Lect 13 DM
Lect 13 DM
Lect 13 DM
Universität Mannheim – Bizer: Web Usage Mining – FFS2015 (Version: 19.2.2015) – Slide 24
Paradigms of Recommender Systems
1. User’s Perspective
Recommend me items that I like and did not know about.
Accident of finding something good
while not specifically searching for it.
2. Merchant’s Perspective
Increase sales of high-revenue items.
Collaborative Filtering
use the "wisdom of the crowd" to recommend items
Basic Assumptions
Users give ratings to catalog items (implicitly or explicitly)
Customers who had similar tastes in the past, will have similar
tastes in the future
Model-based approaches
based on an offline pre-processing or "model-learning" phase
at run-time, only the learned model is used to make predictions
models are updated / re-trained periodically
A large variety of techniques is used
1. Item-based Collaborative Filtering
2. Using Association Rules for Recommendations
3. Probabilistic Methods
4. Matrix Factorization Techniques
Item-based Collaborative Filtering
Calculating Item-to-Item Similarity
Making Predictions
End of Lecture