally
sensitive” cases the “strategies” for player 2.
• A “situation” will be a combination of tool x sensitivity.

(Using an example from the article “A Game Theoretic Approach for

Digital Forensic Tool Selection” by Umit and Tugba Karabiyik)
Calculating Payoff
• To create a Payoff matrix, we need to give values to the tools.
• The first step is to figure out how to assign points. We will do so using
the following set of equations.
• We can define as the points assigned for succeeding in a test case.
will be the faster tool, and will be the slower tool.

• Then we can run a few tests and average the result. This will give us a
likelihood of success
Carving Tool x Sensitivity Payoff Matrix
• The two tools we have are Scalpel and Photorec.
• We can use this matrix as our percent chance of success when comparing both
products. (e.g., 0.23 is 23% chance of success)
Sensitivity Scalpel Photorec
Time Sensitive 0.23 1
File Sensitive 0.85 0.5
Equally Sensitive 0.16 0.5
• Using different algorithms for deciding which tool to use, we can
simulate the increase in effectiveness for using the appropriate tool.

Sensitivity Algorithm Average Total Payoff

Time Sensitive E-Greedy Multi-Armed Bandit 92.03
Time Sensitive Randomization 61.619
File Sensitive E-Greedy Multi-Armed Bandit 79.598
File Sensitive Randomization 67.701
Equally Sensitive E-Greedy Multi-Armed Bandit 44.693
Equally Sensitive Randomization 32.96
• Between 18% and 57% more effective to prioritize the better tool.
• Higher algorithm effectiveness is tied to a greater difference between the
effectiveness of the tools.
Sensitivity Algorithm Average Total Payoff
Time Sensitive E-Greedy Multi-Armed Bandit 92.03
Time Sensitive Randomization 61.619
File Sensitive E-Greedy Multi-Armed Bandit 79.598
File Sensitive Randomization 67.701
Equally Sensitive E-Greedy Multi-Armed Bandit 44.693
Equally Sensitive Randomization 32.96
Game Theory In Digital Forensics
• Digital Forensics is complex.
• Digital Forensics is not a “zero-sum” game.
• However, certain aspects are somewhat easy to model.
• Having quantitative methods for evaluating strategies allows for
defensible optimization.
• (Fancy way of saying that being able to assign values and use math to choose how
you do investigations will look better in court.)
Sources Cited
Leon A Petrosyan, and Nikolay A Zenkevich. Game Theory (Second Edition). World Scientific, 2016.

Bolon, Thomas. How to Never Lose at Tic-Tac-Toe. Book Country, 2013.

Nisioti, Antonia, et al. “Game-Theoretic Decision Support for Cyber Forensic Investigations.” Sensors (Basel,
Switzerland), vol. 21, no. 16, MDPI, 2021, p. 5300–,
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A “Simple” Example
- One player chooses a symbol (let’s say Player 1 starts with “O”) and places
it on the Board.
- The second player places their symbol (“X”) on the Board in another
- Players take turns placing their symbols until the board is filled or a
player wins
- A player wins if their symbol occupies an entire row, column, or diagonal.

- A game lasts at most 9 turns.
- If both players play optimally, the game ends in a draw
- Player 1 has an advantage, as there are more situations where they win.
- The game is “zero-sum”, meaning if a player wins, the other loses
Tic Tac Toe Strategies
• Player 1 has 9C1 + 9C2 + 9C3 + 9C4 + 9C5
= 381 strategies. A strategy for 1 move

• Player 2 has 9C0 + 9C1 + 9C2 + 9C3 + 9C4

= 256 strategies.
• Using “Choose”, since the order doesn’t matter.
Tic Tac Toe Strategies
• Player 1 has 9C1 + 9C2 + 9C3 + 9C4 + 9C5
= 381 strategies. A strategy for 2 moves

• Player 2 has 9C0 + 9C1 + 9C2 + 9C3 + 9C4

= 256 strategies.
• Using “Choose”, since the order doesn’t matter.
Tic Tac Toe Situations
• Situations take into account both players’
A situation where each player has
moves. moved twice
• If you count rotations and reflections of a
board as a single position, there are 138
“terminal” board positions.
• 91 are won by player 1 (There are 131,184 ways to
get to one of these board positions)
• 44 are won by player 2
• 3 are a draw.
Tic Tac Toe Payoffs
• Payoff, K(x,y) is positive if player 1 gains
advantage. It is negative if player 2 gains
• In a zero-sum game, player 2’s payoff is -K(x,y)
• We could calculate the payoff K(x,y) as the
number of future situations where player 1
could win minus the number that player 2 could
Tic Tac Toe Payoffs
• Assuming that O is first, what is the payoff of
the current situation?
• There are three remaining situations:
• One where X wins.
• One where the players draw.
• One where the game has not concluded.
• 0 – 1 = -1

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