Anti-Rabies Act of 2007 (Ra 9482) 2
Anti-Rabies Act of 2007 (Ra 9482) 2
Anti-Rabies Act of 2007 (Ra 9482) 2
(kA 9482)
ulLC MLMC8AnuuM Cl8CuLA8 201130 8L
S18lC1 lMLLMLn1A1lCn Cl 1PL An1l8A8lLS
AC1 Cl 2007
March 3 2011
S On Muy z, PresldenL Clorlu Mucuugul-
Arroyo slgned lnLo luw Lhe Anti-Rabies
Act of z) (Repub|ic Act qz), whlch
seeks Lo conLrol und ellmlnuLe humun und
unlmul rubles by encouruglng resonslble
eL ownershl und lnvolvlng Lhe exerLlse
of locul unlmul welfure orgunlzuLlons.
ormu|ation of Nationa| Rabies Prevention
andContro| Program to inc|ude activities on:
u. dog muss vucclnuLlon,
b. LsLubllshmenL und mulnLenunce of oundlng ureus for
sLruy und unvucclnuLed dogs,
c. LncourugemenL for resonslble eL ownershl,
d. LsLubllshmenL und mulnLenunce of cenLrul duLubuse
sysLem for vucclnuLed und reglsLered dogs
z. Creation of corresponding Mu|ti-5ectora|
Committee to undertake such program
# Appointment of Veterinary Officer and the
Creation of a Veterinary Office in every province
and city, in conformity with the LG Code of
q stab|ishment and maintenance of a Oog Pound
in every city and
c|ass municipa|ities, for
impounding of stray and unvaccinated dogs,
provided however, that other ad|oining
municipa|ities may form themse|ves to estab|ish
and maintain a Oog Pound
nsure that a|| dogs are proper|y immunized,
registered and issued corresponding dog tag
for every immunized and registered dog
z 5trict|y enforce dog impounding activities and
fie|d contro| to e|iminate stray dogs
# nsure that dogs are |eashed or confined
within the premises of the owner's house or
owner's fenced surroundings
q A||ocate funds to augment the
imp|ementation of the Nationa| Rabies
Prevention and Contro| Program, particu|ar|y
on the financing of supp|ies and human and
dog vaccines needed for immunization
# nsure the enforcement of 5ec # of RA q#
or the Anima| We|fare Act of
# nact additiona| |oca| ordinances that wi|| support the
Nationa| Rabies Prevention and Contro| Program that
shou|d inc|ude the regu|ation of treatment |oca||y
known as tandok"
) Prohibit the trade of dogs for meat
With respect to cities and first c|ass municipa|ities,
estab|ish and maintain Oog Pound hat the other
municipa|ities, sha||, on their own, estab|ish a Oog
Pound or opt to share the expense of estab|ishing and
maintaining a Oog Pound with other ad|oining LGUs
andjor with private she|ters and contro| faci|ities
Prohibit the use of e|ectrocution as a euthanasia
Appoint a veterinarian and estab|ish a veterinary
office in every province, city and first c|ass
municipa|ity Provided, that the other LGUs sha||, on
their own, opt to share the expense of having a
veterinary office and
Require pet shops to post information regarding
rabies and responsib|e pet ownership
(a) Have their Oog regu|ar|y vaccinated against rabies
and maintain a registration card which sha||
contain a|| vaccinations conducted on their dog,
for accurate record purposes
ule (u). 1he eL owner shull kee Lhe LCU lssued
reglsLruLlon curd conLulnlng Lhe ermunenL number,
hyslcul churucLerlsLlcs of Lhe dog lncludlng buL noL llmlLed
Lo uge, color, sex, breed, dlsLlngulshlng murks und oLhers.
ule (u)z. 1he reglsLruLlon curd shull be resenLed durlng
unnuul revucclnuLlon und when deemed necessury.
(a) Have their Oog regu|ar|y vaccinated
against rabies and maintain a
registration card which sha|| contain
a|| vaccinations conducted on their
dog, for accurate record purposes
8ule 3(a)3 1he reglsLraLlon card shall llkewlse conLaln all
rables vacclnaLlons conducLed on Lhelr uog 1he record
shall lndlcaLe Lhe reglsLraLlon number of Lhe dog daLe of
vacclnaLlon Lhe aLLendlng veLerlnarlan wlLh Lhe
correspondlng updaLed 8C llcense 1ln and 18 numbers
and shall be slgned by Lhe same
(b) 5ubmit their Oogs for mandatory registration
ule (b).. 1he eL owner shull renew Lhe reglsLruLlon
of Lhelr dogs wlLh Lhe LCU veLerlnury Servlces,
Munlclul AgrlculLure Offlces or urorluLe
governmenL offlce unnuully.
ule (c).. 1he lengLh of Lhe leush shull noL be more
Lhun . meLers ( feeL) und Lhe requlred dog Lug shull
be uLLuched Lo Lhe dog collurjhurness. Aggresslve dogs
shull be muzzled ln ubllc luces.
(b) 5ubmit their Oogs for mandatory
ule (c).z. 1he CommlLLee shull lssue guldellnes
on Lhe hundllng of dogs ln deslgnuLed dog ucLlvlLy
ule (c).. 1he owner shull be resonslble for Lhe
roer collecLlon und dlsosul of excreLujfeces.
(d) Be a responsib|e Owner by providing
their Oog with proper grooming,
adequate food and c|ean she|ter
ule (d).. PeL owners shull mulnLuln
good humun-unlmul reluLlonshl und
rovlde good heulLh munugemenL
rogrum for Lhelr dogs.
(e) Within twenty-four (zq) hours, report
immediate|y any Oog biting incident to
the Concerned Officia|s for investigation or
for any appropriate action and p|ace such
Oog under observation by a government
or private veterinarian
ule (e).. 1he dog shull noL be kllled or euLhunlzed
durlng Lhe observuLlon erlod of duys from Lhe
blLlng lncldenL.
(e) Within twenty-four (zq) hours, report immediate|y any
Oog biting incident to the Concerned Officia|s for
investigation or for any appropriate action and p|ace
such Oog under observation by a government or
private veterinarian
ule (e).. 1he dog shull noL be kllled or euLhunlzed
durlng Lhe observuLlon erlod of duys from Lhe blLlng
ule (e).z. Should Lhe dog dle durlng Lhe observuLlon
erlod, Lhe eL owner shull lmmedluLely submlL Lhe dog
for rubles luboruLory exumlnuLlon.
(e) Within twenty-four (zq) hours, report immediate|y any
Oog biting incident to the Concerned Officia|s for
investigation or for any appropriate action and p|ace
such Oog under observation by a government or
private veterinarian
ule (e).. UnvucclnuLed dogs blLLen by u conflrmed
rubld unlmul shull be euLhunlzed lmmedluLely und
dlsosed of roerly.
ule (e).. Logs blLLen by unoLher dog susecLed Lo be
rubld or of unknown sLuLus should be conflned und
mulnLulned under veLerlnury suervlslon for 6 monLhs.
(e) Within twenty-four (zq) hours, report immediate|y
any Oog biting incident to the Concerned Officia|s for
investigation or for any appropriate action and p|ace
such Oog under observation by a government or
private veterinarian
ule (e).. lf Lhe unlmul hus been vucclnuLed revlously
(und lLs vucclnuLlon cerLlflcuLe ls uvulluble) und cun be
ldenLlfled wlLh cerLulnLy (e.g. LuLLoo) lL should be
revucclnuLed lmmedluLely und conflned for uL leusL
duys. PosL-exosure vucclnuLlon of uncerLuln
effecLlveness should be dlscouruged.
(f) Assist the Oog bite victim immediate|y and
shou|der the medica| expenses incurred and
other incidenta| expenses re|ative to the
victim's in|uries
ule (f).. Humuns blLLen by dogs shull be rovlded
LreuLmenL by Lhe urorluLe governmenL or rlvuLe
medlcul rucLlLloner. Anlmuls blLLen by dogs shull be
rovlded LreuLmenL by Lhe urorluLe governmenL or
rlvuLe veLerlnury rucLlLloner.
. A flne of 1wo 1housund (Pz,.)
esos for fullure or refusul Lo huve
Lhelr dog reglsLered und lmmunlzed
ugulnsL rubles,
2 Llable Lo pay for Lhe vacclnaLlon
of boLh Lhe dog and Lhe
lndlvlduals blLLen by Lhelr dog
. A flne of 1en 1housund
(P,.) esos for
refusul Lo huve Lhelr dog
uL under observuLlon ufLer
suld dog hus blLLen un
. A flne of 1wenLy-llve 1housund (Pz,.) for
refusul Lo huve Lhelr dog uL under observuLlon und
fullure Lo shoulder Lhe medlcul exenses of Lhe
erson blLLen by Lhelr dog.
. A flne of llve Hundred (P.)
esos for refusul Lo uL Lhelr dogs
on leush when Lhey ure broughL
ouLslde Lhe house,
A flne of noL less Lhan llve
Pundred (30000) buL noL more
Lhan Cne 1housand (100000)
pesos for Lhe release of
lmpounded sLray dogs for clalmanL
#. A flne of noL less Lhun llve
1housund (P,.) esos er
dog und lmrlsonmenL of one () Lo
four () yeurs lf found gullLy of
Lrudlng dog for meuL,
A flne of noL less Lhan llve 1housand
(300000) pesos per acL and lmprlsonmenL
of one (1) Lo four (4) years lf found gullLy of
uslng elecLrocuLlon as a meLhod of
euLhanasla and
9 ueporLaLlon afLer servlce of senLence
wlLhouL any furLher proceedlng for allens
who commlLLed Lhe vlolaLlon
S Goa|: 1o declure Phllllnes us ubles-lree counLry by zz
S Genera| Ob|ectives:
. 1o declure rovlnces, clLles, munlclullLles und lslunds us free-rubles
z. 1o mulnLuln und susLuln Lhe rubles-free sLuLus of Lhe rovlnces, clLles,
munlclullLles 8 lslunds declured us rubles-free zones
S 5pecific Ob|ectives:
. 1o ldenLlfy rovlnces, clLles, munlclullLles, und lslunds ellglble for
decluruLlon us rubles-free zones.
z. 1o rovlde Lechnlcul und loglsLlc usslsLunce Lo LCUs on how Lo uLLuln
und mulnLuln ubles-lree Zone sLuLus
. 1o vullduLe und conflrm Lhe rubles-free sLuLus of ellglble rovlnces,
clLles, munlclullLles und lslunds, buse on Lhe crlLerlu seL by Lhe LOH und
LA-8ureuu of Anlmul lndusLry
. Locul ordlnunce on Lhe revenLlon und conLrol of rubles
z. Locullzed comrehenslve ubles PrevenLlon und LllmlnuLlon
. LnforcemenL of ull conLrol meusures Lo ellmlnuLe, desLroy, und
dlsose, sLruy dogs, us er exlsLlng ordlnunce
. All comonenLs of unlmul rubles revenLlon und conLrol LogeLher
wlLh Lhe unlmul blrLh conLrol rogrum musL be ln luce.
. Presence of Rabies Contro| Committee at a|| |eve|s: province,
city, municipa|ity and barangay
6. LffecLlve dog movemenL conLrol meusures
#. lnformuLlon, LducuLlon und CommunlcuLlon cumulgn on
resonslble eL ownershl
Chulrmun - Punong 8urunguy
vlce Chulrmun - Chulrmun, S8 CommlLLee on AgrlculLure
Co-vlce Chulrerson- Chulrmun, S8 CommlLLee on HeulLh
Members - Pollce Offlcer (Lo be deslgnuLed by Lhe
- LxecuLlve Offlcer, 8urunguy 1unod
- Publlc School Heud
- Mldwlfe
- z NCO eresenLuLlve
- Munlclul veLerlnurlun
. lormuluLe u Locullzed Comrehenslve ubles PrevenLlon und LllmlnuLlon
z. Lnsure ull dogs ure reglsLered uL Lhe uge of monLhs und ubove,
. Lnsure ull dogs ure vucclnuLed ugulnsL rubles uL Lhe uge of monLhs und
every yeur LhereufLer,
. 1uke churge of Lhe conLrol of sLruy dogs und cuLs und Lhe mulnLenunce of u
burunguy dog ound,
. AsslsL unlmul blLe vlcLlms,
6. Lnsure conflnemenL und leushlng of blLlng unlmuls urLlculurly dogs und cuLs
for observuLlon by u llcensed veLerlnurlun for duys,
#. MulnLuln uccuruLe records of Lhe rogress of Lhe lmlemenLuLlon of rubles
revenLlon und conLrol luw,
. CoordlnuLe wlLh rogrum urLners regurdlng Lhe lmlemenLuLlon of Lhe
ubles-lree CommunlLy, und
. Lxerclse such oLher owers us muy be necessury und urorluLe.
1he CommlLLee shull meeL regulurly once u monLh or us
ofLen us muy be necessury, on Lhe duLe, luce und Llme,
declded uon by Lhe mu|orlLy of ull members of Lhe
CommlLLee durlng Lhe lnuugurul meeLlng.
1he 8urunguy CovernmenL shull seL uslde un umounL LhuL
shull suorL Lhe udmlnlsLruLlve und oeruLlon
requlremenLs of Lhe rubles conLrol rogrum buL ln no cuse
shull Lhe umounL be less Lhun esos (Ph
AS CI September 2011
of Vetmed
ILC on
pet ownersh|p
of Dog ound
Conduct of
Act|v|t|es of
Stray Dogs
Comp||ance w|th
An|ma| We|fare
1 AL1AvAS !8es no
11s 1999
nA ! ! ! 0 ! !
2 8ALL1L ! nA ! x ! x ! !
3 8AnCA ! nA ! ! ! ! ! !
4 8A1An ! nA ! x ! x ! !
3 8u8uAnCA
x nA ! x ! x ! !
l8A!A? ! nA ! x ! x ! !
7 kALl8C
ConLrol 9047
!(ura !anna
8ose Menez)
ound 2002
!(490 dogs) !
LLZC ! nA ! x ! x ! !
!(200203 nA ! x !(14 dogs) x !
10 MAuALAC no 8eporL
11 MAkA1C
!Crd 09313 nA ! !Crd 0224
! ! !
12 MALA? ! x ! ! ! ! ! !
13 MALlnAC
! nA ! ! !(32 dogs) ! ! !
14 nA8AS ! nA ! x ! x x !
no 8eporL
1 nuMAnClA
!8es no 313
A s 2004
nA ! ! ! x ! !
17 1AnCALAn
! nA ! ! ! ! !(100000) !