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Qualitative Resesarch


2. AGITA ALIYA DEWI (2288203004)
3. MARIA FITRI NUR ARAFAH (2288203008)
Qualitative research is defined as a
market research method that
focuses on obtaining data through
open-ended and conversational
communication.This method is
about “what” people think and
“why” they think so.
Characteristics of Qualitatif Research
1. Qualitative research methods usually collect data at the sight, where the
participants are experiencing issues or research problems. These are real-
time data and rarely bring the participants out of the geographic locations
to collect information.
2. Qualitative researchers typically gather multiple forms of data, such as
interviews, observations, and documents, rather than rely on a single data
3. This type of research method works towards solving complex issues by
breaking down into meaningful inferences, that is easily readable and
understood by all.
4. Since it's a more communicative method, people can build their trust on
the researcher and the information thus obtained is raw and unadulterated
Qualitative Methods
 Get over the idea that research means counting, which is the prime focus of quantitative
 The focus is on subjective experiences, or the meanings that people use.
 Because meaning resides in language (people think with language), qualitative research
largely involves studying text.
 The best device for collecting and analyzing qualitative information is the human brain.
 Qualitative research is local, concrete.
 Observations and findings depend on understanding contexts and the meanings held by
the people in those contexts and the meanings of the things in those contexts.
 Observations are typically of interactions in smaller groups or selectively defined
Qualitative Methods
 Exploration is very often the motive, but not always.
 Qualitative research often provides idiographic (as opposed to nomothetic) causal
 Qualitative research is typically inductive.
 The research is reflexive-design is flexible and can change given the needs of the
research. E.g., Theoretical Sampling
 The researcher must be reflexive as well-the brain tool must be calibrated, understood,
active, paid attention to, controlled
 Qualitative research is very practical, logical, and critical of itself. Researchers constantly
ask, "Am I accurately depicting the social world given the ways I am collecting and
analyzing my data?“
 Good qualitative research is often the most rigorous, difficult research.
Element of the Research Process

Deduktive Thinking (Quantitative) Induktive Thinking (Quanlitative)

Theory Observation

Hypothesis Patterns

Observation Hypothesis

Confirmation Theory
Quantitative Qualitative

Research process is deductive. Research process is inductive.

Measure objective facts. Document social reality, meaning is

Focus on variables.
Focus on in-depth meaning.
Firewall between research process
and researchers' values. Values are present & explicit
Cross-contextual.Many cases. Contextual dependence.

Quantitative Qualitative

Statistical analysis Thematic analysis

Highly structured research process Loosely structured research procesS

Particularistic, specific Holistic perspective

Separation from data Intimacy with data

Generalize to population Generalization to properties and

Qualitative Methods
● When should I use qualitative methods?

• When variables cannot be quantified;

• When variables are best understood in their
natural settings;
• When variables are studied over real time;
• When studying intimate details of roles,
processes, and groups;
• When the paramount objective is
Qualitative Methods
● What skills do I need?

• Must have requisite knowledge and skills about

methodology, setting and nature of the issue.
• Must be familiar with own biases, assumptions,
expectations, and values.
• Must be empathic, intelligent, energetic, and interested
in listening
• Must be open to embracing multiple realities.
• Must be prepared to produce detailed, comprehensive,
and sometimes lengthy reports
Things that need to be considere
• Qualitative research quickly exhausts resources and time.
• Therefore, it is ideal to limit the amount of data collected.It's not the size
that matters, it's what you do with the data.
• Be very clear about the research focus.
• Write down your foggy ideas and then get more specific.
• Concentrate on most important issues and not others.
• Start writing specific questions you want to answer.
• Now get even more specific, reduce the additional info.
Why is qualitative research

Qualitative research allows researchers to describe and explain the social world. The exploratory nature of
qualitative research helps to generate hypotheses that can then be tested quantitatively. In qualitative research,
participants are able to express their thoughts, experiences, and feelings without constraint.Additionally,
researchers are able to follow up on participants’ answers in real-time, generating valuable discussion around a
topic. This enables researchers to gain a nuanced understanding of phenomena which is difficult to attain
using quantitative methods
1. Qualitative research can be a great way to understand the changing behavioral patterns of a specific group in a situation.
Human behavioral patterns vary from person to person, and qualitative research can help researchers understand these
changing patterns. It can change the business/clinical trial and help them better understand consumer needs.
2. Each study produces a unique output, and researchers are not limited to numerical results or quantitative research. If
researchers’ expectations are unmet, they can still benefit from the work as a new idea, which can also benefit the
consumers/subjects. But, if the results are not as per the researcher’s expectations, they use this to question the process,
which makes them
3. It allows the researchers to have a more extensive experiment, allowing them to speculate about everything in the area
they choose to experiment.
4. Qualitative research saves a lot of money as the smaller samples collected can help determine the future of the
product/service. It also reduces a lot of research costs
1. Qualitative research might save money, but it is time-consuming. Collecting individual samples takes up a lot of time and can
require multiple sessions to have a clear picture. Not only is collecting data time-consuming but sorting through the data and
landing at a conclusion is lengthy. But if the organization wants a bigger sample size, that may also be quite expensive.
2. This research is not fully accurate, as there is a chance that the subjects one chooses for sampling are of like mind, which is a
disadvantage for people who do not think like the subjects. For example, a group prefers winter over summer, and 90% of this
group participates during the sampling. As the majority votes will take, the results would look biased towards the majority.
3. Not only can the results come out biased, but there can also be a chance of a biased researcher, resulting in manipulations in the
output. It does not have to be an intentional manipulation but can also be subconscious.
4. The research does not provide certainty as the quantitative research shows in the form of numbers. Due to several individual
perspectives, it becomes difficult to land at a conclusion or understanding. There can be innumerable answers to the questions,
which leads to confusion and an incomprehension of the sampling
Qualitative research methods offer a robust framework for understanding complex
phenomena by delving into the subjective experiences and meanings of individuals within
their contexts. Through open-ended communication and multiple data collection
techniques such as interviews, observations, and document analysis, qualitative researchers
aim to uncover rich and nuanced insights. This approach prioritizes flexibility, reflexivity,
and critical analysis, often resulting in rigorous and insightful findings. Overall, qualitative
research plays a vital role in generating in-depth understanding and addressing complex
issues in various fields

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