Asphalt Pavement Laydown and Compaction
Asphalt Pavement Laydown and Compaction
Asphalt Pavement Laydown and Compaction
Picture of
Compaction of the asphalt mat, typically, has more
affect on the life of the pavement than any other
item in asphalt construction.
Adequate Compaction
Helps Reduce or Retard….
Fatigue Cracking
Binder Oxidation
Moisture Damage
Thermal Cracking
Fatigue Cracking
Asphalt Binder Oxidation -
Moisture Damage
Adequate compaction will help minimize
the infiltration of water.
Thermal Cracking
Mixture Items that Affect Compaction
Mixture Properties
– Voids
– Asphalt Binder Content
1 3 5 7 9
Cover Paver Width
1 1 3 5 7 9
Number Passes to
2 0 1 2 3 4
3 0 1 1 2 3
4 0 1 1 1 2
Impact Spacing
Joint Compaction
Compaction of the Longitudinal Joint is the Weak Link in
the Paving Process
Steel Rollers may Tend to Bridge from the Cold Mat and
this May Impede Compaction Right at the Joint. A
Pneumatic Roller will be More Effective in Reducing this
allows allows
time time
Air/Base Mat Thickness 1 inch Mat Thickness 2 inch Mat Thickness 3 inch
(Values determined using “Pave Cool”. Sky overcast. Wind speed 15 mph)
Paver Operations
Paver Operations
The primary objective of the paver is to place a
bituminous mixture on the roadway, in a manner
that results in mat that has an even distribution of
temperature, thickness and pre-compaction, in
both the longitudinal and transverse directions.
Mix Placement Concerns
Mn/DOT 2350 and Mn/DOT 2360 are hereby deleted from the Mn/DOT Standard Specifications
and replaced with the attached Combined 2360/2350 (Gyratory/Marshall Design)
S-135.1 Mix Designation Numbers for the bituminous mixtures on this Project are as follows:
The Designer needs to fill in the numbers here. Examples of what is needed are:
S-135.2 Mix Designations for bituminous mixtures contain the following information:
(1) The first two digits indicate the mixture design type:
MV = Medium Volume, LV = Low Volume
(4) The sixth and seventh digit indicates the Marshall design blows:
50 blow design for both LV and MV mixtures
(5) The last two digits indicate the air void requirement.
35 = 3.5% air voids (for MV only), 30 = 3.0% air voids (for LV only).
(6) The letter after the mix designation identifies the performance grade of asphalt cement.
A = PG 52 - 34
B = PG 58 - 28
C = PG 58 - 34
D = PG 58 - 40
E = PG 64 - 28
F = PG 64 - 34
G = PG 64 - 40
H = PG 70 - 28
I = PG 70 - 34
L = PG 64 - 22
The Designer needs to let Special Provisions know how pavement smoothness will be evaluated.
S-135.4 Pavement smoothness requirements of 2360.7C will not apply on this Project. The requirements
of 2360.7B (Straight edge specification) will apply.
1. Percent passing on sieves listed in Table 2360.2-E and the following sieves: 1.18 mm
(#16), 0.600 mm (#30), 0.300 mm (#50), and 0.150 mm (#100). The test results for these
additional sieves may be included on the daily Test Summary Sheet or on a separate
Summary Sheet. If the test results for the additional sieves are recorded on a separate
Summary Sheet, the test results must be identified such that there is a direct and easy
correlation with the test results of the sieves listed in Table 2360.2-E and the other
mixture property tests for that sample.
Payment for the accepted quantities of asphalt mixture used in each course at the Contract prices
per unit of material shall be compensation in full for all costs of constructing the asphalt surfacing
as specified, including the costs of furnishing and incorporating any asphalt binder, mineral filler,
hydrated lime, or anti-stripping additives that may be permitted or required.
If the Marshall design density at the recommended or established asphalt content is in excess of
2565 kg/m 3 [160 pounds per cubic foot], payment for mixture will be calculated at the following
percent of the contracted unit price.
In the absence of Contract items covering shoulder surfacing and other special construction, the
accepted quantities of material used for these purposes will be included for payment with the
wearing course materials.
The Contractor is responsible to complete yield checks and monitor thickness determinations so
that the constructed dimensions correspond with the required Plan dimensions throughout the
entire length of the project. The tolerances for lift thickness shown in 2360.7A and B, Thickness
and Surface Smoothness Requirement is for occasional variations and not for continuous over-
running or under-running, unless Ordered or Authorized by the Engineer.
S-135.7 Payment for the item of asphalt mixture production at the Contract unit price of mixture produced
shall be compensation in full for all costs of producing the mixture and loading it on board the
Department's trucks at the mixing plant. The provisions of Mn/DOT 1903 are modified to the
extent that the Department will not make a price adjustment in the event of increased or decreased
quantities of asphalt mixture items. Payment for plant mixed asphalt surface will be made on the
basis of the following schedule:
Item No. Item Unit
2350.501 Type (1) (2) Wearing Course Mixture ((4))...............................................................metric ton [ton]
2350.502 Type (1)(2) Non Wearing Course Mixture ((4)) ........................................................metric ton [ton]
2350.503 Type (1)(2)(3) Course Mixture ((4)), (5) mm (inch) thick .................... square meter [square yard]
2350.504 Type (1)(2)(3) Course Mixture ((4)) ................................................................... [square yard inch]
2350.505 Type (1)(2) Bituminous Mixture for Specified Purpose.............................................metric ton [ton]
2350.506 Type (1)(2) Bituminous Mixture Production...............................................…..….....metric ton [ton]
REVISED m odified
SPEC. YEAR "2004"
S.P. 2352-121 HWY. 99
CONTRACTOR: w orlds best paving PAVED 6/15/2003 CORED 6/15/2003 T O N T YP E ENGLISH