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Yasman 1510302061
Danti Ismu .P 1510302086
Retno Nia Faristia 1510302079
Mutiara Abdul .M 1510302019
Andre Raharja 1510302106
What is morphology????
From word morpheme + logy
Morpheme is defined as the smallest unit in a language.
--logy = its word toindicate a branch or knowledge
Morphology is the study of
morphemes. These two words
(morphology and
morphemes)are derived from
the same root (morph).
Differences between morphology and

 Morphology Morphemes

The suffix in morphemes is

The suffix in –eme. It is something
morphology is –logy. It related to minimal distictive
indicates a brach of unit.-that is the smallest unit
knowledge that can be distinguished in
some systems of
Why morphology important??
There are several ways in which words are formed in
English. The most abvious way is to add something
the beginning or the end of word.
The concept of morphemes is very suitable for the
first type of change
Example show the following points about
 Some morphemes are complete words and the
others are not
 Some morpheme can be added to the end of word
and some morpheme in the beginning of words
 Sometimes the form or spelling of a word change
 Each morpheme has a meaning, even if it is a
morpheme that consist of only letter.
There are two types of morphemes

Free Bound
Morph Morph
emes emes
Free morphemes
 Morpheme which can be complete words by
themselves are called free morpheme
 Example
 walk
 Sorry
 Book
 Course
 Watch
Bound morphemes
Morphemes which cannot stand on their own are called
bound morphemes
Word Free Bound Function
Morpheme morpheme
Walks walk --s To show ‘tense’ and plurality

Unhappy happy --un To change the meaning of a word

Walked walk --ed To show tense

Houses house --s To show plurality

Disagree agree --dis To change a meaning of word

There are two types of affix :
 Prefixes is an affix that goes in front of word and

change the meaning of that root word in some way.

 Suffixes is an affix that attached at the end of a root

word, to change the word from one part of speech

to another.
Irregural morphemes
Morphemes in that they don’t follow the rules
is word information
Example :
Man = men (plural) -> internal change
Buy = (bought) -> almost complete
am = was (past) -> complete

The important thing to remember is that different

languages have different system.
Example for different language have a
different system

English Indonesia

one book sebuah buku

two books dua buah buku

a woman seorang wanita

two women dua orang wanita

Language 1
 The first example to demonstrate the Bauan
morphological system is:
 Yavaqu = my foot/leg
 Yavaqu is made up of two morphemes :
1. yava is a free morpheme (meaning leg/food)
2. Qu is a bound morpheme (meaning my)
The second example is noqu i tau = my friend

What make it different with the first example????

Based on the example , its mean bauan dialect
show different ways of indicating posession in that
language. In some contexts, a bound morpheme (--
qu) is added;for other words, a free morpheme
(noqu) comes before the noun, provided that a
particle (i) is added between them
 To conclude, basically there are two types of
languange with respect to morphological analysis :
1. In isolating languange
2. In synthetic language
Morpheme and mistake
Lets check !
 I haven't satten down and writ__ it
(I haven't sat down and written it)
 I had forgot__ aboutten it

(I had forgotten about it)

 He point__ outed that . . .

(He pointed out that . . .)

 You __ have to do learn that

(you do have to learn)

 what that add__ ups to

(adds up to)
 who could __form at a . . .

(perform at a higher level)


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