Topic 9
Topic 9
Topic 9
(Narrative Text)
Definition of
Narrative Text
Narrative text is an imaginative
story to entertain and attract readers
by presenting a story or event that
has a problem that causes conflic
and at the end of the story there is a
resolution that can be a happy
ending or even a sad ending.
Social Functions
The social functions of narrative
text is to tell stories or past events
and entertain the readers.
Kinds of Narrative Text
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Fable Folktales Fairy tales
Short story typically with A story originating in popular A children’s story about magical
and imaginary beings and lands.
animal as characters. culture, typically passed on by word
of mouth. For the example: Bawang For the example; Cinderella, Snow
merah & bawang putih white, etc.
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Myth Legend
A story that is believed by A traditional story sometimes
many people but that is not popularly regarded as historical
true. For the example: Nyi but unauthenticated. For example:
Roro Kidul Legenda Tangkuban Perahu
Legend is a story from the past that many
people believe, but it has not been proved nor
documented in real history.
Characteristics of legend:
- A legend is a set in specific place or time.
- The main character is human not a God.
- A legend is a fictional story
- Usually, there is some historical truth at the
heart of every legend
- The hero is real but not completely true.
- Handed down through generation.
Generic Structure
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Orientation Complication Resolution Re-orientation
- It tells what
- It tells about the text happens with the
- The phase tells how -It tells the conlusion of
the participants solve
talks in general participants. the story.
the problems aroused
- It should include the - It explores the - it usually include the
-The conflict becomes
characters of the story conflict among the lesson from the story.
- The problem must be
Language Features
Specific character, not Use Direct Speech Use of
Use adverb of time general past tense
It is to make the story lively.
Example: once upon a Example: Sang Kuriang, The direct speech uses present Simple past tense,
time, one day, etc Kebo Iwa, etc tense. For example: Snow past continuous
tense, past perfect
white said, “My name is Snow
tense, past perfect
White” continuous tense