Lect 13 DM

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In preparation of these slides, materials have been taken from

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Recommender Systems
Recommender Systems

 Recommender Systems (RS) help to match users with items

 ease information overload
 sales assistance (guidance, advisory…)

 Recommender Systems can be seen as a function

 Given:
- User model (e.g. ratings, preferences, demographics,
situational context)
- Items (with or without description of item characteristics)
 Find:
- Relevance score. Used for determining Top-K items.

 Concrete system design depends

 on availability of exploitable data
 implicit and explicit user feedback
 domain characteristics
Application Domains of Recommender Systems

 Which digital camera should I buy?

 Which movie should I rent?
 Which web sites will I find interesting?
 Which book should I buy for my next vacation?
 Which is the best investment for my retirement money?

Universität Mannheim – Bizer: Web Usage Mining – FFS2015 (Version: 19.2.2015) – Slide 24
Paradigms of Recommender Systems

Collaborative: "Tell me what's popular

among my peers"

User–Item Rating Matrix

Item1 Item2
Alice 5 ?
User1 3 1
User2 4 3
Paradigms of Recommender Systems

Content-based: "Show me more of the

same what I've liked"
Paradigms of Recommender Systems

Hybrid: Combinations of various inputs

and/or composition of different
When does a Recommender do a good Job?

1. User’s Perspective
 Recommend me items that I like and did not know about.
 Accident of finding something good
while not specifically searching for it.

2. Merchant’s Perspective
 Increase sales of high-revenue items.
Collaborative Filtering

 The most prominent approach to generate recommendations

 used by large e-commerce sites
 applicable in many domains (book, movies, DVDs, ..)

 Approach
 use the "wisdom of the crowd" to recommend items

 Basic Assumptions
 Users give ratings to catalog items (implicitly or explicitly)
 Customers who had similar tastes in the past, will have similar
tastes in the future

 Input: Matrix of given user–item ratings

 Output types
1. (Numerical) prediction indicating to what degree the current user will
like or dislike a certain item
2. Top-K list of recommended items
User-Based Nearest-Neighbor Collaborative Filtering
User-Based Nearest-Neighbor Collaborative Filtering

 Some first questions

1. How do we measure user similarity?
2. How many neighbors should we consider?
3. How do we generate a prediction from the neighbors' ratings?

Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5

Alice 5 3 4 4 ?
User1 3 1 2 3 3
User2 4 3 4 3 5
User3 3 3 1 5 4
User4 1 5 5 2 1
Measuring User Similarity
Example: Pearson Correlation
Making Predictions
Memory-based and Model-based Approaches

 User-based CF is said to be "memory-based"

 the rating matrix is directly used to find neighbors / make predictions
 does not scale for most real-world scenarios as large e-commerce
sites have tens of millions of customers and 10,000s of items

 Model-based approaches
 based on an offline pre-processing or "model-learning" phase
 at run-time, only the learned model is used to make predictions
 models are updated / re-trained periodically
 A large variety of techniques is used
1. Item-based Collaborative Filtering
2. Using Association Rules for Recommendations
3. Probabilistic Methods
4. Matrix Factorization Techniques
Item-based Collaborative Filtering
Calculating Item-to-Item Similarity
Making Predictions
End of Lecture

Lecture Slides Taken From:

Tutorial: Recommender System
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Dietmar Jannach, Gerhard Friedrich
Association Rules


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