Language Anxiety

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Language Anxiety: The Case of Bachelor of

Secondary Education L2 learners at Cotabato

State University on the Self-Confidence and
Oral Competency
Group 1
Group 1
Abdullah Abdulkarim

Coro Duga
Statement of the Problem

Chapter 1
Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms
Statement of the Problem
The Researchers are expecting to get the most accurate and relevant information
about the said problem. Specifically, this study aims to address the effects of
language anxiety and give answers to the following questions:

1. What are the manifestation of language anxiety in the participants?

2. What are the causes of language anxiety in the participants?

Statement of the Problem

3. What are the experiences of the participants regarding language anxiety?

4. What are the remedial measure done by the students?

5. What are the programs that will help the students to overcome their language
Theoretical Framework
 Cognitive theory has defined anxiety as the tendency to overestimate
the potential threat.

 Patients with anxiety disorders frequently picture the worst-case

scenario and avoid circumstances they perceive to be harmful, such
as crowds, heights, or social engagement.

 To some students, to overcome their anxiety they would “overstudy”

and spend lots of time studying to overcome their anxieties without
truly learning much about their content.
Theoretical Framework

 The opposite is also the same, to avoid situations that induced anxiety,
anxious people avoided studying and missed lessons.
 Hence, students who experience language anxiety tends to anticipate negative
outcomes once they express their thoughts, with that they choose to isolate
themselves, loss sense of trust, doubt, hesitation and completely degrade their
 Furthermore, student’s disordered thinking, according to cognitive theory,
result in excessive emotions and these emotions may result in maladaptive
Conceptual Framework
In this part we can identify what are the independent variable and its dependent variable.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Independent and Dependent Variable

Definition of Terms
L2 learners
L2 learners pertain to the Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English, major
in Mathematics and Major in Science. It refers to the process of learning a second
language. Second-language acquisition is indeed the term of the scientific field that
studies the process.

Langauge anxiety
pertains to the people who have poor self-esteem in that language and have
difficulty communicating with others, they lack confidence in that language and
have poor interpersonal communication skills.
Definition of Terms
Self-confidence is a belief regarding one's own strengths and skills. It implies
that you accept and trust yourself and that you are in control of your life. You
have a good or positive outlook on yourself and are aware of your talents and

Oral Competency

Oral competence is the capacity to utilize verbal and nonverbal communication

socially and responsibly for concise statement of concepts and consists of
active listening; building, expressing, and justifying a claim, and adapting
messages to different settings and contexts.
Chapter 2
Review of Related
Review of Related Literature
Review of Related Literature
Evolution of governance methods

1763 1885 1969 1991

Pluto is now Mercury is the Despite being red,

Ceres is located in
classified as a dwarf smallest planet in the Mars is a very cold
the main asteroid belt
planet Solar System place
Review of Related Literature
Diversity in the regions

Regional diversity

Music Linguistics

Earth is a planet Ceres is in the Mars is actually a Pluto is now a

that has life asteroid belt cold place dwarf planet
Research Instrument

Chapter 3 Role of the Researcher

Trustworthiness of the Study

Research Design
Ethical Consideration
Participants and Locale of the Study
Theoretical Lens

Sampling Technique Research Ethics

Research Design

This research uses a qualitative case study design to

identify01 issues of an individual’s situation, experiences,
manifestations, and causes of language anxiety by the use of an
interview guide. This technique is useful to find out the effects
of language anxiety on the self-confidence and oral competency
of the respondents.
Participants and Locale of the Study

The target respondents of this study and its qualifying criteria must be, a.
bona fide students of Cotabato State University under the Department of College of
Teacher Education, b. first-year learners who utilize the English language with the
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English, Mathematics, and Science,
Bachelor of Technical and Livelihood Education Major in Industrial Arts and Home
Economics, Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education Major in Food
Services Management, and Bachelor of Physical Education at Cotabato State
University. They are gathered and chosen based on the criteria and needs of the study.
The one who qualifies to be part of the current research study.
Sampling Technique

This study will use purposive sampling to get and

recruit participants who can provide in-depth and detailed
information about the phenomenon this study is investigating.
The qualifying criteria each participant must meet to be
considered for the research study have been identified and
provided by the researchers.
Research Instrument
The present study will be going to use as a research instrument
the focus group interview, where the interviewer engages to elicit
information from the interviewee’s subjective and personal responses.
Additionally, researchers believed this kind of interview works well when
dealing with thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, especially when seeking an
explanation or in-depth dialogue. The group of participants is chosen
due to predefined criteria made by the researchers. The questions that
are administered by a moderator are intended to clarify a topic of
Role of the Researcher
The present study will be going to use as a research instrument
the focus group interview, where the interviewer engages to elicit
information from the interviewee’s subjective and personal responses.
Additionally, researchers believed this kind of interview works well when
dealing with thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, especially when seeking an
explanation or in-depth dialogue. The group of participants is chosen
due to predefined criteria made by the researchers. The questions that
are administered by a moderator are intended to clarify a topic of
Trustworthiness of the Study

In qualitative design works on establishing

trustworthiness, Lincoln and Guba created stringent criteria
in qualitative research, known as credibility, dependability,
confirmability, and transferability.
Trustworthiness of the Study

The researchers had the opportunity to conduct this study with the
guidance of credible panelists. Also through the use of related studies
mentioned in Chapter 2 of this study. The researchers also affirm that the
credibility of this study will be measured once the conduct started. Hence, after
further research, collection of data, and information from the participants, the
researchers will then be confident about the credibility, accuracy, and relevancy
of the study.
Trustworthiness of the Study

As stated in the methodology section of this study, the researchers will use the
qualitative research method to further study the different indicators of language anxiety that
affect the self-confidence and oral competency of second language (L2) learners. The
researchers will identify the possible indicators that affect the potential performance of the
participants. The researchers will select the participants based on the given criterion. They
also believe that the outcome and findings of this study will be applicable to other contexts
such as speech anxiety, factors affecting self-confidence, and ineffective language acquisition
due to various affective factors. This possible outcome of this study will also benefit the
participants, the institution, and society as a whole.
Trustworthiness of the Study

The study will be conducted by the research team who will collect
unbiased data and information from different participants to gain different
perspectives and responses that will greatly help the outcome and success of the
study. The researchers affirm that the data presented are factual and evidence-
based to avoid unjust and biased outcomes.
Trustworthiness of the Study

The researchers strictly follow different research ethics such as respect

for the confidentiality of the participants. They also mentioned every possible
author and reference as possible to avoid plagiarism. More so, the researchers
will exercise their every right to this study and would like to encourage future
researchers whose going to conduct similar studies to respectfully ask
permission and observe the different roles of the researchers and research
Ethical Consideration

The researchers will make sure to follow the ethical standards of

conducting research. Especially in upholding principles that make sure that the
participation of the said respondents in the present study is voluntary, informed,
and safe for research subjects. Researchers will assure the respondents that their
names will stay confidential, that they have a choice of optional putting their
names, and that nothing will be disclosed.
Theoretical Lens

As stated, Krashen’s Affective Filter Hypothesis (1982) pertains

to a fundamental theory in the field of second language acquisition. This
theory emphasizes how affective factors are associated with the second
language acquisition process. According to Krashen (1982), the affective
factors are as follows: First, emotional variables, which can be
categorized into: 1) motivation; 2) self-confidence; 3) anxiety. The
following factors can indirectly influence learning by preventing the inputs
from reaching the language acquisition device in the brain. Broadly
speaking, this theory explains the relationship between emotional
variables and the success or failure of second language acquisition.
Research Ethics

There are several reasons why the researchers need to adhere to ethical
norms as it will ensure that the research is authentic and error-free, and will allow the
researchers to gain credibility, trustworthiness, and accuracy. Therefore, researchers
must adhere to research ethical guidelines such as the following: Research ethics
govern the standards of conduct for the researchers. It is important to adhere to
ethical principles in order to protect the confidentiality, dignity, rights, and welfare of
research participants. The value of the research should outweigh any risks,
consequences, or negative effects. Researchers should work to minimize the potential
risks to the participants and themselves at the same time while maximizing the
research's potential benefits and outcomes.
Thank You!
Trustworthiness of the Study
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Main conclusions

Neptune Saturn
It’s the farthest planet 1 2 Saturn is a gas giant and
from the Sun has several rings

Ceres Mars
Ceres is located in the 3 4 Despite being red, Mars is
main asteroid belt a cold place
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