Post Operative Complications
Post Operative Complications
Post Operative Complications
Ashru Neupane
● To know about common complications in postoperative period
● To know about cardiovascular complications and its management
● To know about respiratory complications and its management
● To know about PACU
Post operative complications
● Cardiovascular complications
● Respiratory complications
● Renal complications
● Metabolic complications
● Incidental trauma
● Skeletal muscle
● Hypothermia and shivering
● Hyperthermia
● Persistent sedation/Delayed Emergence
● Altered mental status
● Postoperative nausea and vomiting
Circulatory complications
Causes- hypovolemia, left ventricular dysfunction, or excessive arterial vasodilation.
● Noxious stimulation from incisional pain
● endotracheal intubation
● bladder distention
● preoperative discontinuation of antihypertensive medication
● neuroendocrine stress response to surgery or increased sympathetic tone
● Fluid overload or intracranial hypertension
● Mild hypertension- No treatment
● Marked hypertension can precipitate postoperative bleeding, myocardial
ischemia, heart failure, or intracranial hemorrhage- so good control is needed.
● Control pain and potential bladder distention
● Mild to moderate elevations- IV labetalol , ACE inhibitor,a calcium channel
● Marked hypertension in patients with limited cardiac reserve-intra arterial
pressure monitoring and IV infusion of nitroprusside, nitroglycerin, nicardipine,
clevidipine, or fenoldopam.
● Respiratory disturbances- hypoxemia, hypercarbia, and acidosis.
● Residual effects from anesthetic agents
● increased sympathetic nervous system activity
● other metabolic abnormalities,
● preexisting cardiac or pulmonary disease
● residual effects of cholinesterase inhibitors
● opioids
● β-adrenergic blockers.
● pain
● hypovolemia
● fever
● anticholinergic agent
● βagonist
Premature atrial and ventricular beats causes-
● hypokalemia
● hypomagnesemia
● increased sympathetic tone
● myocardial ischemia.
● Heavy smoking, obesity, sleep apnea, severe asthma, and COPD increase
the risk of postoperative ventilatory events.
Inadequate postoperative ventilation
Suspect when-
● Respiratory acidemia occurs coincident with tachypnea, anxiety, dyspnea,
labored ventilation, or increased sympathetic nervous system activity
● Hypercarbia reduces the arterial pH below 7.30
● PaCO2 progressively increases with a progressive decrease in arterial pH.
Inadequate respiratory drive
● Residual effects of anesthetics agent may blunt the ventilatory responses.
Sedatives add on to depression from opioids or anesthetics and reduce the
conscious desire to ventilate.
● Treatment- If excess hypoventilation from opioids then forced arousal and careful
titration of IV naloxone reverses respiratory depression without affecting analgesia.
● Flumazenil directly reverses depressant effects of benzodiazepines on ventilatory
Increase upper airway resistance.
● obstruction in the pharynx (posterior tongue displacement)
● change in AP/ lateral dimensions from soft tissue collapse.
● Larynx (laryngospasm, laryngeal edema)
● Large airways (extrinsic compression from hematoma, tumor, or tracheal
Patients with high V·D/V·T are at greater risk for postoperative ventilatory failure.
● Pulmonary embolization
● Decreased cardiac output
● Irreversible increases in ARDS related to sepsis, TRALI, or hypoxia
Increased CO2 production
During anesthesia, CO2 production falls to approximately 60% of the normal 2 to 3
mL/kg/min as hypothermia lowers metabolic activity and neuromuscular relaxation
reduces tonic muscle contraction.
During recovery, metabolic rate and CO2 production can increase by 40%. High
C02 -
● Shivering
● High work of breathing
● Infection
● sympathetic nervous system activity
● rapid carbohydrate metabolism
● Malignant hyperthermia
Inadequate postoperative oxygenation
● PaO2 is the best indicator.
● pulse oximetry has less information on alveolar-arterial gradients.
● Adequate arterial oxygenation does not mean that cardiac output, arterial
perfusion pressure, or distribution of blood flow will maintain tissue
● Sepsis, hypotension, anemia, or hemoglobin dissociation abnormalities can
generate tissue ischemia despite adequate oxygenation.
● A PaO2 below 65 to 70 mmHg causes significant hemoglobin desaturation,
although tissue oxygen delivery might be maintained at lower levels.
● Treatment-Maintaining PaO2 between 80 and 100 mmHg (saturation 93% to
97%) ensures adequate oxygen availability.
● During mechanical ventilation, a PaO2 above 80 mmHg with 0.4 FiO2 and 5-
cm H2O PEEP, CPAP or spontaneous breathing trial predicts sustained
adequate oxygenation after extubation.
Obstructive sleep apnea
● Causes -Hypersomnolence, decreased ability to concentrate, increased
irritability, as well as aggressive and distractible behavior in children.
● May cause episodic oxygen desaturation, hypercarbia,cardiac dysfunction.
● Mild OSA apnea–hypopnea index 5–14 events/hour,Moderate-15–29 events/
hour, Severe OSA>30 events/hour.
● Postoperative management concerns include analgesia, oxygenation, patient
positioning, and monitoring. Regional anesthesia with minimal sedation is
best for recovery vs use of opioids. Supplemental oxygen immediately post
op. CPAP or NIV should continue.
● In PACU patients placed on room air, 30% of patients younger than 1 year of
age, 20% aged 1 to 3 years, 14% aged 3 to 14 years, and 7.8% of adults had
hemoglobin saturations fall below 90%, with many falling below 85% .
● Monitoring with pulse oximetry is essential throughout the PACU.
● Patients with lung disease or obesity, those recovering from thoracic or upper
abdominal procedures, and those with preoperative hypoxemia are at risk.
● Supplemental oxygen should be administered only to patients at high risk of
hypoxemia or with low SpO2 readings.
● supplemental oxygen be administered in the PACU during initial recovery and
perhaps during transport to the PACU.
Perioperative aspiration
● Depression of airway reflexes places patients at risk for intraoperative
pulmonary aspiration that may manifest in the PACU, or for aspiration during
● Aspiration of gastric contents,of clear oral secretions during induction, face
mask ventilation, or emergence is common.
● Cough, mild tracheal irritation, or transient laryngospasm are immediate
sequelae, a large Volume aspiration -infection, small airway obstruction, or
pulmonary edema.
● Aspirated “sterile” blood causes minor airway obstruction but is rapidly
cleared by mucociliary transport, resorption, and phagocytosis.
● Massive blood aspiration or aspiration of clots obstructs airways, interferes
with oxygenation
● Complications are often localized and treated with antibiotics and supportive
care once the foreign matter is expelled or removed.
Post anesthesia care unit
● Near OT ,open ward design
● Proximity to radiographic, laboratory, and other intensive care facilities on the
same floor.
● Well lit room and large enough, easy access to for infusion pumps,
● Minimum of 7 ft between beds and 120 sq ft per Patient.
● Multiple electrical outlets, including at least one with backup emergency
power, and at least one outlet each for oxygen and suction, should be present
at each bed space.
● Pulse oximetry (SpO2), electrocardiogram (ECG), and automated noninvasive
blood pressure (NIBP) monitors are mandatory for each patient.
● Appropriate equipment must be available for those patients with intraarterial,
central venous, pulmonary artery, or intracranial pressure monitoring.
● Capnography
● Mercury or electronic thermometers.
● forced-air warming device, heating lamp, or a warming/cooling.
● Own supplies of basic and emergency equipment, including airway equipment
and supplies, such as oxygen cannulas, a selection of masks, oral and nasal
airways, laryngoscopes, endotracheal tubes, LMAs, a cricothyrotomy kit, and
self-inflating bags for ventilation.
● Respiratory therapy equipment for aerosol bronchodilator treatments,
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), and ventilators should be in
close proximity to the recovery room. A difficult airway equipment and
supplies cart with a bronchoscope and a video laryngoscope.
● A supply of catheters for venous, arterial, and central venous cannulation.
● A defibrillation device with transcutaneous pacing capabilities, and an
emergency cart with drugs and supplies for advanced life support
● Transvenous pacing catheters; pulse generators; and tracheostomy, chest
tube, and vascular cut-down trays are typically present, depending on the
surgical patient population.
● Point-of-care ultrasonography
● Expertise in airway management and advanced cardiac life support, and
problems relating to wound care, drainage catheters, and postoperative
● Anaesthesiologist should be immediately available.
● The management of the patient in the PACU should reflect a coordinated
effort involving qualified anesthesia , surgeons, nurses, respiratory therapists.
● The anesthesia team emphasizes management of analgesia, airway, cardiac,
pulmonary, and metabolic problems, whereas the surgical team problem
related to surgery .
● A ratio of one recovery nurse for two patients.
Thank you