1 - Research Introduction
1 - Research Introduction
1 - Research Introduction
Nursing research
• Systematic inquiry to develop knowledge about issues of
importance to the nursing profession
• Application of the scientific method to areas of interest to
• The goal of nursing research is to improve patient care
It includes studies concerning:
- nursing practice;
-nursing education;
- nursing administration, and
- nurses themselves
Features of nursing research
1. Systematic search for validation of knowledge about
issues of importance to the nursing profession (Polit
& Hungler)
◦ Identify problem areas
◦ Establish plans of action
◦ Collect data and information
◦ Evaluate data results
Purposes are Varied
(scope, setting, applying knowledge)
Scientific research
◦ Broader in scope
◦ Obtains data for generalization
◦ Applies knowledge to other people/settings
Problem-solving approach
◦ Specific in scope
◦ Seeks a solution to a problem in a specific setting
◦ Uses knowledge for people in a specific setting
The Purposes of Nursing
General purpose of nursing research is to answer
questions or solve problems of relevance nursing
Specific purpose of nursing research include:
Paradigms and Methods for
Nursing Research
Paradigm—a world view; a general
perspective on the complexities of the
real world, with certain assumptions
about reality
Key paradigms for nursing research:
Positivist paradigm
Naturalistic paradigm
What Is the Nature of
Positivist assumption: Reality exists;
there is a real-world driven by natural
causes( e.g., effect of smoking on lung cancer)
Naturalist assumption: Reality is
multiple and subjective; constructed by
individuals.(e.g., lived experience of mothers who have
children with cancer)
How Is the Inquirer Related
to Those Being Studied?
Positivist assumption: The inquirer is
independent from those being studied.