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Noise Pollution (1) Deepu .

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Noise pollution


Noise pollution

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

About pollution

 Pollution is introduction of harmful materials into the environment .these harmful materials are called
pollutants . pollutants can be natural ,such as volcanic ash . They can also be created by human activity
such as trash or runoff produced by factories .pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and land .
 Many things that are useful to people produce pollution . Cars spew pollutants from their exhaust pipes .
Burning coal to create electricity pollutes the air . Industries and homes generate garbage and sewage tha
can pollute the land and water . Pesticides – Chemical poisons used to kill weeds and insects – seep into
waterway and harm wildlife .
 All living things – from one –celled microbes to blue whales – depend on Earth’s supply of air and
water . When these resources are polluted ,all form of life are threatened.
 Pollution is a global problem . Although urban areas are usually more polluted than the countryside,
pollution can spread to remote places where no people live. For example, pesticides and other chemical
have been found in the antarctic ice sheet . In the middle of the northen pacifics ocean ,a huge collection
of microscopic plastic particles forms what is know as the GREAT PACIFIC GARBAGE PATCH
Types of pollution
 Air pollution
 Water poll
 Thermal pollution
 Land pollution
 Noise pollution
 Light pollution
 Radiation pollution
 Sewage
 Solid waste
Introduction of noise pollution

 Noise pollution is significant environmental issue that affects millions of

people worldwide . It refers to the excessive or unpleasant sound that
disrupt our daily lives , causing various health and social problems. From
the roar of traffic and construction sites to the incessant hum of machinery,
noise pollution is growing concern in both urban and suburban areas .
Exposure to high levels of noise can have serious consequences , including
hearing loss, stress , sleep disturbance, and decreased productivity .
Prolonged exposure to noise can also lead to cardiovascular issues, such as
high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease . Noise pollution
is not just an annoyance; it is a public health concern that requires attention
and action from both individuals and policymakers.
Definition of noise pollution

We know that a sound is a form of energy

sometimes the sound can be soothing to
listen to and , at times , loud to hear . Sound
can travel in the air and is produced by the
vibration of objects . Regular exposure to a
higher sound level that impacts humans and
other living organisms is known as sound
What is noise pollution
 The word noise is derived from the Latin word ‘Nausea’ ,
which mean sickness in which one feels the need to
vomit. Noise is the unpleasant and undesirable sound
which leads to discomfort in human beings . The
intensity of sound is measured in decibels
(dB). The faintest sound that the human ear can hear is
1Db. Due to increasing noise around the civilizations ,
noise pollution has become a matter of concern . Some
of its major causes are vehicles , aircraft , industrial
machines , loudspeakers, crackers , etc. when used at
high volume , some other appliances also contribute to
noise pollution , like television, transistor, radio , etc .
Ear diagram

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

Data 2016

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

Types of noise pollution

Following are the three types of pollution :

1) Transport Noise
2) Neighbourhood Noise
3) Industrial Noise
Transport Noise
Itmainly consists of traffic noise
which has increased in recent years
with the increase in the number of
vehicles. The increase in noise
pollution leads to deafening of
older people , headache ,
hypertension, etc.
Neighbourhood Noise

The noise from gadgets ,

household utensils etc. some of
the main sources are musical
instruments , transistors ,
loudspeakers, etc
Industrial Noise
It is the high – intensity sound
which is caused by heavy
industrial machines . According
to many researches , industrial
noise pollution damages the
hearing ability to around 20%
Causes and sources of noise
Following are causes and sources of noise pollution:
1) Industrialisation : Industrialisation has led use of heavy machinery such
as generators , mills , huge exhaust fans are used , resulting in the
production of unwanted noise .
2) Vehicles : Increased number of vehicles on the roads are the second
reason for noise pollution .
3) Events : Weddings , public gatherings involve loudspeakers to play
music resulting in the production of unwanted noise in the
neighbourhood .
4) Construction sites : Mining construction of buildings , etc add to the
noise pollution .
Noise pollution example

Following are the example of noise pollution

1) Unnecessary usage of horns
2) Using loudspeaker either for religious function or
for political purposes
3) Unnecessary usage of fireworks
4) Industrial noise
5) Construction noise
6) Noise form transportation such as railway and
Effects of noise pollution on
human health
Noise pollution can be hazardous to human health in the following ways :
1) Hypertension : it is the direct result of noise pollution which is caused due to
elevated blood levels for a longer duration .
2) Hearing loss : constant exposure of human ears to loud noise that are beyond
the range of sound that human ears can withstand damages the eardrums,
resulting in loss of hearing .
3) Sleeping disorder : lack of sleep might result in fatigue and low energy level
throughout the day affecting every day activities . Noise pollution hampers the
sleep cycles leading to irritation and an uncomfortable state of mind .
4) Cardiovascular issues : Heart –related problems such as blood pressure level ,
stress and cardiovascular diseases might come up in a normal person and a
person suffering from any of these diseases might feel a sudden shoot up in the
level .
Environmental impacts of noise
 Noise pollution not only affects human health , but it also has significant
environmental impacts. The disruption of natural soundscapes can have severe
consequences for wildlife , particularly sensitive species that rely on acoustic
communication for mating , hunting , and navigation . The intrusion of human –
generated noise into natural habitats can lead to increased stress levels,
altered behaviour ,and even reproductive failure in many animal species .
 Additionally , noise pollution can have cascading effects on entire ecosystems .
The disturbances of natural sound patterns can disrupt the delicate balance of
predator –prey relationships , alter migration patterns, and interfere with the
ability of animals to detect important auditory cues. This , in tum , can lead to
a decline in biodiversity and the disruption of essential ecosystem services,
such as pollination and seed dispersal .
 Moreover, noise pollution can also have indirect environmental impacts such as
the increased use of energy for sound proofing and mitigation measures , as
well as the environmental costs associated with the production and disposal of
noise –reducing materials . Addressing the environmental impacts of noise
pollution is crucial for maintaining the health and resilience of our natural
ecosystems .
Prevention of noise pollution

 Some noise pollution preventive measures are provided in the

points below .
1) Honking in public places like teaching institutes , hospitals ,
etc. should be banned .
2) In commercial , hospital , and industrial buildings ,adequate
soundproof systems should be installed .
3) Musical instruments’ sound should be controlled to desirable
limits .
4) Dense tree cover is useful in noise pollution prevention .
5) Explosives should not be used in forest , mountainous and
mining areas .
Thank YOU …..

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